
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Media and Moral Panic

Media is the main revenue of mass communication. The media plays a variety of roles in social club its main responsibility is that of providing information. As unbroken consumers and users of this information the relevance to the majority of members in the wider community inclusive of teachers and students is critical. The media positions us as the audience to take a particular viewpoint of a topic, contract or problem that is evident in our society.To what extent though does this role as information provider influence deterrent example dread? Moral panic refers to the exaggerated social response to media coverage of a sporadic episode that consequently turns it into a widespread issue and causes extensive concern in society (Cohen, 1987). The media has a tendency to manipulate populate by amplifying the facts and truths and using multiple camera techniques to surround a throng/individual and outcast them in society, thus labeling them the other. Othering is closely connect to discrimination as it consists of the objectification of another person or group which puts divagation and ignores the complexity and subjectivity of the individual/s. Teachers and students must construct their own fellowship about media coverage and infrastand that at times the media amplifies issues of concern by stereotyping and excluding particular members of society. A certain structure exists in society, if groups/individuals step after-school(prenominal) of the boundaries, society categorises them as others and excludes them from the majority.After this occurrence on that point ar two options that exist to either accept the exclusion or conform to societal norms and growth to the inclusion. It is vital to understand the effect that bullying, discrimination and the mass media have on these groups/individuals and realise that some students in your classroom may fall under these categories. Therefore it is in our power as teachers, to inform and position students to b e critically literate consumers of the media, to ensure they are fitting to bestow a critical perspective towards texts.Due to the fact that the media plays a massive role in students everyday lives in the 21st century it is vital that educators engage students in pedagogical experiences that teach them to become critically literate readers. Students could start by developing an reasonableness of the indicators of moral panic which are 1. Concern the issue is at a sensitive level and affects ones feelings on a personal level. 2. Hostility increased level of antagonism towards those complicated in the threat or panic. 3. Consensus a general agreement among society that a threat actually exists. . Disproportionality the problem is exaggerated and amplified to create existence concern. 5. Volatility erupts suddenly and almost as quickly then subsides or disappears. (Goode & Ben-Yehuda, 1994). Developing an understanding of these indicators gives students a solid foundation to be able to critically analyse the texts they observe and hear to make an informed purpose about the information they are receiving. Students must also have an understanding of the indicators of Disproportionality so they are able to critically analyse the texts they are viewing.They must be able to identify when figures are exaggerated, figures are fabricated altogether, where there are other harmful conditions in society but they are not getting mass coverage and the changes over time (Critcher, 2006). It after part have a detrimental effect in students understanding if they are not presented the tools to be critical readers of texts. In conclusion, it is completely important and germane(predicate) to teachers and their students to have a critical understanding of the relationship between the media and moral panic because.

Wal-Mart Ethics Case

Wal-Mart is the bountifulst grocery orbit in the world, spot largest company on Fortunes 500 2012 list, and the largest employer in nitrogen America. Wal-Mart is faced with many quandarys and issues that can be expected of much(prenominal) a large and imposing organization. These problems include environmental issues, employees issues, loss leadership issues, supplier issues and creating an uncompetitive market. This is not an exhaustive list, and Wal-Mart has early(a) dilemmas as intumesce, entirely this musical theme pull up stakes c at a timentrate on the issues involving Wal-Mart interaction with employees and the problems Wal-Mart faces with them.Wal-Mart employees transaction gull been a dilemma for various reasons. unitary reason is that Wal-Mart has been criticized for not passing a decent wage or providing abundant benefits. An another(prenominal) issue that Wal-Mart has with employee relations is Wal-Marts stance as not al number 1ing any unions in Wal-Mart stores. Wal-Mart has in like manner faced problems with discrimination and the allowed hiring of illegal immigrants. exclusively of these atomic number 18 a dilemma for Wal-Mart because it is such a large employer and is well respected by other employers.This puts Wal-Mart in a corporate leadership position and the way in which Wal-Mart handles notes with employees is glanceed by other corporations as potential solutions to their employee problems. This is also dilemma for Wal-Mart because it is such a large employer and its decisions affect a gravid number of people. Wal-Mart employs over 1. 4 million people in the United States alone, encompassing 1% of the U. S. prevail aim. At the similar time Wal-Mart indirect requests to remain the low-monetary value leader in the grocery and box stores market.The conflicting forces that Wal-Mart must try to counterbalance be maintaining their leadership aspect while maintaining healthy relationships with employees and clients. There argon many stakeholders bafflingal in this dilemma. These stakeholders include Wal-Marts employees, Wal-Mart customers, Wal-Marts competitors, and the unions. All of these stakeholders have the ability to influence decision restoreing employee welf ar, within the organization, as well as being influenced by those decisions. The first stakeholder mentioned is the employees for Wal-Mart.Employees ar considered supportive stakeholder for the well-nigh part, although they can also be considered mixed. This stakeholder is important because Wal-Mart employees so many people, barely it is also important because Wal-Mart wishes to stay competitive in the market place. One way to stay competitive is by recruiting good and fleshyworking employees who ar invested and engaged in their work. Otherwise the employee retention will be low, and the work performed will be substandard. This stakeholder is important also because Wal-Marts temperament and perpetration to low prices.One wa y to maintain low prices is by maintaining costs that lease these low prices. One way to hold off costs down is to halt wages down and proffer lower costing benefits. At the same time, one significant way to retain employees and ensure they are invested in their work environment is by paying them fair wages and providing native benefits. Wal-Mart employees are also an important stakeholder because Wal-Mart has developed a reputation as being discriminatory in their hiring practices and use of illegal workers.This is important for Wal-Mart, because once again a negative reputation can make it hard to recruit and retain workers. It is also important because a negative reputation can spur litigation and lawsuits that can be initially around costly and end up becoming a burdensome expense, as out of court settlements tend to large. These legal proceedings also compile new headlines and the negative universeity can negatively affect sales, and recruiting efforts. The payoff of t hese problems can also embolden the unions who want to break into and unionize Wal-Marts employees.The problem with illegal aliens being used in the work force is a dilemma not only because Wal-Mart can face the cost of fines for breaking the law, but also because Wal-Mart already has a reputation as being bad for the American worker. It has been shown that Wal-Mart is the reason that some companies that supply Wal-Mart with goods, have moved their manufacturing overseas to keep labor and production costs down, and to be better able to maintain their supplier relationship with Wal-Mart. This has caused the loss of jobs in the United States, with the perception that Wal-Mart has no concern about the American worker.Wal-Mart victimisation illegal workers could be perceive as Wal-Mart being only relate about manner of speaking capital, and once again denying American workers from jobs. This is also looked on negatively in the current political environment where illegal workers are such a hot topic and unemployment is high. Another stakeholder in these situations is the Wal-Mart customer. The Wal-Mart customer is considered supportive, and Wal-Mart tries to keep it this way. The customer is an important stakeholder because essentially they are the reason that Wal-Mart exists.Wal-Mart essentially provides the facility of easing customer access to goods and services. Customers have a survival of the fittest in this very competitive market environment and can chance on the same goods and services elsewhere, as Wal-Mart offers few exclusives on either of these. Wal-Mart does provide a presumed lower cost marketplace, and will match cost of competitors which is viewed as desirable traits from consumers. Still consumers will not continue to patronize organizations they touch sensation are mistreating their employees and are using discriminatory practices in hiring and advancement.Wal-Mart has to maintain a reputation as being a good employer that has genuine con cern about it employees and that is also dedicated in being fair in its labor practices. Otherwise customers will go elsewhere for their goods and services, point if they pay a little to a greater extent. Consumers will no longer support companies that they detect are lacking in proper ethics, because the consumer feels that it will only be a matter of time before the company manages to treat them unfairly.Current consumers are especially proficient at the decision between saving money with one company, and supporting a more sustainable company even if it means spending more. This proficiency comes from facing this decision on a daily basis, and the ease of accessing information. So far, even with some well air discriminatory cases, Wal-Mart has been able to retain a strong customer ass. Consumers will tend to give companies some benefit of a doubt, especially when it comes to saving money, but this cannot be viewed as a reason to willfully listless in employee hiring practices .After all, a consumer boycott is only one corporate scandalisation away. Therefore, the customers can be considered the nigh important stakeholder, because without them Wal-Mart would cease operations. Another stakeholder involved in this case are Wal-Marts competitors, like Target, Kmart, Home Depot, and so on , who look at Wal-Mart as a leader in their market. Wal-Mart competitors are neutral because they are more concerned with their own operations than with Wal-Marts operations.The decisions that Wal-Mart makes concerning their employees are seen as opportunities to exploit or as problems. These decisions could be opportunities because decisions make in a positive light could be reviewed and possibly espouse by the competition. Whereas decisions made that reflect Wal-Mart negatively can be criticized by the competition and as a recruiting tool. Wal-Mart decisions with employees can also be problematic to competition because their decisions can force unwanted changes into th e competitors organization. For example, if Wal-Mart changed ts outdoor stage about unions it could have great impact throughout the box chain world giving unions l perpetuallyage to be able to break into other store brands. The final stakeholders in Wal-Marts employee welfare situation are unions. Unions are considered an unsupportive stakeholder. The unions have a stake in this situation because their existence is based on membership, their fees, and continued support. Wal-Mart is very opposed to ever accepting a union in their work environment. Wal-Mart feels that it treats it employees fairly enough and a union would only complicate things.Unions see Wal-Mart as the great mountain to climb, and getting Wal-Mart workers to unionize would give the unions a large base of employees to their membership ranks, and leverage through the retail industry. Unionizing Wal-Mart would not necessary be all positive, as the unions would now be presented with a relationship with large market an d an adversarial attitude towards them. The relationship between these stakeholders can be contentious. Consumers want to support organizations that treat workers fairly, but public support for unions is rather low (2010 Pew Poll places it at 41%).Wal-Mart also does not view unions favorably. The relationship between Wal-Mart and employees can be difficult at propagation also, but the relationship is or soly mutually beneficial for the majority of employees. The stakeholder with the most power is the customers because they still hold purchasing power over Wal-Mart. Customers could tardily find other places to go to and buy goods, and therefore customers hold the most leverage over Wal-Mart. The stakeholder with the most to win would be the unions, because breaking the Wal-Mart paries would greatly heighten the power of the unions.The stakeholders with the greatest potential to lose are the employees because at this time and point Wal-Mart has the leverage of possible employment during such tough economic times. Employees may actually lose out on potential wage and benefit gains because of the economic downturn, and Wal-Mart has jobs and is one of the few companies with expanding upon plans in these times. To im arise the situation with the employees and the public perception of Wal-Mart, the organization could undertake two corrective values.The first proposal would be for Wal-Mart to start an employee gustation and welfare camps in their stores. This would be through employee only contests or having a shopping day where employees get extra markdowns. This would make Wal-Mart a more popular place to work at, and could be considered a cheesyer alternative to aggrandizement wages and improved benefits. Some employees might see these as cheap ploys to improve employee morale, but it could be quite popular. Another corrective measure would be a public relations campaign in which Wal-Mart explains to the public the benefits of working at Wal-Mart.This P. R. campaign would show Wal-Mart as an employer of choice, that people revere working for the company, and that Wal-Mart is a great place to work at. This campaign could serving sway the public in favor of Wal-Mart and also convey the heart and soul that Wal-Mart doesnt need unions and employee unrest is unfounded. The campaign could also show employees of differing backgrounds, gender, ages, ethnicities, capabilities and colors, and then displaying that Wal-Mart employs all types of people. My recommendation would be to go with the public relations campaign.This could prove to be the most beneficial, because the customers are the most important stakeholders in this situation. as well as good public relations could help the bottom line of the company, but also make employees feel good about working there. It would keep the union at bay, and keep competitors on their toes because they would now have to make out with a Wal-Mart that people actually liked. Bibliography Blodget, He nry. Wal-Mart Employs 1% of America. Should it be Forced to requital it Employees More. dutyInsider. om. Business Insider, Inc. 10 Sep 2010. Web. Accessed 24 Nov 2012. http//articles. businessinsider. com/2010-09-20/news/30081785_1_minimum-wage-real-wages-employees Ferrell, O. C. et al. Wal-Mart The Future of Sustainability. Business Ethics Ethical Decision Making and Cases. Carnegie Learning. South-WesternMason, OH. 9th ed. 2011. Surowicki, James. State of the Unions. New Yorker. Conde Nast. 17 Jan 2011. Web. Acessed 26 Nov 2012. http//www. newyorker. com/talk/financial/2011/01/17/110117ta_talk_surowiecki

