
Monday, September 30, 2019

Discussions Examples Essay

First Article: Sexed-up images in media hurt young girls: study   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The articles is regarding the strong precedent that media is making through projection of certain images of women, who are packaged in a negative sexual manner, which then shapes societal perception and acceptance.   This hence brings about the question of ethics in terms of marketing of casinos, hotels and restaurants of the image of women, as how this marketing is done impacts greatly on its patrons and the general public.   I believe that there is indeed moral obligation with regards to company responsibility in public imaging. Although it is in fact the prerogative of the consumer to filter ethical contents and considerations, there is still a moral and ethical responsibility on the part of the companies. Corporate social responsibility should not be confined to environmental concerns, but also social, like what the sexual images problem poses. This is not to say that there should be complete cessation of operations of such companies, but rather a mellow down in sexual marketing.   The impact of marketing women sexuality not only reaches out to the desired adult audience, but also to youngster and teenagers who acquire certain values and norms, and eventually would replicate it.   Curbing marketing is indeed a vast task, but it is something that must be done. Second Article: Survey reveals most satisfying jobs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The survey conducted reveals the list of most and least satisfying jobs.   These are essentially important considerations, as psychological and emotional satisfactions are also factors to the person/worker’s efficiency and effectiveness in his/her employment.   Given that the least gratifying jobs are listed and identified, there should be ways to uplift and increase personal satisfaction, as such would positively increase on the person’s productivity.   Jobs like those identified that are the least gratifying should be made more conducive and satisfying for people, as these are important works which should not cause psychological distress.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Black Social Movements Essay