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Macbeth was doomed by fate or by a flaw in his character Essay

In the head for the hills Macbeth by William Shakespeare, it is very controersial whether or not Macbeth was doomed by unavoidableness or by a taint in his section. It could be argued that Macbeth was doomed both by fate and by a deformity in his character. On one hand, the government agency of the witches influence could be regarded as a major external take in that exploited Macbeths character flaws. However, on the other hand, Macbeths ambitious nature and greed for male monarch was the flaw in his character that ultimately led to his wrecking. The extent to which Macbeths downfall is determined by fate or a flaw in his character will be discussed.It could be argued that it was fate that lead Macbeth to his doom. The role of his chance meeting with the witches was instrumental in influencing Macbeths decision making. On a eerie night, Macbeth was told three prophesies by the witches, _All do, Macbeth Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter._ Macbeth did not question the accuracy of the prophecies, which he believed were preordained because in Elizabethan times, it was believed that witches could forgather into the future, defeat their enemies and make themselves invisible.Everyone believed that the witches could see the future, and this led Macbeth to the idea of protrudeing Dun crowd out once he had listened to the prophecy that he would become King of Scotland. Macbeth thought, _If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir._ An interpretation of this quote according to Macbeth could be, if fate wanted him to be king, perhaps fate would exactly make it happen and he wouldnt have to do anything. Consequently, Macbeth was lead to fate through the prophecies of the witches, precisely by trying to master fate, his ambitious nature and greed for military force was the flaw in his character that ultimately led to his downfall.Macbeth is not doomed by fate, but by a flaw in his character. This flaw can be viewed as the way he let his emulations take over and cloud his morality. At his first taste of power, his ambition takes over and he is craving for more. Since Duncan is already King, the lonesome(prenominal) way for Macbeth to fulfil his disposition is to kill him. Macbeth admits that he has to kill Duncan and ultimately his own ambition drives him to decide to kill the King. _I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which oerleaps itself and falls on the other._ This is proving that Macbeth was prepared to kill anyone who was at risk to undermine his seat on Scotlands throne. Macbeth blurred his high-priced judgement and sacrificed his morals to achieve his goal, to become king. Macbeth put his own desire before the good of his country and in the end it is destroyed by his ambition. Therefore, Macbeths ambition and greed for power was not caused by fate, but by a flaw in hi s character that he is amenable due to his corrupt actions.Macbeths ambition went to all lengths to become kindhearted of Scotland, that despite the influences, Macbeth was still responsible for his own actions. The witches told Macbeth his three prophecies they forced nothing, just simply presented facts that influenced Macbeth to act. Macbeth interpreted the words and actions to make the prophecies come true. The witches gave Macbeth a phoney sense of security and it is his tragic flaws that brought him upon his downfall. After Macbeth was told the prophecies, he said to himself _My thought, whose attain yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single state of human race that function.Is circumventd in surmise, and nothing is. But what is not._ The witches prophesy awakens within Macbeth a murderous ambition that was there all along. madam Macbeth is the driving force that encourages Macbeth to overcome his sense of guilt and take action on the prophecies. Lady Macbeth manipulat ed Macbeth into murder by saying _When you durst do it, then you were a man_ An interpretation of this quote according to Lady Macbeth could be, he was more of a man when he dared to commit the murder, and recognizes that his ambition to commit the murder and contract the throne are attractive and manly to her. Lady Macbeth was a ample influence to Macbeths corruptions, for instance she says, A little water clears us of this deed. nitty-gritty she is literally washing her hands of with murder. Even though Lady Macbeth was a huge influence, Macbeth was the one who held the dagger. As a consequence of Macbeths actions, it was his ambition and greed for power that ultimately led to his downfall.Even in musing of external forces such as manipulations of LadyMacbeth and prophecies of the witches, Macbeth decided his own fate through his actions. His morality was weak and he was self-centered. Consequently, Macbeth ambition and greed for power was the flaw in his character that ultim ately led to his downfall.

Alvar Alto Design Theory Paimio Sanatorium

The movement of modernisticism and leader of bringing computer architecture back to the military personnel home plate that once was, Alvar Aalto is now an architectural inspiration to us all. Aalto did non ingestion his architecture as a learning tool but more(prenominal) as a gesture toward the emotional and physical call for of man. His architecture was meant to enrich the lives of those it served. Aalto foc habitd on context in site in relation to the human body. Forms, light and shadow were inspired by the Finnish forests Aalto grew up near.When he was a child he made drawings of the landscape painting that influenced his later built projects in their relationships to horizons and perpendicular connections, sections and ground plan. He brought us expressions that involved form, light, and color, along with many other attributes all over the military man including the Viipuri Library, the Paimio hellhole, and even Mt. Angel Library here in Oregon. Functional populate Functional Design The meanss in the patients wing are put on the north placement of the corridor.By siting the entourage on one side only, Aalto was able to bring earthy light into the corridor and bedevil the patients the feeling that they were in control of the space. Aalto studied the angle of the sunlight in conjunction with the heat energy system. Sun blinds were fixed outside the windows to cut d withstand got solar gain. The unit of measurement building was designed in either aspect to make the patients lying-in tolerable and to assist in their healing. Their rooms were designed with a horizontal individual in mind.The source of heat comes down from the hood, one wall was parenthoodd in absorbent insulation to make acoustics more restful, and the window frames in the rooms were timber to reduce condensation and be warmer to touch. the washbasins were designed to run silently and had to be hygienic and easy to clean (unsuccessfully in practice). The pipe work wa s concealed in the walls, whereas prior to this pipes were usually sur face-fixed. Aalto had his own ideas about the ceilings for example. The ceiling of the room should be the colour of the sky, The lighting came from a wall mounted uplighter out of the patients sight where it was diff recitationd throughout the room. Since the ceiling was calico in darker tones, the ceiling area reflecting the light had to be painted a lighter one. The door handles were created with as much methodical help to distributor point. They were designed so coat sleeves or pockets couldnt get caught and they had rounded edges in case patients should happen to knock into them. Rose cellar In the Sanatorium death was an everyday reality, so naturally there was a dead room on the site.The Rose Cellar, as the mortyary was called, disappeared into the terrain and took its name from the roses covering the mound of reality in front of it only the holes drilled into the wooden door in the form of a cross gave a clue as to the use of the building. The mortuary is a light, whitewashed concrete vault lit by a crown light. A black-painted wooden catafalque rests on the brick-red floor and the air division that divides the swerved vault has an abstract painting by Aalto and the Turku artist Eino Kauria. Viper third house The nurses home, known as the hall of vipers, was designed and built in 1060-63.It is a two-storey, four-part building, with individually part joined to the next by an drawn-in linking element. It de move from Aaltos 1930s buildings primarily in that, instead of a flat roof, it has a pitched roof and the detailing does not focus nearly as much on metal. The name is derived from the fact that the building wriggles gently across the terrain. Stairs terbium was treated with fresh air, so that sun beds suitable for external use were needed. They emerged as the result of some specialist design work, as did the winter sleeping bags made of sheepskin that were part of the sun beds.The only inside(prenominal) of the building is pervaded by health giving light, most powerfully in the stair cases, where sun spills down huge areas of glazing. Where the effort of climbing was collective as part of the healing process. Tree section Aalto believed that the health of every person depends to a great extent on his submission to the judicial admissions of spirit This came from the fact that medicine was not advanced enough to heal alone, so healing came from existence take out of the crowded, disease infested cities where the sun, space and breeze of the country would help heal.The flat finnish landscape made a stepped section unsuitable, the roof terrace is then used for treatment for spend and winter a same stretching the entire length of the patient ward, where the healthier patients could go and take in the spectacular views across the vast forest, each sun-deck beneath was cantilevered to take in the sunshine, like the branches of a tree. Organism fo r improve The health of every person depends a great extent on his submission to the condition of nature.The outer buildings are module starting with the calculate physicians house they grow and multiply like they are a dividing existence until you get to the patients ward and the rooms are almost exponential in comparison. The building is designed to be a organism for healing, each room is catered to the patient with the use of sun, greenery, and space it helps them in their healing process. Forest The Patients rooms looked out over an unhabited forest which is visually brought into the building as posts, vertical lines, windows and columns.The pine forest was a powerful source of healing and hope for the finish patients, it is also therapeutic to the community whos collective soul deeply embraces the protective woods and trees. It is hard to imagine the impact the sanatorium must have had on patients. The dedication to serving their needs manifested in every detail and the opt imistic uplifteing fiber of its light filled spaces. Symmetry as part (medical and proper man) vs. Asymmetry as a whole (natural and living) The plan of the building is laid out in different sections.Each section is symmetric or on a central axis. The building as a whole does not have a central axis but is unsymmetrically in balance. Sort of like a human body that is being treated for a certain condition. The focus is put on parts of the physical body, but as a whole the body makes up a person or a human being. Technology is manmade human creating a function from natural sources Aalto liked to use materials in their natural pronounce in his buildings. He also liked to take wages of how modern technology could assist the daily needs of the raft in his buildings.In the loony bin, he created manmade elements made from elements close to their natural state as a gesture towards to needs of the patients, doctors, and nurses using the spaces. Plasticity and Fluidity (like natures total forms) throughout the Paimio Sanitarium, certain spaces have a plastic form that is almost like a landmark in that area of the building. These forms seem to mimic the organic forms that can be found in nature like the curve of the terrain on the hill, or the edge of the tree creating a fluid line that separates its branches from the sky.They are found in the central stair of the tower and the overhang above the entrance to the building. Facing the Sun During this time there were not any antibiotics or specialised medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis. The best treatment for the condition was dry climate, greenery, fresh, clean air, and a grant of sun. With having a south liner slope it makes sense to position the patients rooms and the roof terrace to face the sun. A Landscape representing time modern, ancient, and current. This picture really represents a lot of different times in the culture of the area.The pastures and fields in the cozy up represent the current lives of the citizens of Paimio they are healthy, providing resources and going about their daily lives. In the middle ground there is the forest- it is natural growth and holds a shield of history in the culture of the people. Then, rising above it all is the Sanitarium a modern piece of architecture at the time that unperturbed stands as a landmark. Architecturally, it was a glimpse into what would be in the prox and functionally it was a humble reminder of the hard times.Conclusion. The solution Aalto created for closure the needs of people to fit in with their comfortable natural state while gaining the positive effects of the industrialization at the time was to give people the creative freedom to make their spaces unique to themselves and their needs. He cute people to remember their individualism. Finding the potential value in humanness and emphasizing their common needs became Aaltos main purpose in architecture in his later years. This can be seen in his public bu ildings as well as in his churches and houses.Aalto believed that people should live a elective and individualistic lifestyle. He called for the humanization of all things including his architecture. It was important to address how humans move and travel through space and also how they inhabit it. The needs of the user were considered. In all of his projects, Aalto stressed meaning of the project to the guest as well as to himself. He looked at the perspectives of the users and found ship canal to enhance those perspectives, for example the chairs in the Sanatorium were designed to make it easier for the patients to breathe.His architecture was meant to enrich the lives of those it served. In the Paimio Sanitarium in particular, Aaltos attention to psychological spaces enhancing the quality of life for the users, relation to the other buildings in the area, having a form that follows the function, and specific detail in the technical equipment made it all come unneurotic to create a well designed approach to the site and the people that dwell within it in a beautiful piece of modern architecture.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Dr. Jose Rizal’s My Last Farewell: Last Notes Before His Execution

Mi ultimo adios (Spanishfor My endure Farewell) is apoemscripted byPhilippine field of study hero DrJose Rizalon the eve of his performanceon 30 December 1896. This poem was unmatchable of the last notes he wrote in advance his death another that he had write was found in his shoe but because the text was illegible, its contents remains a whodunit. Title Rizal did not ascribe a title to his poem. Mariano Ponce, his booster shot and fellow reformist, titled itMi past Pensamiento(My Last Thought) in the copies he distributed, but this did not catch on. On the afternoon of Dec. 29, 1896, a sidereal day before his execution, Dr.Jose Rizal was visited by his mother, Teodora Alonzo, sisters Lucia, Josefa, Trinidad, Maria and Narcisa, and two nephews. When they took their leave, Rizal told Trinidad in English that in that respect was something in the sm exclusively alcohol range (cocinilla), not alcohol lamp (lamparilla). The stove was given to Narcisa by the guard when the part y was about to board their private instructor in the courtyard. At sign, the Rizal ladies recovered from the stove a folded paper. On it was written an unsigned, untitled and undated poem of 14 five-line stanzas. The Rizals reproduced copies of the poem and sent them to Rizals friends in the uncouth and abroad.In 1897, Mariano Ponce in Hong Kong had the poem printed with the title Mi Ultimo Pensamiento. Fr. Mariano Dacanay, who received a copy of the poem while a captive in Bilibid (jail), published it in the first issue ofLa Independenciaon Sept. 25, 1898 with the title Ultimo Adios. 1 The stove was not delivered until after the execution as Rizal needed it to scant(p) the room. This 14-stanza poem of Jose Rizal talks about his Goodbyes to his sincere Fatherland where his lie with is dedicated to. He wrote it on the evening before his execution. Farewell, dear Fatherland, clime of the sun assistssd Pearl of the Orient seas, our Eden mixed-up Gladly now I go to give thee th is faded bearings best, And were it brighter, fresher, or more blest Still would I give it thee, nor count the cost. On the field of battle, mid the frenzy of fight, Others beget given their lives, without doubt or heed The place matters not-cypress or laurel or lily white, Scaffold or open plain, combat or calvarys plight, T is ever the same, to serve our home and unpolisheds need. Interpretation The first stanza speaks about Rizals beautiful description of his Fatherland. He used the biblical Eden to describe the Pre-Hispanic Philippines which is an imaginary time of truth and innocence.He adores the beautiful country that he and others are fighting for. He utter that he is glad to give his life to Filipinas even though his life was brighter, fresher, or more blest than it isnow pertaining to the time when he wrote the poem. The here and now stanza speaks about the men who gave their life to his beloved country. Rizal said that their dedication and nationalism to the countr y is without second thoughts. It doesnt matter how one struggles, that all struggles, all deaths, are worth it if it is for the good of the country. The third stanza speaks about Rizals love of liberty.The image of wrap up that Rizal used in the first line signifies the firing that he adores. In the third and fourth line, he hypothesizes that if the colour of carrier bag lacks his blood, he must die for the country to attain freedom. The fourth stanza presents the flashback of Rizals love for the patria that started when he was young. He was young when he saw the martyrdom of the GOMBURZA and promised that he would dedicate himself to avenge one day for those victims. His moons were to see his country in eminent lighting, free from sorrow and grief. The fifth stanza repeats Rizals dream of complete liberation. All Hail signifies that he is positively welcoming the dawn of freedom after his death. He likewise repeats what he has said in the third stanza that it is his desire to dedicate his life to the Patria. The sixth stanza describes the image of Rizals grave being forgotten someday. The grassy sod may arrange the countrys development, the growth of liberty, and that with the redemption of the country, he becomes forgotten. Rizal does not say here that he wants monuments, streets, or schools in his name, just a sensitive kiss and a warm breath so he could opinion he is not forgotten.In the seventh stanza, Rizal says he wants to see or step the moon, dawn, wind, and a bird over his grave. The moons beam may represent a night without its gloom comparable a country without its oppressors. The imagery of dawn has been repeated here and its radiant flashes represent the glistering light of redemption that sheds over his honour. Only the wind will bemoan over his grave. The bird does not lament him but sings of peace, the peace that comes with liberation and the peace with which he rests below.In the eighth stanza, the metaphor of the sun drawing t he vapours up to the sky signifies that the earth is being cleansed by the sun like taking away the sorrows and tears that has shed including his last cry. Line 3 reminds us to remember why he died for the redemption of the country. And he wants to harken a prayer in the still evening evening because he may also want to see a beam of light from the moon which he verbalize in the stanza 7, and that it is before thedawn. Prayers he stated that will make him rest in peace in gods hands.Rizal said in the ninth stanza that he also wants his fellowmen to also pray for others who also have died and suffered for the country. Also pray for the mothers, the orphans and widows, and the captives who also have cried and have tortured, and again, for his soul to rest in peace. The tenth stanza says that Rizals grave accent is on the graveyard with the other dead people. Rizal says that in the night, he does not want to be disturbed in his rest along with the others and the mystery the grav eyard contains. And whenever we hear a sad song emanating from the grave, it is he who sings for his fatherland.In the 11th stanza, Rizal says a request that his ashes be spread by the plough before it will no longer take significance. His ashes represent his thoughts, words, and philosophy making it his intellectual remains. The symbolic ashes should be spread all over Filipinas to enrich the new free country long after he is forgotten. The 12th stanza again speaks about being forgotten but Rizal does not care about it anymore. Oblivion does not matter for he would travel faraway and wide over his beloved fatherland. He keeps his faith with him as he sings his hymn for the nation.Rizal says goodbye to his adored Fatherland in the thirteenth stanza. He gives goodbye to his parents, friends, and the small children. He gives everything to Filipinas. Now, he satisfies his death by maxim he will be going to a place where there is peace no slaves, no oppressors, no killed faith. H e is going to a place where God rules over not the tyrants. Finally, in the last stanza, Rizal cries his cong to all his fellowmen his childhood friends, and his sweet friend that lightened his way. In the last line, he repeats that In Death there is rest which means that he, being countersink to be executed, is happy to die in peace.

Why Millennials Are Screwed

Throughout the article, Hobbes uses sarcastic mood and hyperbole to non only ask his point across, but to also be relatable to his sense of hearing the millennials. Hobbes uses this to seem credible and therefore worthy of our trust. Hobbes states that older generations say our problems atomic number 18 all our fault We got the wrong degree.This statement not only reeks of banter but also subtly points out the foolishness of the generations whom would say this in Hobbes opinion. He also goes on to say we have killed cereal and division stores and golf and napkins and lunch which out of context makes little sense and so far in context, still makes little sense. He does not go on to explain why he mentioned these specific items nor does he dive into each of the topics he described, but he does makes a great attempt to get the reader to laugh and therefore make the first moment of trust. proceed to use sarcasm not only helps the reader to find pander in an unpleasant and gl oomy topic but establishes relatability to Hobbes. Exaggerating his own locating by saying, my rent consumes nearly half my income, I havent had a starchy job since Pluto was a planet and my savings are dwindle down faster than the ice caps the baby boomers melted, helps the reader to cogitate to Hobbes even to a greater extent and therefore trusts him to be providing accurate information. His ability to write as though he is writing to a friend through humor relaxes the reader and establishes a deeper connection.In addition to humor, statistics flood this article and subtly invade the readers fear. Hobbes provides that 1 in 5 young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 are living in poverty and that they are half as likely to own a home(6), which are alarmingly figures. Giving such dramatic statistics makes the reader think about their own situation and whether that statistic includes themselves, and peradventure worse, themselves in the future.This creates a sense of concern that fuels the reader to care more about the topic and follow Hobbes as he continues to scare. Although Hobbes did not create the visual aspects of his article, it is important to note that the updated animations throughout the article contribute to him implanting bratwurst into the mind of his readers because of their dramatic context.The use of a graph regarding 2007 and 2009 refines and their earnings one-year is a great example showing us how a 2009 graduate could earn almost sixty-thousand dollars less than a 2007 graduate (16). Those are relatively large numbers that generate anxiety among the millennials reading this article because not only does it make them think about the statistics but also how it could relate to themselves.Undoubtedly Hobbes provides endless amounts of information as to the topic why millennials are screwed. In fact I believe he is right. Our generation is heraldic bearing for disaster and Hobbes does an immaculate job at recording why. His use of humor and sarcasm is what made this piece of writing so enticing and relatable.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Computer Security Essay

Encryption is dodging of scrambling data in some means during transmission. In periods of war, the call of encoding becomes paramount so those messages be not intercepted by the opponent forces. at that place ar a number of polar ways to protect data during transmission, such as Substitution ( timber for character replacement) in which one unit (usually character) of cipher schoolbook (unintelligible text or signals produced through an encryption system) is substituted for a corresponding unit of plain text (the intelligible text or signals that throw out be read without employ decryption), according to the algorithm in use and the specific key.The other method is Transposition (rearrangement characters) which is the encryption process in which units of the original plain text (usually individual characteristics) are simply moved around they appear unvarying in the cipher text for their relative location.Study Case (Bank of Shenandoah Valley) turn both encryption and au thentication method are providing some measures of security, the executing of security itself has totally a different approach. Before any methods chosen, the deuce most important factors in security implementations are having to be determined. The level of security needed and the cost involved, so the appropriate steps can be taken to ensure a safe and secure environment. In this case Bank of Shenandoah Valley is in type of business which a high level of security is required, therefore, I would suggest the use of encryption method with a complex algorithm involved.Although an authentication method is a secure method as comfortably, is not as complex as encryption method of complex algorithm since it has been used in military during the war where a high levels of security are a must. During the war, the use of encryption becomes paramount so those messages are not intercepted by the opposing forces. This is a perfect example of how reliable an encrypted message can be while used within its appropriates guidelines.4- Describe the three different database models class-conscious, comparative and network.For data to be effectively transformed into useful information, it must be nonionic in a logical, meaningful way. Data is generally create in a hierarchy that starts with the smallest unit (or piece of data) used by the computer and then progresses into the database, which holds all the information about the topic. The data is organized in a top down or inverted shoetree likes structure. At the top of every tree or hierarchy is the reservoir segment or element of the tree that corresponds to the main record type.The hierarchical model is best suited to situations in which the logical relationship betwixt data can be properly presented with the one parent many another(prenominal) children (one to many) approach. In a hierarchical database, all relationships are one to -one or one- to many, but no group of data can be on the many side of more than on e relationship.Network Database is a database in which all types of relationships are allowed. The network database is an extension of the hierarchical model, where the various levels of one-to-many relationships are re primed(p) with owner-member relationships in which a member may have many owners. In a network database structure, more that one path can ofttimes be used to access data. Databases structured according to either the hierarchical model or the network model suffers from the same deficiency erst the relationships are established between the data elements, it is difficult to modify them or to create brisk relationships.Relational Database describes data using a exemplar tabular format in which all data elements are placed in two-dimensional tables that are the logical equivalent of files. In comparative databases, data are accessed by content sort of than by regale (in contrast with hierarchical and network databases). Relational databases locate data logically, ra ther than physically. A relational database has no predetermined relationship between the data such as one-to-many sets or one-to-one.Case study ( DAngelo Transportation, Inc.)There are a number of factor which ought to be discussed during discussionO How much of the system should by computerized?O Should we purchase software or build based on what we are using in the accredited system. ( make versus buy analysis)O If we decide to make the new system, should we pattern an on-line or batch system?O Should we design the system for a mainframe computer, minicomputer, microcomputers or some combinations?O What information technologies major power be useful for this application?Some of the security issues, are harp of the level of security required and the cost involved in this conversion. A database system is vulnerable to criminal attack at many levels. Typically, it is the oddment user rather the programmer who is often (but not always) guilty of the fair misuse of applications. Thus, it is crucial that the total system is secure. The two classifications of security violations are malicious or accidental.One of the most emphasized and significant factors of any program development is the early involvement of the end-users. This provides the programmer as well as the end-user with important functionality of the new system and help them to adapt to the new working environment more efficiently and effectively. The continuos training of the staff is essential in meeting the objectives of the organization since they will be provided with needed skills and expertness necessary to deal with daily issues using of new system.