The political and social structure of the United States can be difficult to comprehend. How does one rationalize that in 1776, America declared its independence from England by stating, in part that â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness,† yet, in 1818, in the very same country, Frederick Douglass is born a slave? (Jefferson, 2004 p. 612; Library). It appears that under certain circumstances, it is not self-evident that the Right to Liberty is unalienable. Fortunately, America has progressed, and while it would be difficult to support the position that Blacks have arrived at a point of complete equity with Whites, it is safe to say that giant strides have been made, but these strides have required action in the form of organized social movements. Blumer (1939) stated that â€Å"social movements can be viewed as collective enterprises to establish a new order of life. They have their inception in the condition of unrest, and derive their motive power on one hand from dissatisfaction with the current form of life, and on the other hand, from wishes and hopes for a new scheme or system of living† (p. 199). This analysis captures the meaning and significance of today’s Black social movements: that while the Black community now enjoys an increased equality and level of privilege when compared with what it was allowed in the recent past, there remains significant ground to be covered before true parity can be reached. The awareness of this need within the Black community has created both unrest and dissatisfaction, but past successes in the fight for social equality have nurtured a desire for even more change. One of the most influential areas of modern, American society is the media—specifically television—and it is here that an important social movement can be traced: the increased inclusion of Blacks on T. V. During the 1950’s, shows like I Love Lucy, The Honeymooners, and Dick Clark’s American Bandstand all premiered (List of years in television). Each of these shows featured characters and storylines that dealt with an America that was portrayed as White. Moving into the 1960’s, a time of great advances in the Nation’s struggle for racial equality, the television fare featured the premier of The Dick Van Dyke Show, Green Acres, and the original Star Trek (List of years in television). This decade’s entertainment also featured a predominantly White world-view; however, Star Trek’s promise â€Å"to go where no man has gone before† was as much a testament to the people, issues, and possibilities that were at the forefront of social improvement as it was a reference to space travel (Star Trek: The Original Series). To the credit of Star Trek’s creator, Gene Roddenberry, his multi-racial, multi-gender crew, included Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant Uhura, a stunning, articulate, high-ranking, black woman whose role it was to keep lines of communication open. This was a step in the right direction for Blacks as it allowed White America to absorb a new concept: Blacks are intelligent, responsible, and worthy of authority; they do not exist merely to dust, clear tables, and act as the butt of jokes. Currently, the face of television has become far more diverse, and there are networks such as BET (Black Entertainment Television) that cater to and feature Blacks. It is my belief that the change that has taken place in television media over the last half-century can be attributed to the increased awareness of those who once had sole control of the medium (Whites), coupled with the increase in buying power of Blacks, and the desire on the part of Blacks to assume command of part of television (e. g. BET). The fact that Blacks desire greater representation and control within television media is part of the ongoing, modern social movement towards equality that the Black community embraces. What does this all mean? Primarily, it means that social changes come about slowly, pushed by two forces: natural social change, and active social movements. It was natural that at some point someone would include a character like Lieutenant Uhura in a series, but along with this natural progression, more action was needed. There was only one Uhura on television, but there were thousands of Black women like her out in the world. This is why networks such as BET are so important: they represent an active social movement in the Black community; an insistence that part of the focus, part of the power, and part of the control be in the hands of Blacks. It may be true that our Nation’s Declaration of Independence seemed to say one thing but represent another; however, Frederick Douglass survived the mixed message and went on to contribute significantly to American history and ideals. Today’s Blacks are aware of a truth Douglass understood: that to make strides, one must work within the framework of the majority, while never doubting the singular strength of an individual’s effect on a nation. Without the early encouragement of his Master’s wife, Douglass may not have been introduced to the desire to learn, but that desire led Douglass to greater pursuits (Douglass, 2004, pp. 62-65). The Black community is now represented in local, state, and federal government: a sign that the community is working individually (i. e. running and voting), and within the framework of the majority (i. e. the established government and its rules) to improve its position within the United States of America. Schools are filled with a variety of ethnicities, both in front of the classroom and seated within it, and Blacks are embracing the need to educate themselves to ensure better jobs, financial success, and future opportunities. Essentially, the focus of today’s Black social movements can be viewed as those actions that fall within the context of the majority’s framework and are designed to allow members of the Black community greater parity within this frameowrk. At the same time, these actions are being encouraged and supported on an individual by individual basis, so that the overall strength of each person can be added to the collective, and both might benefit from natural social change as well as active social movements. References Blumer, H. (1939). Collective behavior. In R. E. Park (Ed. ), An outline f the principles of Sociology. (pp. 199). New York, NY: Barnes and Noble. Douglass, F. (2004). Learning to read and write. In Comley, N. , Hamilto, D. , Klaus, C. H. , Scholes, R. , & Sommers, N. (Eds. ), Fields of reading: motives for writing. (pp. 62-66). Boston, Mass. : Bedford. Jefferson, T. (2004). The Declaration of Independence. In Comley, N. , Hamilto, D. , Klaus, C. H. , Scholes, R. , & Sommers, N. (Eds. ), Fields of reading: motives for writing. (pp. 612-615). Boston, Mass. : Bedford. Library of Congress, The. The Frederick Douglass papers. Timeline. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from http://rs6. loc. gov/ammem/doughtml/timeline. html. List of years in television. (2006, September 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/ List_of_years_in_television. Star Trek: The Original Series. (2006, September 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/ Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Separate Peace - Thematic Analysis

A Separate Peace Thematic Analysis Essay Peace brings up the theme of mans inhumanity to his fellow man. What makes this novel unique is that in protesting war, Knowles never overtly referred to the blood and gore of war; he showed the consequences of war, some paralleling the nature of war and some simply laying out how World War II affected noncombatants thousand miles away. There have been many books written about war, what happens, why it happens, and why wars should stop. Knowles explains through the life of Finny why war never will cease, with only one death in the entire book; a quiet one at that. When Gene is responsible for Finnys fall off the tree, the reader is in some confusion as to what really happened. All the book reads at this juncture is Holding firmly to the trunk, I took a step near him, and then my knees bounced and I jounced the limb. Finny, his balance gone, swung his head to look at me for an instant with extreme interest, and then he tumbled sideways, broke through the little branches below and hit the bank with a sickening, unnatural thud. The reader does not know whether it was accidental or intentional. It is not until later that Finny realizes that Gene is responsible for his crippling, and what a natural thing it was to do. Gene bounced the branch just to see if he could make the invincible Finny fall; at least, this is why Gene claims he did it. This is true, but at some level, Gene was scared of Finny, of his confidence, his abilities, and his potential for breaking records. Consider Genes paranoia over Finnys attempts to make him adventurous. Gene interprets these genuine acts of friendship as attempts to prevent him from reaching the top of the academic ladder. This paranoia parallels war in that after it is declared, no one is safe. Countries, leaders, people suspicious of all who are perceived as a threat, causing them to lash out at anyone even peripherally involved. Adequately proven in A Separate Peace, there are also historical examples: the Nazi death camps, the American Japanese-American relocation camps, and the McCarthyism of the fifties. Apparently, in America, the Constitution rules until war is declared, then paranoia and vindictiveness take charge. When Gene had the opportunity to get back at Finny, he did, which is so human it is disheartening. This tenet of our nature precludes, before it has even begun, the idea of world peace. Some country will always feel that another is stronger, or a threat, and initiate action. Another example of mans capacity for viciousness against his fellow is Lepers insanity. Leper, an outcast at Devon, was one of the first juniors to enlist. An avid naturalist, he was entranced by the ski patrol, zooming about on clean, crisp snow. When he discovered the horrible reality of war, he cracked. The students at Devon, when they heard this, acted like the human creatures they were; they laughed. It  was a survival reflex, laughing at a horror they would soon been forced to endure. Picking on Leper, Brinker and his buddies revealed the human need to blame someone, to distract the eye from their own fear. A final example of mans inhumanity to man as shown in A Separate Peace is the inquiry by Brinker and his panel to find out what happened the day Finny broke his leg. Gene himself says of Brinker and the proceedings: Hes enjoying this, hes imagining himself Justice incarnate, balancing the scales. Hes forgotten that Justice incarnate is not only blindfolding the scales but also blindfolded. With Finny begging for him to stop, he relentlessly probed, determined to find the truth, a truth that helped no one and hurt everyone. Because Brinker insisted on proceeding with his little drama, Finny loses what was possibly one of his most precious possessions: Gene. All this playacting ultimately accomplished was one thing: Finnys death. The marrow of Finnys bones killed him, thus, it seems the symbolism is mans inner core will defeat him. Because we are human, we are imperfect, and the perfect among us symbolized by Finny cannot exist, so that ideal society will never become a reality. READ: Critical Essay On Sir Arthur Conan Doyle MoriartyThis novel illustrates man can be cruel to his fellow man. John Knowles A Separate Peace demonstrates why men go to war, and why they cannot stop. This remarkable feat is accomplished with the telling of a single unique individual and his death.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Benefits of Green Tea on Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Benefits of Green Tea on Diabetes - Essay Example Before the development of diabetes, a condition referred to as pre-diabetes do occur (McKinley, & Jamieson, 2009). In this condition, the individuals do not pass all the tests that can enable one to conclude an individual is diabetes. In some other words, the condition is known as the ‘grey area’ or the borderline. The borderline condition is a manifestation that an individual is at the risk of either developing a diabetes condition or other cardiovascular conditions (McKinley, & Jamieson, 2009). Types of Diabetes There are three different types of diabetes that can independently manifest themselves depending on the prevailing conditions and circumstances; type I diabetes is one of them, there are other scientific references that are used to refer to the same-insulin dependent, juvenile –onset or immune-mediated diabetes (McKinley, & Jamieson, 2009). Type I diabetes is an auto immune disorder in which the body considers there own cells as antigens and immunologica lly reacts towards them. They produce the antibodies that consider them as foreign substances leading to auto immune disorder. Once the cells producing the insulin are attacked, they fail to produce enough insulin and the effect is occurrence of type I diabetes (McKinley, & Jamieson, 2009). This condition is prevalent in young children and teens and have to administer insulin injection on a daily basis otherwise it may lead to death. Type II diabetes It is at times referred to as non-insulin dependant or adult onset diabetes (McKinley, & Jamieson, 2009). It the most prevalent cases of all the three diabetes that are known and accounts for about 90 percent of all the diabetes cases. The cause of type II diabetes is the relative deficiency of insulin or resistance of insulin. Either of the two conditions can manifest at the time of occurrence of the condition. The condition of type II diabetes can remain undetected for a long period of time and its occurrence is mainly observed at the age of 40 onwards (McKinley, & Jamieson, 2009). The condition is known to be associated with obesity which has been implicated in causing insulin resistance and subsequently lead to the elevation of the blood sugar level. Gestational diabetes (GDM), this is another form of diabetes that occurs due to elevation of the glucose level during pregnancy period. It is known to occur in 1 out of the 25 pregnancies (McKinley, & Jamieson, 2009). The condition of this type of diabetes is commonly seen before or soon after birth. This condition normally disappear immediately after birth and together with their offspring have the tendency of developing type II diabetes within a maximum span of ten years from the delivery date. Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes In medical language symptoms are said to be subjective and can be noticed by the patient themselves while signs are objective and can only be noticed by a specialist like a doctors. When the doc tor and the patient can both identify a condit ion, then it qualifies to be a symptom and a sign at the same time. Some of the salient signs and symptoms of diabetes are as follows; frequent urination, this take place due to the inability of the body to produce enough insulin making more glucose to concentration in the blood and through osmosis, the body reacts by drawing more water in to the system to dilute the high concentration of the glucose in blood. This make the kidney t be filled with urine through the normal ultra filtration process (McKinley, & Jam