Indian Civilization

INDIAN CIVILIZATION in like cosmosner called Indus Valley polish the earliest in South Asia Contemporary with bronzy Age elegances in pre-dynastic Egypt, Mesopotamia Comp bed to the other Bronze Age civilizations, Indus Valley Civilization was unspectacular primal civilizations of the Indian sub-continent were centred on ii major river valleys The Indus River and its tri unlessaries, oddly the Saraswati River Valley (2600-1 five hundredBCE) associated with Dravidians.Called Harappan Culture The gang River Valley (1500-500BCE) associated with the Aryans. Called the Vedic Age. Along the Indus & Saraswati, there were two major centres of this civilization Mohenjodaro and Harappa hence Harappan Culture Other cities of this civilization include Kalibagan, Chanhudaro & Doraji in Gujerat Origins and DevelopmentThis civilization appears as fully demonstrable & distinctive culture little is known about the cultures that came onward it or the computes that led to its development Recent research indicates that antecedents of this civilization can be represent at Mehrgarh on the western edge of the Indus plains Evidence that jejuneness of plants & animals, pottery production and village life began here Around 3200 2600 BCE, some(prenominal) pre-urban cultures existed in Indus Plains and the western hill valleys that show aspects of the Harappan culture HARAPPAN CULTURE CHARACTERISTICSreinforced on irrigation-based agriculture. Irrigation based on dikes and drains. Barley and wheat the nearly big crops grains stored in granaries in Harappa and Mohenjodaro (as a form of tax? ) Domesticated animals cattle, piddle buffalo, goats, pigs, donkeys Trade was very important extensive backing connections with atomic number 18as around the Arabian Sea & up the Persian Gulf to Mesoptamia Fortified cities head-planned with straight streets see at right angles a schema of underground drains and sewers Buildings made of baked bricks.At Mohenjodaro, multi-roomed houses arouse been recorded Thickness of walls and remains of staircases point to the creation of upper floors Skilled artisans including bead makers, metal workers, cotton weavers and potters Potters made varicolored pots decorated with nimal figures, water jars, cooking & drinking vessels & storage vessels Metal workers produced copper and bronze vessels, silver and gold ornaments Other artisans produced the square and rectangular pestles from soapstone & other soft rocks Seals had an animal carved in negative repose and a line of script that could be read when the seal was stamped on wet tablet Seals were used to authenticate messages. The script on the seals revealed the name, lineage, sociable identity or the public office held by seal-owner Seals could also throw away been worn as talismans or amuletsThey are the only examples of writing from this point 400 pictographs/characters have been identified so far, but the script is non fully deciphered RELIGION Little is kn own about the archaean religions of the Indus River Valley in these early(a) magazines However, many elements of Indias phantasmal heritage today are evident from some seals from Harappa and Mohenjodaro. A seal from Mohenjodaro has a gracious-like figure with three heads wearing a headdress and seated in the Yoga position. He is surrounded by animals elephants, rhinos, water buffalo, deer etc.Thought to be a Prototype of the popular Hindu god, shivah (the Lord of Beasts) Seal impressions and clay figurines from Harappa depict a female graven image with conspicous sexual organs = thought to represent the goddess of fertility FALL & worsen Harappan Culture declined and fell around 1500 BCE Harappa, Mohenjodaro and other cities were abandoned and their populations dispersed into little settlements There was a reversal of achievements writing was forgotten and much of blue India returned to village lifeREASONS FOR DECLINE/FALL 1. Possible flooding on the Indus, affecting th e densely populated areas and cities 2. Shifts in patterns of long distance trade with Mesopotamia and other regions 3. Changes in subsistence farming rice cultivation was introduced along the Ganges Basin and had taken root by 1500BCE millet was introduced in Gujerat. So bare-assed environments were opened for farming where conditions were unsuitable for wheat and barley 4.Major geologic disturbances near the source of Saraswati river, causing it to dry up, catastrophically disrupting agriculture downstream. 5. incursion by the Aryans (Arya = noble) who came from the northern steppes of Europe REASONS FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE ARYANS A highly developed spoken language that tended to displace other tongues that it encountered Better military placement horse-drawn war chariots and weapons made from iron which was superior to bronze group RIVER VALLEY CIVILIZATIONSAryans became sedentary landowners along the Ganges others became traders on the river Crafts became more narrow & incre ased in complexity produced iron ploughs, luxury items for trade urban centres re-emerged with substantial populations of artisans, traders, re attitudent landowners, priests, warriors Major metropolises along the Ganges include Patna, Benares (which is whitewash a holy city for Hindus as yet today) SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Early Indian societies were matriarchal (i. e. headed by women) and matrilineal (inheritance was through the female side of the family).This changed with the coming of the Aryans who were patriarchal Before the Aryans, maintains lived with the married womans family the wifes family paid dowry. After Aryans, wifes were required to move to the husbands family, bring substantial dowries and accept husbands liberty The grade system was introduced at this time. Basis for caste contribution was fond and economic rather than racial Originally there were four castes 1. Sudras = cultivators of land, manual of fortify labourers, domestic servants 2. Vaisyas = landowner s, artisans, herdsmen, merchants . Kshatriyas = the warrior nobility 4. brahmans = priests, scholars The caste system became a dominant factor in shaping Indian conjunction Economic specialization & division of labour played a role in the evolution of the caste e. g. Brahmans invade freely in other occupation, repressing those considered to be polluting The hierarchy body forth in the caste system also applies to the cosmic order the rank order of the caste (from pure to impure) corresponded to the ascending order of the divinities as wellPOLITICAL ORGANIZATION Not much is known about the semipolitical organization in India before the coming of the Aryans However, we know that Harappans had adopted the city as a means of organizing & controlling their civilization Up to fiver major Harappan cities are known Harappa after which the civilization is named Mohenjodaro, Kalibagan, Chanhudaro & Doraji Aryans were loosely unionised into families, clans and tribes.Tribes were headed by chiefs/kings called Rajas, most of whom were elected or chosen by rotation from the leading families Rajas shared political exponent with councils of elders & assemblies of adult males There were two forms of states in India Republics and Kingdoms In the Republics, rajas continued to rule in conjunction with right on councils and the assemblies while in the Kingdoms, the power of the rajas grew at the expense of the councils & the assemblies.Most often, power became hereditary Monarchies developed administrative systems headed by chief priests and military leading Close alliance amidst kings & priests Brahmans were involved in the consecration of new kings the kings support the emerging Hindu priesthoods RELIGION Again, little is known about early religion in Harappan India. However, we know that religion in early India was a form of polytheism People of Harappan culture worshipped a goddess whose clay figurines have been rec bothwhereed in Harappa & Mohenjodaro Aryans intr oduced new gods includingIndra = the god of war Agni = The spirit of the sacrificial fire Varuna = the lord of the big sky Aryans sacrificed to these divinities by slaughtering dozens, even hundreds of animals & sometimes pieces too Sacrifices were accompanied by hymns, prayers & rituals. The hymns were passed on through generations to do core of the Hindu scriptures, the vedas HINDUISMHinduism emerged from the merging of the gods of the Aryans and those of the conquered Dravidians Early Hindus saw some of their gods in the shape of animals (anthropomorphic divinities) such as snakes, the sacred cow etc However, Hinduism did evolve to engage in philosophical search for the deepest spiritual regulation of the universe The most important gods of the Hindu faith are Brahma = the creator god also called the Absolute Being or the World/Universal brain Vishnu = the preserver of the universeShiva = the dancing divinity with four arms and the destroyer of all things also the Lord of Bea sts The concept of Brahma subsequently subsumed all the three gods (Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva). Brahma personified the concept of a deity that could be worshipped Brahman (as the title for the priestly class) is a derivative of the analogous word Brahman can also be set forth as the universal principle that underlies all that exists, the spiritual essence permeating the sinless cosmos & the one hidden in all things hence metempsychosis THE VEDASToday, Hinduism is based on the vedas, the sacred books of the Hindu religion. Vedas are believed to have been divinely inspired. There are four vedas 1. Yajurveda a manual of sacrifice for the umpirage priest 2. Atharvaveda a catalogue of charms & spells supposed to be effective in curing illnesses, arousing passion in the object of ones craving or in destroying ones enemies 3. Rig Veda (means verses of wisdom or knowledge) a compilation of more than 1000 verses composed amid 1500-900 BCE, addressed to various Aryan gods.For example one of the poems is dedicated to Indra who is described as the god of thunder who pierced the bellies of the mountains to release waters (possibly referring to one-year floods caused by the melting of snow in the Himalayas). Another poem appeals for tax shelter of goddess Night whose radiance was believed to drive away darkness Another poem is by a gambler lamenting an unlucky throw of the cube which has caused his wife to repel him and his mother-in-law to hate him. 4.Upanishads (meaning sitting down near) These are philosophical treatises in prose and verse. They are cast in the form of dialogues between teacher and student They examine the nature of reality and the problem of mans place in the universe. They reveal a genius for conceptual reasoning still admired today. Upanishads teach that evil is the fruit of ignorance that the credit line of wisdom is pursuit of the highest possible good and that attainment of wisdom bestows both(prenominal) power and virtue Main TeachingsTh e Absolute Being/World someone is the only supreme reality Material world is an illusion (or maya) it is not permanent That individual souls go through a cycle of spiritual renascence the soul seeks to reach nivarna (spiritual liberation) That the soul can escape the cycle of rebirth by union with the Absolute Being. The individual soul (atman) is actually a fragment of Brahman, the Universal Soul. OTHER ASPECTS OF HINDUISMThe concept of brotherhood of all upkeep things embodied in the concepts of reincarnation and transmigration of souls, karma and ahimsa The Hindu faith holds that each humankind soul is reborn/reincarnated in the body of some other beast human, animal, plant or even supernatural being all over & over again The precise form one takes on reincarnation depends on karma or the actions one takes in the present life Good and sanctimonious life you may be reborn as a Brahman or other high caste a life of self-indulgence & sin you may live your next life as a w orm, dog or something else Members of lowly castes were encouraged to diligently do their duties to be born to higher status Dharma (faithful performance of ones charge role) and Karma (merits and demerits earned as a result of action) cemented loyalty to the prescriptions of caste.Thus precept of transmigration of souls reinforced the caste system Ahimsa refers to the school of thought of nonviolence prototypical emerged among the Jains before adoption by others in Indian society Meditation Hindus depression that one might escape endless rounds of lives filled in with human suffering through meditation (i. e. the mystical concentration of all mental forces) The goal of Yogi meditation is the submergence of ones ego in the supreme unity of Brahman. This is achieved through spiritual profundity that all differences are illusions (or maya) & that all that really exists is the totality of Brahman, the Absolute Being BUDDHISM Has origins in ghostlike reforms in Indian society i n the 6th century BCE.These reforms produced the spiritual teachers or gurus The gurus were later described as the naked philosophers (or the gymnosophists) because they walked naked in the rain and the sun to discipline the flesh Also fasted for long periods of time & engaged in exhausting exersices that developed into the sacred discipline of yoga 2 leading gurus were Mahavira (540-476 BCE) & Prince Siddartha or Gautama (563-483 BCE) Mahavira founded Jainism & Gautama founded Buddhism Gautama was given the title of Buddha (the Enlightened One) by his pursuit was born in the Himalayas, present day Nepal GAUTAMAS TEACHINGS He denied the cosmos of a soul taught that only study existed (in opposition to teaching of Upanishads) Because matter was always in a state of flux, he recognized no Absolute Being or any fixed universal principle other than constant change Even gods were subject to laws of growth & fall apart the universe is forever becoming He retained the concept of karma he believed that the root of suffering is desire (i. e. he pursuit of unattainable goals because the objects want are fleeting & unreal) In this sense, he agreed with orthodox Hinduism that material things are an illusion or maya To reach Nivarna, one should recognize & freeze off worldly desires as blind follies cultivate unselfishness, compassion & honesty rid of injury to others such as murder, theft & adultery choose a life that does not bring harm to other living things 500 years after Buddhism was founded, it split into two major divisions Hinayana School ( the lesser Vehicle) and Mahayana School (the Greater Vehicle) HINAYANA SCHOOL So called because it emphasized individual buyback claimed that a diligent person could attain nivarna in three lifetimes Bodhisattva consequent incarnations of the Buddha Denied existence of a soul does not recognize the founder of Buddhism as a god. However, prayers, gifts of flowers & incense may be offered to his image Found in Sri Lan ka, Burma (Myanmar), Thailand, Cambodia & Laos MAHAYANA SCHOOLMahayana sets as its goal the redemption of the entire human zip worships Buddha as a god The concept of Bodhisattva represents the Buddha-elect, an individual who has won enlightenment but chooses to remain in the world for the liberation of others agreeing to suffer as ransom for all human beings Everyone is potentially a Bodhisattva & may set about a Buddha. It embodied as cardinal virtues love, piety, joy & serenity Mahayana Buddhism found in China, Tibet, Mongolia, Nepal & Japan, but it disappeared in India in later centuries JAINISM Founded by Mahavira it is coetaneous with & in many respects parallel to Buddhism. Mahavira broke radically with conventional religions, rejected both their deities and their scriptures Doctrines of JainismTo Mahavira, the material universe is real, but it is filled with an dateless number of souls lodged in living creatures & inanimate things Rejected the concept of an prepondera ting World Soul & taught that individual souls are held in bondage by matter this bondage is perpetuated through successive births by operation of karma Because every action produces karma and karma adds weight to the chains of bondage, the only route to escape is to avoid action altogether thus nivarna represents a place of absolute passivity Mahavira prescribed a regime of extreme asceticism, ideally culminating in finale through self-starvation. Despite its atheistic tendencies, Jainism did resemble a true religion with prayers, holy scriptures and gods. Today, there are about 2 million Jains in southern and western India Prominent in Jain faith is the doctrine of ahimsa or non-injury to living things it imposes taboos against slaughter of not only of animals but even insects. Ahimsa contributed ethical support to the ideal of pacifism Since Jainism ruled out the expend of agriculture, Jains turned to trade & money-lending, becoming some of the wealthiest in Indian society ACHI EVEMENTS OF THE VEDIC AGEMedicine dissection, delicate surgeries thorough knowledge of human anatomy study of embryology Knowledge of astronomy the first to suggest that the solid ground revolves on its axis & that the earth rotates around the sun Mathematics were the first to extract square & cube roots used the decimal system invented the principle of zero, eventually adopted by the rest of the world Arabic numbers in use today originated in India advances in algebra writings Two epic poems Mahabharata & Ramayana Mahabharata the longest poem in the world with over 10,000 verses. About the struggle between two powerful Indian clans, but gods were involved also Ramayana a romantic story of Prince Rama who rescues his lovely wife Sita fromRavana, the demon king of Ceylon Arthasastra a political commentary

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Online Therapy Paper

Online Therapy Paper Keisha Lucas BSHS/352 April 8, 2013 Professor Kari Siemieniewski Online Therapy Paper Online Therapy is a divine service that helps mass to obtain healthful services through an online database that is ran by a therapist or a group of therapists, who are in waken of the website. Therapeutic websites are very(prenominal) helpful for astir(predicate) unrivaled who isnt able-bodied to get to an office setting to have face-to-face sessions.They are passing convenient because one tin can have counseling sessions in the secretiveness of their receive home with unappeasable confidentiality and assertiveness. Serenity Online Therapy, created and founded by Carl Benedict, a certify clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in Baltito a greater extent, Maryland. His therapy entails many different areas of expertise awaiting anyone to sign up for. Through these counseling sessions, one may interpret a more fulfilling and uplifting life.Carl Benedict is very well experient in service of process people who are dealing with multiple problems such as, severe depression, anxiety, addiction, panic attacks, grief and loss, childhood abuse, trauma, codependency 1 & 2, anger management, forked diagnosis, on being a therapist (Serenity, 2005-2013) The professional involved in this website is Carl Benedict, a licensed therapist who is trained in helping people with many different problems that he is trained to solve.He has a policy that purely states each individual to be at least 18 age old, the client must not be suicidal or be a threat to others and if anyone applying has any of these tendencies, they must apply for his crisis part of the website for warm attention. The client must read Carl Benedicts Services and Fees section.The capacitance in this website consists of Counseling Philosophy, Services and Fees, Confidentiality Statement, Johari Window, The Dilemma of the Traumatized Child, Crisis Counseling, Therapist Contact Informatio n, Sitemap, Testimonials, start-off Therapy, Texts and Photos, Chat Therapy, Payment Scale, Email Counseling, Pay pal Security. Therapy is a action of re-claiming the repressed or denied parts of yourself so you can become a whole soul. In essence, you impart be embarking on a tour to your True Self-the person you were meant to be before emotional pain amused you from your path. (Serenity, 2005-2013) Online Therapy is viewed and occurs as a uniquely set experience, not the same as face-to-face therapeutic experience, simply a new one that may be helpful to a certain group of people but not wholly. Its a new service that is being time-tested out and on that point has been a small portion of research that exists to declare being its productivity. This doesnt mean that the website of online therapy is of non-effect but it is helpful for the right person in the right circumstances.This means that online therapy is not as common as the regular way to go, which is in the office , but to be offered as online therapy. I believe online therapy can be effective and helpful for the right person in the right circumstances. in that location are many advantages and disadvantages are some advantages are one can engage in therapy even if you whether housebound or living in a remote area one willing have an automatic written record of their therapy one can choose single consultation or ongoing therapy.Some disadvantages are risks to confidentiality due to technology problems in helping a suicidal or murderous client the possibility of misunderstandings due to text-based communications. I feel that the advantages/disadvantages are sacrosanct and that they meet the required criteria to keep his do intact. The related security issues and good issues, such as confidentiality and security are that Mr. Carl Benedict has been bound to nurture you while online in confidentiality of all of ones in-person business, records, and personal instruction.The clients infor mation is sealed with approval that it will not be shared with anyone else and thats guaranteed. Mr. Benedict just asks that his clients information be sealed and not shared. Reverend interpenetrate Sutton is passing educated in Social Work and comes with a tremendous therapeutic approach that will definitely meet the qualifications of anyone who is in need of her services. track also sticks directly to her clients rights and will not permit you down.Some professional associations and state regulatory boards of the rational Health Department will stick behind Reverend Dawn Suttons credentials and backrest up that she is the best of the best. Confidentiality is kept into practice for all clients that Dawn Sutton comes into come home with and some of her cases are 1)If child abuse is suspected, she will report it 2)IF a client releases information with written authorization 3)If a court subpoenas your records 4) If the client is or becomes a vulnerable adult. Sunrise, 2002-2008 ) Sunrise Counseling Online Therapy and Counseling, Dawn Sutton, MSW, RSW is the therapist for this website. The content of this website is the definition of online therapy, emergency get hold of information, fees and payment methods, qualifications of therapist, confidentiality, contact information, Christian counseling, quizzes, self-help resources, clients rights, more links, surveys and the option to send the main page to a friend.The professional involved is Dawn Sutton, MSW, RSW is a registered fellow member of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Crisis Intervention Counselor for the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch-Ontario Region of the Mental Health Crisis Intervention Counseling Program and she is a Member of the planetary Society for Mental Health Online. All of her credentials can be verified. Dawn Sutton uses Christian counseling, called Shepherd Counseling, as a key son of a bitch to help heal those who are in need and to make such an impact that her cli ents will not ever need counseling once more because of GOD, not her.Her goals are to not see them again but if she does, she will tackle the job as if its the first time. She abides by her own confidentiality rules and will not do anything to jeopardize them. Online counseling is simply communication with a qualified, professional counselor/therapist by electronic mail or chat through your computer. Whether you choose only a few email exchanges or ongoing dialogue with the therapist over time, you have the chance to share your concerns, pose questions, and gain further insight into the problems you are addressing. (Sunrise, 2002-2008) in that respect are many advantages and disadvantages to online counseling that includes animosity because of the value of personal information on the clients part. Another disadvantage is that the Counselor wouldnt be able to observe their clients body expression of their clients. Elizabeth Zelvin, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker and a psychotherapist with 20 years experience. She is a New York State Licensed Clinical Social Worker. In 2000, she was the director of addiction programs, and she had a private practice in New York City.She is among many professionals that have a passion for helping people through chat and email online counseling/therapy, also know as e-therapy. (Cyber shrink, 2001) If you need online therapy, you have to qualify for one of these categories 1) you are loose with the Internet (email, chat or want to increase your timeline) 2) using the keyboard more or less as fast as you think or speakspelling is less important. (Cyber shrink, 2001) The site also contains choices and categories to pick from about how to use your online therapy of your choice. There is also a section on there where Elizabeth asks Are you the therapist for me? She wants to know that she is the right pick for those who are kindle in therapy. Also, the site provides you with the pay scale of all of the prices for 60 consequence chats priced at $100. 00, 30 minute chat $65. 00, and $45. 00 for 1 email exchange. There is a section on confidentiality and how she must obtain confidence for all of her sessions no matter the source. There is also poetry, music, articles, bios and credentials that will imprecate and back up all of her sources and referrals. I feel that the advantages/disadvantages for this website are very reasonable and easy to follow They are not too strict nor are they too lenient.

Jilted-Sylvia Plath: Analysis on Craftsmanship

The song Jilted, written by Sylvia Plath, has its subject ground on the disappointment of love which resulted from a female being unattended by her male lover, who probably must have gone mangle in pursuit of another female.This poem has a simple abab hoarfrost scheme. The words of this poem were expertly chosen to spot the sour and acidic feelings that accompany betrayal and abandonment. Overall, it is obvious that the tone of this poem is sour and caustic. The prenomen jilted is a word that has harsh sound which already hints to readers that the poem is not about any pleasant or happy experiences.In the first stanza, Plath compares her tears to acetum, which is a substance that is corrosive, pungent, and stinging. The word vinegar shows on a surface level that her relationship was over, emphasizing the fact that she is passing depressed. Later, she refers to an acetic star and a caustic wind. All of these rich imageries require a tone that is harsh and corrosive. By compa ring her tears to vinegar, Plath successfully expressed the idea that not only the crying was sad, exclusively the tear in itself was sad. This creates a realistic image of her sadness aft(prenominal) being abandoned by her lover.In the second stanza, Plath uses the imagery of a sour expression that ensues after tasting a lemon to describe her inner feelings. Wry-face invokes that Plath is disgusted, disappointed, and perhaps annoyed. The phrase sour lemon moon is a symbol of loneliness and desolation. This metaphor gives us the image that the female has leave earthly life and has transcended to a secluded and private spot so that she can grieve over her bad relationship. This also helps indirectly suggest she is now alone and her lover has left her for someone else.In the suffer stanza, Plath metaphorically compares her drooping and wilted pith to that of a small, sour, unripe plum. Plath expresses her paroxysm at being jilted and describes her disposition of being sour and caustic, and her heart now wilted. Plath uses the phrase my lean, unripened heart to tell her readers she is so hard hurt that her heart may never recover or heal.The resolve of the poem is to express dissatisfaction and unhappiness for a personal experience of Plath. both word Plath used strengthens the mood of the entire poem that is filled with bitterness.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Piaget’s Developmental Psychology Essay

Piaget (1896-1980) believed that there was a duodecimal difference between the intelligence of big(a)s, y push throughh pincerren and older clawren. He believed adults redeem better knowledge of the world and because baby birdren do non use the very(prenominal) logic in there intending. He believed that pincerrens logic channelised as they developed through their quadruplet awards of life Piaget came to this conclusion after finish his cognitive development test. Unlike psychologist Siegler and Huges, Piaget is a theoretical psychologist and carried step to the fore many a(prenominal) experiments to illustrate his theories.These stages convey been critisied by many psychologist including Hughes, Siegler, Rose, Blank. Sensorimotor Stage Piaget believed that a new born had basic biological motivations, and acquired knowledge by appointment and assimilation, and once a pincer has acquired these schemas it would be at equilibration. It has been argued that Piaget unde restimated the intelligence of a newborn. Piagets sample did non illustrate a wide word form of baberen and then his experiment cannot be related to every child at that relevant age. His study was also only preformed on his throw children accordingly results could have been bias.Similar experiments were devised by other psychologist giving different conclusions, indicating Piagets results were not always reliable. Piagets first stage stated that a baby (0-2) first explores the world using motor and reflex actions. For character a child reaches towards an target and after many attempts will be able to eventually grasp the object and then bring the object to its mouth and will continue to explore it uses the senses of taste and smell. A child is said to have completed this stage of development once they have obtained object permanence (a child understands that an object still exists even when it is not visible).This theory was well-tried by giving a 5-6 months old child a ma sh to play with, the toy was covered with a textile and the babys behavior observed. Results showed that a baby immediately baffled interest as if the object never existed. notwithstanding when tried with a 10 month old child it would continue to reach for the toy although it could not see it. Another explanation is that the child did not think the toy had seized to exist but was distracted by the movement of the cloth, which is why the child looks away and appears to have forgot the toy.Bower and Wishart (1972) argued that it does still exist in a babies mind even when it may not be visible. in that location experiment was done on a baby less than quadruple months the baby was rancidered a toy but as it reached for the toy the lights were switched off this showed that even when the lights were off the child continued to reach for the toy. It can be argued that the child was not reaching out for the toy but was alone reaching due to the discomfort of the sudden darkness. Thi s study could also go against the ethics as the child could have been experiencing fear from the sudden red sight. Pre- operational StageAt this stage a child develops symbolic thinking another characteristic of this stage is self-interest. Piaget devised a three mountain toil to test this theory. A child was sat in front of a three mountains model, a doll was then placed at varies positions in the modeled mountains and pictures were presented, they were asked to pick the picture that represented what the doll could see. Four and cardinal year olds selected the picture showing what they could see, this suggested that they thought the doll could see what they could identifying egocentrism. However most seven years old were able to identify the wane picture.Due to Piagets selection of children it was very difficult to apply his findings to others, his own children were used throughout most of his experiment and any others were from well educate backgrounds. It can be argued tha t this experiment lacked ecological validity as the child could not relate to the situation they were presented with. Hughes devised a task to test egocentrism in a child but relating to an everyday situation, children as young as three and a half resulted the question aright, and 90% of children tested altogether were able to give the correct answer. Concrete operational stageA child enters this stage when they understand the appearance of something may change although the item itself remains the similar. Piaget tested this stage by setting out a row of counters in front of each child, than asking the child to make another row the resembling as the first one. Piaget would than ranch out his row of counters and ask the child if there were still the same amount of counters. This experiment tested a childs preservation of numbers. Most seven year olds were able to answer this question correctly concluding by the age of seven children are able to hold numbers.To test the conserva tion of liquidity Piaget collected two identical furnish A + B and a taller thin container C and asked the child which container held more, he then transferred the liquid from A+B to C and asked the child again. When a child was able to identify that both containers held the same amount of liquid they had achieved the concrete operational stage. Many aspects of this test have been criticized, including the social circumstance of the childs understanding. Rose and Blank argued that when a child is asked the same question twice they directd there first answer was awry(p) and changed their answer.When Rose and Blank replicated this experiment and only asked the question once most six years olds gave the correct answer. McGarriglr and Donaldson (1974) argued that as the adult changed the appearance children would assume this was significant so devised an experiment were the appearance of the items were changed accidently. Children tested were between four and six, results showed th at more than half tested gave the correct answer. Confirming children conserve at a younger age than Piaget claimed. Formal Operational StageA child shows logical thinking but generally needs to be able to work through sequences with actual objects. Once a child can manipulate ideas in their head it has entered the formal operational stage. Piaget tested this by giving each child string and weights and told them to find out which factors affects a complete swing of the pendulum they could vary the weights, length of string and dur business leader of push. Piaget found children who had entered the formal operational stage approached the task systematically interrogatory one variable at a time.Psychologist Robert Siegler (1979) tested children aged vanadium and upwards, by using the balance beam test. Results showed that eventually the child would leave into account the interaction between the weight and the disc but would not achieve this ability until they were between 13 and 17 . This concluded that childrens cognitive development is based on acquiring and using rules in progressively more complex situations instead of stages. Conclusion Piaget tested his children and well-educated professionals therefore making his findings ungeneralised and potentially bias.Subsequent questions relating to the childs individual answer may have led children to give the answer researchers were looking for. Piaget underestimated the ability of childrens social understanding. A childs perception of an adult the importance of a familiar context and the meaning of a s question all affect a childs performance. Weaknesses in Piaget experiment prevent children from showing what understood. Piaget overestimated the age at which children entered the formal operational stage (Siegler). As Piaget centered on individual children he failed to back out social settings into account.He failed to show that development is continuous and not in stages Evidence suggests that environmental factors, ethics and gender could alter a childs development. Small samples and controllability of variables were not taken into account. Piagets had very little proof to support his findings and believed that his finding could be applied to every child. Piagets focus on qualitative development has played an important role on education. Piaget opened the opportunities for others to learn and discover more on how children development.

“A Celebration of Grandfathers”

1. In A rejoicing of grandpas, the author writes that consider for elders is a cultural value to be passed on from generation to generation. What does he say the elders could teach young people? Use evidence from the school text to explain your answer.Anaya states that elders domiciliate teach young people to live genuine lives. By this he means lives that have meaning and purpose achieved through with(predicate) demanding work, faith, and a sense of community. Anaya states, They hold ined that to survive one had to packet in the emergence of deportment, and that means sharing in the good and the bad. Anaya comp bes the eye of the older generation to windows that peer into a distant past, and have a knowledge and spirit that comes from an understanding of the earth with which younger generations have lose touch.2. Anaya recalls an incident where his grandfather tells him, Know where you stand. What did his grandfather mean literally? What did he mean figuratively?Anayas grandfather says this to Anaya when he comes home as a young boy having been badly bitten by ants while operative out in the fields. Literally, Grandfather means watch where you are spill/standing, or pay better attention. Figuratively, Grandfather means this in a more philosophical sense he is telling young Anaya to learn to pay attention to the world around him so that he fundament avoid danger. Specifically, he means to pay attention to the Earth (nature) because, unless you argue it respect, it goat make unfriendly. Even natures tiny ants can become hostile and, when working as a community, can become threatening.3. The title of this memoir is A Celebration of Grandfathers, not A Celebration of My Grandfather. Why do you think Anaya made this distinction?In this memoir, Anaya is celebrating the elders, which hold all older generations and all future generations that will one mean solar day be old. Anaya uses his own grandfather as an example. By relaying his personal ex periences with his grandfather, Anaya shows examples of what the elders can pass on to younger generations. This piece is intended as a celebration of all older generations (grandfathers and grandmothers) and the cultural values they passed on.4. How doesAnayas grandfather dish up him cope with the death of his young friend?When a young boy is dragged to his death by a horse, young Anaya is upset that death came to soulfulness so young. To help him understand the process of death as a function of life, Anayas grandfather explains death through images of nature and the changing of seasons. These are common and comforting images that a young Anaya can relate to. Grandfather explains death as a resting period before blooming again, a small transformation in life rather than a ageless unknown.5. The author states that They ancianos learned that to survive one had to appropriate in the process of life. What does he mean by this? What is the process of life?Anaya means that the elders worked unitedly as family, friends, and neighbors to support each other when times were bad and to share in the bounty when times were good. It was a life that was community-oriented. The process of life is the daily process of living and surviving. They shared good times and hard times. They helped each other through the epidemics and personal tragedies and they shared what little they had when the sultry winds burned the land and no rain came. Rappers, if only they knew what they looked like perchance they would stop.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Twilight 7. NIGHTMARE

7. wickednessm atomic number 18I told Charlie I had a lot of homework to do, and that I didnt postulate to each one lose weightg to eat. There was a basketb either game on that he was unhinged approximately, though of course I had no idea what was special ab proscribed it, so he wasnt aware of whatso eer social function unusual in my face or tone.Once in my room, I locked the door. I dug by dint of my desk until I found my old headphones, and I plugged them into my humble CD player. I picked up a CD that Phil had given to me for Christmas. It was one of his favorite bands, consummately they used a short also oft ages bass and scream for my tastes. I popped it into intrust and lay cumulation on my bed. I arrange on the headphones, hit Play, and turned up the hold in until it hurt my ears. I keep show upd my eyeball, but the light cool it intruded, so I added a pillow over the draw half of my face.I concentrated really conservatively on the music, trying to und erstand the lyrics, to unravel the complicated bywit patterns. By the third time Id listened done the CD, I knew all the delivery to the choruses, at to the lowest degree. I was surprised to find that I really did worry the band later on all, once I got past the blaring noise. Id lay chain reactor to thank Phil again.And it worked. The shattering beats sack it impossible for me to study which was the total purpose of the exercise. I listened to the CD again and again, until I was singing on with all the songs, until, finally, I fell somnolent.I undetermineded my eye to a familiar place. Aware in slightly corner of my consciousness that I was dreaming, I recognized the verdancy light of the woods. I could strike the roll prohibiteds crashing against the rocks somewhere nearby. And I knew that if I found the ocean, Id be able to manipulate the sun. I was trying to follow the sound, but and then Jacob Black was thither, tugging on my take place, puff me fund ament toward the blackest fictional character of the forest.Jacob? Whats wrong? I asked. His face was f practicedened as he yanked with all his strength against my resistance I didnt want to go into the dark.Run, Bella, you take on to run he whispered, terrified.This carriage, Bella I recognized mikes voice profession issue po amaze aroundioning(a) of the gloomy heart of the trees, but I couldnt go for him.why? I asked, s work pulling against Jacobs grasp, desperate now to find the sun. exclusively Jacob let go of my hand and yelped, emergently shaking, falling to the dim forest floor. He twitched on the ground as I watched in horror.Jacob I screamed. only if now he was gone. In his place was a large red- chocolate-br avow animate being with black eyes. The brute faced a expression from me, pointing toward the shore, the fuzz on the concealment down of his shoulders bristling, low growls issuing from amongst his exposed fangs.Bella, run Mike cried bring expose a gain from behind me. But I didnt turn. I was watching a light coming toward me from the beach.And then Edward stepped break from the trees, his skin faintly glowing, his eyes black and dangerous. He held up one hand and beckoned me to come to him. The wolf growled at my feet.I took a step forward, toward Edward. He smiled then, and his teeth were sharp, pointed. commit me, he purred.I took some new(prenominal) step.The wolf launched himself across the space between me and the vampire, fangs aiming for the jugular.No I screamed, wrenching up veracious out(p) of my bed.My sudden forepart caused the headphones to pull the CD player off the bedside table, and it clattered to the wooden floor.My light was still on, and I was sitting fully dressed-up on the bed, with my shoes on. I glanced, disoriented, at the clock on my dresser. It was five-thirty in the morning.I groaned, fell back, and turn over over onto my face, kicking off my boots. I was too uncomfortable to pay back anyw here near sleep, though. I rolled back over and unbuttoned my jeans, yanking them off awkwardly as I tried to stay horizontal. I could feel the braid in my hair, an uncomfortable ridge a unyielding the back of my skull. I turned onto my side and ripped the rubber band out, chop-chop comb through the plaits with my fingers. I pulled the pillow back over my eyes.It was all no use, of course. My subconscious had dredged up exactly the images Id been trying so desperately to avoid. I was going to stupefy to face them now.I sit up, and my head spun for a minute as the occupation flowed downward. First things low gear, I thought to myself, sharp to ordain it off as vast as possible. I grabbed my lav bag.The shower didnt last virtually as long as I take tod it would, though. Even taking the time to blow-dry my hair, I was soon out of things to do in the bathroom. Wrapped in a towel, I go through back to my room. I couldnt prove if Charlie was still asleep, or if he had already left. I went to look out my window, and the pleasure craft was gone. Fishing again.I dressed soft in my or so comfy sweats and then made my bed something I n of all time did. I couldnt adorn it off any longer. I went to my desk and switched on my old computer.I hated using the net here. My modem was sadly outdated, my free service substandard fair dialing up took so long that I obstinate to go form myself a gyre of cereal slice I waited.I ate slowly, chewing each bite with railcare. When I was through with(p), I washed the bowl and spoon, dried them, and put them a way of life. My feet dragged as I climbed the stairs. I went to my CD player first, picking it up off the floor and placing it precisely in the center of the table. I pulled out the headphones, and put them away in the desk drawer. Then I turned the utter(prenominal) CD on, turning it down to the point where it was solid ground noise.With another sigh, I turned to my computer. Naturally, the screen was cove red in pop-up ads. I sit down in my hard folding chair and began closing all the little windows. in conclusion I made it to my favorite search engine. I shot down a few more than pop-ups and then typed in one word.Vampire.It took an infuriatingly long time, of course. When the results came up, there was a lot to sift through alwaysything from movies and TV shows to role-playing games, resistance metal, and gothic cosmetic companies.Then I found a declare site Vampires A-Z. I waited impatiently for it to load, quickly clicking closed each ad that flashed across the screen. Finally the screen was finished simple white background with black text, academic-looking. Two quotes greeted me on the home pageThroughout the wide shadowy world of ghosts and demons there is no figure so abominable, no figure so dreaded and abhorred, yet dight with such fearful fascination, as the vampire, who is himself neither ghost nor demon, but yet who partakes the dark natures and possesses the mys terious and terrible qualities of both. Rev. Montague SummersIf there is in this world a well-attested account, it is that of the vampires. Nothing is lacking decreed reports, affidavits of well-known people, of surgeons, of priests, of magistrates the judicial proof is most complete. And with all that, who is there who believes in vampires? RousseauThe rest of the site was an alphabetized listing of all the different myths of vampires held passim the world. The first I clicked on, the Danag, was a Filipino vampire supposedly amenable for planting taro on the islands long ago. The myth continued that the Danag worked with reality for many years, but the partnership ended one day when a woman cut her finger and a Danag sucked her wound, enjoying the taste so very oftentimes that it d falled her body completely of blood.I read carefully through the descriptions, looking for anything that sounded familiar, let alone plausible. It seemed that most vampire myths centered well-nig h beautiful women as demons and children as victims they also seemed comparable constructs created to explain away the high mortality rates for young children, and to give men an free for infidelity. Many of the stories involved bodiless spirits and warnings against improper burials. There wasnt lots that sounded analogous the movies Id seen, and only a very few, like the Hebrew Estrie and the round out Upier, who were even preoccupied with drinking blood.Only cardinal entries really caught my vigilance the Romanian Varacolaci, a powerful undead being who could appear as a beautiful, pale-skinned human, the Slovak Nelapsi, a creature so strong and fast it could massacre an entire village in the single hour after midnight, and one other, the Stregoni benefici. roughly this last there was only one brief sentence.Stregoni benefici An Italian vampire, tell to be on the side of goodness, and a mortal enemy of all evil vampires.It was a resi collectable, that one small entry, the one myth among hundreds that claimed the cosmos of good vampires.Overall, though, there was little that coincided with Jacobs stories or my own observations. Id made a little catalogue in my mind as Id read and carefully compared it with each myth. Speed, strength, beauty, pale skin, eyes that shift color and then Jacobs criteria blood drinkers, enemies of the werewolf, cold-skinned, and immortal. There were very few myths that matched even one factor.And then another problem, one that Id remembered from the small number of scary movies that Id seen and was backed up by todays reading vampires couldnt come out in the daytime, the sun would burn them to a cinder. They slept in coffins all day and came out only at night.Aggravated, I snapped off the computers main power switch, not waiting to shut things down properly. Through my irritation, I matte overwhelming embarrassment. It was all so stupid. I was sitting in my room, researching vampires. What was wrong with me? I decided th at most of the peck belonged on the doorstep of the town of Forks and the entire sodden Olympic Peninsula, for that matter.I had to get out of the rest home, but there was nowhere I valued to go that didnt involve a three-day drive. I pulled on my boots anyway, unclear where I was headed, and went downstairs. I shrugged into my come downcoat without checking the weather and stomped out the door.It was overcast, but not rain down yet. I ignored my truck and started east on foot, angling across Charlies yard toward the ever-encroaching forest. It didnt take long till I was thick(p) overflowing for the house and the road to be invisible, for the only sound to be the tramp of the damp earth under my feet and the sudden cries of the jays.There was a thin ribbon of a trail that led through the forest here, or I wouldnt risk wandering on my own like this. My good sense of direction was hopeless I could get lost in much less serviceful surroundings. The trail wound deeper and dee per into the forest, largely east as furthermost as I could tell. It snaked more or less the Sitka spruces and the hemlocks, the yews and the maples. I only mistily knew the names of the trees around me, and all I knew was due to Charlie pointing them out to me from the pleasure boat window in earlier days. There were many I didnt know, and others I couldnt be sure more or less because they were so covered in green parasites.I followed the trail as long as my anger at myself pushed me forward. As that started to ebb, I slowed. A few drops of moisture trickled down from the cover to a higher place me, but I couldnt be certain if it was beginning to rain or if it was simply pools left over from yesterday, held high in the leaves above me, slowly dripping their way back to the earth. A recently move tree I knew it was recent because it wasnt entirely carpeted in moss be against the trunk of one of her sisters, creating a sheltered little bench just a few safe feet off the t rail. I stepped over the ferns and sat carefully, making sure my jacket was between the damp seat and my robes wherever they touched, and leaned my hooded head back against the living tree.This was the wrong place to hand over come. I should have known, but where else was there to go? The forest was deep green and far too much like the scene in last nights dream to allow for peace of mind. Now that there was no longer the sound of my soggy footsteps, the silence was piercing. The birds were quiet, too, the drops increasing in frequency, so it must be raining above. The ferns stood higher than my head, now that I was seated, and I knew someone could walk by on the way of life, three feet away, and not see me.Here in the trees it was much easier to believe the absurdities that embarrassed me indoors. Nothing had changed in this forest for thousands of years, and all the myths and legends of a hundred different lands seemed much more likely in this green haze than they had in my cle ar-cut bedroom.I forced myself to focus on the two most vital dubietys I had to answer, but I did so unwillingly.First, I had to decide if it was possible that what Jacob had said about the Cullens could be authentic.Immediately my mind responded with a resounding negative. It was carefree and morbid to entertain such ridiculous notions. But what, then? I asked myself. There was no able explanation for how I was alive at this moment. I listed again in my head the things Id observed myself the impossible speed up and strength, the eye color shifting from black to goldand back again, the insentient beauty, the pale, frigid skin. And more small things that registered slowly how they never seemed to eat, the disturbing gentleness with which they moved. And the way besometimes spoke, with unfamiliar cadences and phrases that better fit the mien of a turn-of-the-century novel than that of a twenty-first-century classroom. He had skipped class the day wed done blood typing. He ha dnt said no to the beach trip till he heard where we were going. He seemed to know what everyone around him was thinking remove me. He had told me he was the villain, dangerousCould the Cullens be vampires?Well, they were something. Something outside the possibility of rational justification was taking place in front of my incredulous eyes. Whether it be Jacobs cold ones or my own super supporter theory, Edward Cullen was not human. He was something more.So then maybe. That would have to be my answer for now.And then the most important question of all. What was I going to do if it was true?If Edward was a vampire I could hardly make myself think the words then what should I do? Involving someone else was definitely out. I couldnt even believe myself anyone I told would have me committed.Only two options seemed practical. The first was to take his advice to be smart, to avoid him as much as possible. To flowerpotcel our plans, to go back to ignoring him as far as I was able. To pretend there was an impenetrably thick glass circumvent between us in the one class where we were forced together. To tell him to leave me alone and mean it this time.I was gripped in a sudden agony of despair as I considered that alternative. My mind rejected the pain, quickly skipping on to the near option.I could do zero different. After all, if he was something sinister, hed done nothing to hurt me so far. In fact, I would be a dent in Tylers fender if he hadnt acted so quickly. So quickly, I argued with myself, that it capability have been sheer reflex(prenominal)es. But if it was a reflex to save lives, how bad could he be? I retorted. My head spun around in answerless circles.There was one thing I was sure of, if I was sure of anything. The dark Edward in my dream last night was a reflection only of my fear of the word Jacob had spoken, and not Edward himself. Even so, when Id screamed out in terror at the werewolfs lunge, it wasnt fear for the wolf that brought the cr y of no to my lips. It was fear that he would be harmed even as he called to me with sharp-edged fangs, I feared for him.And I knew in that I had my answer. I didnt know if there ever was a choice, really. I was already in too deep. Now that I knew if I knew I could do nothing about my frightening secret. Because when I thought of him, of his voice, his hypnotic eyes, the magnetic force of his personality, I precious nothing more than to be with him right now. Even if but I couldnt think it. Not here, alone in the darkening forest. Not go the rain made it dim as twilight under the canopy and pattered like footsteps across the matted earthen floor. I shivered and rose quickly from my place of concealment, worried that somehow the path would have disappeared with the rain.But it was there, safe and clear, go its way out of the dripping green maze. I followed it hastily, my hood pulled close around my face, becoming surprised, as I nearly ran through the trees, at how far I had co me. I started to wonder if I was heading out at all, or following the path farther into the confines of the forest. ahead I could get too frightky, though, I began to glimpse some open spaces through the webbed branches. And then I could hear a car passing on the street, and I was free, Charlies lawn stretched out in front of me, the house beckoning me, promising warmth and dry socks.It was just noon when I got back inside. I went upstairs and got dressed for the day, jeans and a t-shirt, since I was staying indoors. It didnt take too much effort to concentrate on my task for the day, a musical composition on Macbeth that was due Wednesday. I settled into outlining a rough outline contentedly, more serene than Id felt since well, since Thursday afternoon, if I was being honest.That had evermore been my way, though. Making lasts was the painful part for me, the part I agonized over. But once the decision was made, I simply followed through usually with relief that the choice w as made. Sometimes the relief was tainted by despair, like my decision to come to Forks. But it was still better than wrestling with the alternatives.This decision was laughably easy to live with. Dangerously easy.And so the day was quiet, resultive I finished my paper forrader eight. Charlie came home with a large catch, and I made a mental note to pick up a book of recipes for fish while I was in Seattle next week. The chills that flashed up my spine whenever I thought of that trip were no different than the ones Id felt in front Id taken my walk with Jacob Black. They should be different, I thought. I should be afraid I knew I should be, but I couldnt feel the right kind of fear.I slept dreamlessly that night, exhausted from beginning my day so early, and dormancy so poorly the night before. I woke, for the second time since arriving in Forks, to the bright yellow light of a sunny day. I skipped to the window, stunned to see that there was hardly a cloud in the sky, and th ose there were just fleecy little white puffs that couldnt possibly be carrying any rain. I assailable the window surprised when it opened silently, without sticking, not having opened it in who knows how many years and sucked in the relatively dry air. It was nearly warm and hardly windy at all. My blood was electric in my veins. Charlie was finishing breakfast when I came downstairs, and he picked up on my predilection immediately.Nice day out, he commented.Yes, I agreed with a grin.He smiled back, his brown eyes crinkling around the edges. When Charlie smiled, it was easier to see why he and my fret had jumped too quickly into an early marriage. Most of the young romantic hed been in those days had faded before Id known him, as the curly brown hair the same color, if not the same texture, as mine had dwindled, slowly revealing more and more of the shiny skin of his forehead. But when he smiled I could see a little of the man who had run away with Ren?e when she was just t wo years older than I was now.I ate breakfast cheerily, watching the dust moats stirring in the sunlight that streamed in the back window. Charlie called out a goodbye, and I heard the cruiser pull away from the house. I hesitated on my way out the door, hand on my rain jacket. It would be tempting fate to leave it home. With a sigh, I folded it over my arm and stepped out into the brightest light Id seen in months.By dint of much elbow grease, I was able to get both windows in the truck almost completely rolled down. I was one of the first ones to rail I hadnt even checked the clock in my speed up to get outside. I lay and headed toward the seldom-used picnic benches on the south side of the cafeteria. The benches were still a little damp, so I sat on my jacket, glad to have a use for it. My homework was done the product of a slow social life but there were a few Trig problems I wasnt sure I had right. I took out my book industriously, but halfway through rechecking the first problem I was daydreaming, watching the sunlight play on the red-barked trees. I sketched inattentively along the margins of my homework. After a few minutes, I suddenly realized Id pull five pairs of dark eyes staring out of the page at me. I scrubbed them out with the eraser.Bella I heard someone call, and it sounded like Mike.I looked around to realize that the school had become populated while Id been sitting there, absentminded. Everyone was in t-shirts, some even in mulct though the temperature couldnt be over sixty. Mike was coming toward me in khaki shorts and a striped Rugby shirt, waving.Hey, Mike, I called, waving back, unable to be halfhearted on a morning like this.He came to sit by me, the tidy spikes of his hair shining golden in the light, his grin stretching across his face. He was so delighted to see me, I couldnt help but feel gratified.I never discover before your hair has red in it, he commented, catching between his fingers a strand that was fluttering in the light breeze.Only in the sun.I became just a little uncomfortable as he enclose the lock behind my ear.Great day, isnt it?My kind of day, I agreed.What did you do yesterday? His tone was just a bit too proprietary.I mostly worked on my essay. I didnt add that I was finished with it no subscribe to sound smug.He hit his forehead with the heel of his hand. Oh yeah thats due Thursday, right?Um, Wednesday, I think.Wednesday? He frowned. Thats not good What are you makeup yours on?Whether Shakespeares treatment of the female characters is misogynistic.He stared at me like Id just spoken in pig Latin.I guess Ill have to get to work on that this evening, he said, deflated. I was going to ask if you wanted to go out.Oh. I was taken off guard. wherefore couldnt I ever have a pleasant conversation with Mike anymore without it get awkward?Well, we could go to dinner or something and I could work on it later. He smiled at me hopefully.Mike I hated being put on the spot. I dont thin k that would be the best idea.His face fell. Why? he asked, his eyes guarded. My thoughts flickered to Edward, wondering if thats where his thoughts were as well.I think and if you ever repeat what Im saying right now I will cheerfully beat you to death, I threatened, but I think that would hurt Jessicas feelings.He was bewildered, obviously not thinking in that direction at all. Jessica?Really, Mike, are you blind?Oh, he exhaled clearly dazed. I took advantage of that to make my escape.Its time for class, and I cant be late again. I gathered my books up and stuf feed them in my bag.We walked in silence to building three, and his expression wasdistracted. I hoped whatever thoughts he was immersed in were leading him in the right direction.When I saw Jessica in Trig, she was bubbling with enthusiasm. She, Angela, and Lauren were going to Port Angeles tonight to go dress shop for the dance, and she wanted me to come, too, even though I didnt need one. I was indecisive. It would be ni ce to get out of town with some girlfriends, but Lauren would be there. And who knew what I could be doing tonight But that was definitely the wrong path to let my mind wander down. Of course I was happy about the sunlight. But that wasnt completely responsible for the euphoric mood I was in, not even close.So I gave her a maybe, telling her Id have to colloquy with Charlie first.She talked of nothing but the dance on the way to Spanish, continuing as if without an interruption when class finally ended, five minutes late, and we were on our way to lunch. I was far too lost in my own ferocity of anticipation to notice much of what she said. I was distressingly eager to see not just him but all the Cullens to compare them with the new suspicions that plagued my mind. As I crossed the threshold of the cafeteria, I felt the first true tingle of fear slither down my spine and settle in my stomach. Would they be able to know what I was thinking? And then a different feeling jolted thr ough me would Edward be waiting to sit with me again?As was my routine, I glanced first toward the Cullens table. A shiver of panic trembled in my stomach as I realized it was mindless. With dwindling hope, my eyes scoured the rest of the cafeteria, hoping to find him alone, waiting for me. The place was nearly change Spanish had made us late but there was no sign of Edward or any of his family. Desolation hit me with crippling strength.I shambled along behind Jessica, not bothering to pretend to listen anymore.We were late liberal that everyone was already at our table. I avoided the empty chair next to Mike in favor of one by Angela. I vaguely noticed that Mike held the chair out politely for Jessica, and that her face lit up in response.Angela asked a few quiet questions about the Macbeth paper, which I answered as naturally as I could while spiraling downward in misery. She, too, invited me to go with them tonight, and I agreed now, grasping at anything to distract myself. I realized Id been holding on to a last shred of hope when I entered Biology, saw his empty seat, and felt a new wave of disappointment.The rest of the day passed slowly, dismally. In Gym, we had a lecture on the rules of badminton, the next torture they had lined up for me. But at least it meant I got to sit and listen instead of stumbling around on the court. The best part was the coach didnt finish, so I got another day off tomorrow. never mind that the day after they would arm me with a racket before unleashing me on the rest of the class.I was glad to leave campus, so I would be free to pout and mope before I went out tonight with Jessica and company. But right after I walked in the door of Charlies house, Jessica called to cancel our plans. I tried to be happy that Mike had asked her out to dinner I really was relieved that he finally seemed to be catching on but my enthusiasm sounded false in my own ears. She rescheduled our shopping trip for tomorrow night.Which left me wi th little in the way of distractions. I had fish marinating for dinner, with a salad and bread left over from the night before, so there was nothing to do there. I spent a focused half hour on homework, but then I was through with that, too. I checked my e-mail, reading the backlog of letters from my mother, getting snippier as they progressed to the present. I sighed and typed a quick response.Mom,Sorry. Ive been out. I went to the beach with some friends. And I had to write a paper.My excuses were fairly pathetic, so I gave up on that.Its sunny outside today I know, Im shocked, too so Im going to go outside and soak up as much vitamin D as I can. I love you,Bella.I decided to kill an hour with non-school-related reading. I had a small collection of books that came with me to Forks, the shabbiest volume being a compilation of the works of Jane Austen. I selected that one and headed to the backyard, grabbing a ragged old pacifier from the linen cupboard at the top of the stairs o n my way down.Outside in Charlies small, square yard, I folded the quilt in half and laid it out of the reach of the trees shadows on the thick lawn that would always be slightly wet, no matter how long the sun shone. I lay on my stomach, crossing my ankles in the air, flipping through the different novels in the book, trying to decide which would occupy my mind the most thoroughly. My favorites were Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. Id read the first most recently, so I started into Sense and Sensibility, only to remember after I began three that the hero of the story happened to be named Edward. Angrily, I turned to Mansfield Park, but the hero of that piece was named Edmund, and that was just too close. Werent there any other names available in the late eighteenth century? I snapped the book shut, annoyed, and rolled over onto my back. I pushed my sleeves up as high as they would go, and closed my eyes. I would think of nothing but the warmth on my skin, I told mysel f severely. The breeze was still light, but it blew tendrils of my hair around my face, and that tickled a bit. I pulled all my hair over my head, letting it fan out on the quilt above me, and focused again on the genus Oestrus that touched my eyelids, my cheekbones, my nose, my lips, my forearms, my neck, soaked through my light shirtThe next thing I was conscious of was the sound of Charlies cruiser turning onto the bricks of the driveway. I sat up in surprise, realizing the light was gone, behind the trees, and I had fallen asleep. I looked around, muddled, with the sudden feeling that I wasnt alone.Charlie? I asked. But I could hear his door slamming in front of the house.I jumped up, foolishly edgy, gathering the now-damp quilt and my book. I ran inside to get some oil heating on the stove, realizing that dinner would be late. Charlie was hanging up his gun belt and stepping out of his boots when I came in.Sorry, Dad, dinners not ready yet I fell asleep outside. I stifled a y awn.Dont worry about it, he said. I wanted to catch the score on the game, anyway.I watched TV with Charlie after dinner, for something to do. There wasnt anything on I wanted to watch, but he knew I didnt like baseball, so he turned it to some mindless sitcom that neither of us enjoyed. He seemed happy, though, to be doing something together. And it felt good, despite my depression, to make him happy.Dad, I said during a commercial, Jessica and Angela are going to look at dresses for the dance tomorrow night in Port Angeles, and they wantedme to help them choose do you mind if I go with them?Jessica Stanley? he asked.And Angela Weber. I sighed as I gave him the details.He was confused. But youre not going to the dance, right?No, Dad, but Im helping them find dresses you know, giving them constructive criticism. I wouldnt have to explain this to a woman.Well, okay. He seemed to realize that he was out of his knowledge with the girlie stuff. Its a school night, though.Well leave r ight after school, so we can get back early. Youll be okay for dinner, right?Bells, I fed myself for seventeen years before you got here, he reminded me.I dont know how you survived, I muttered, then added more clearly, Ill leave some things for cold-cut sandwiches in the fridge, okay? proper(ip) on top.It was sunny again in the morning. I awakened with re-create hope that I grimly tried to suppress. I dressed for the hummer weather in a deep blue V-neck blouse something Id worn in the dead of winter in Phoenix.I had planned my arrival at school so that I barely had time to make it to class. With a sinking heart, I circled the full lot looking for a space, while also searching for the silver Volvo that was clearly not there. I parked in the last row and hurried to English, arriving breathless, but subdued, before the final bell.It was the same as yesterday I just couldnt keep little sprouts of hope from budding in my mind, only to have them squashed painfully as I searched the lunchroom in vain and sat at my empty Biology table.The Port Angeles scheme was back on again for tonight and made all the more attractive by the fact that Lauren had other obligations. I was anxious to get out of town so I could stop glancing over my shoulder, hoping to see him appearing out of the blue the way he always did. I vowed to myself that I would be in a good mood tonight and not ruin Angelas or Jessicas usage in the dress hunting. Maybe I could do a little clothes shopping as well. I refused to think that I might be shopping alone in Seattle this weekend, no longer raise in the earlier arrangement. Surely he wouldnt cancel without at least telling me.After school, Jessica followed me home in her old white atomic number 80 so that I could ditch my books and truck. I brushed through my hair quickly when I was inside, feeling a slight lift of fervency as I contemplated getting out of Forks. I left a note for Charlie on the table, explaining again where to find dinner, s witched my scruffy wallet from my school bag to a purse I rarely used, and ran out to unification Jessica. We went to Angelas house next, and she was waiting for us. My excitement increased exponentially as we truly drove out of the town limits.