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business research week 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business research week 3 - Assignment Example However, the means of acquiring the desired information in this case involves various stakeholders. Among these stakeholders are business shareholders who expect their investments to be deployed strategically to create improve value, research team which has to understand the purpose and commitment required, and participants to provide feedback regarding their perception of Samsung products. When conducting business research, shareholders expect research and development budgets to bear positive results. In consideration of ethics, Samsung is to ensure that budget allocated for specific research tasks is utilized within those jurisdictions. By observing ethical use of resources, Samsung is to strategically allocate these resources to service the need. On the other hand, when conducting business research, Samsung is to employ open communication in which members from the research and development department are well-informed of their duties and obligations. Lastly, the participants in the research will provide the required information regarding Samsung products. However, the provision of the information regarding customer perceptions on Samsung products demands the active participation of a research sample. In order to ensure ethical considerations when dealing with the sample, the research purpose should be explicitly stated, consent acquired, and the protection of persona l information guaranteed (Sauser,

Compare and contrast the societies of Classical China (c. 500 BCE - c Essay

Compare and contrast the societies of Classical China (c. 500 BCE - c. 200 CE), Greece (Athens only, c. 500 BCE - c. 300 BCE), and Rome (c. 500 BCE - c. 500 CE) - Essay Example ctors associated with prolonged stays in the intensive care unit and to describe briefly the nonmedical interventions to date designed to reduce length of stay† (Gruenberg et. al, 2006) is the stated objective of the research article This abstract provides a clear idea about two important factors whether the research addressed the question of interest and whether it studied individuals or situations are relevant. Aside from giving information about the purpose of the study, it also includes who was included in the study as well as an overview of the findings and the implications of the findings to practice. The abstract of the research paper being critiqued is found on the first page of the research. It has the findings which provide the summary of the key components of the research. The abstract provides a short summary of the study. It includes the aim of the study, outline of the methodology and the main findings. The purpose of the abstract is to allow the readers to decide if the study is of interest to them The introduction section of the research paper describes the gap in knowledge that is addressed by the research study. In this section of the report, the researcher explains why the research was needed, why the study was carried out in the manner that it was and what the researcher is specifically asking or predicting. The review of related literature of the research article is a focused summary of what has already been published regarding the question or problem for which there is a gap in knowledge. The literature of the research article gives the readers’ a picture of what is already known or has already been studied in relation to the problem and identifies where the gaps in knowledge may be. The literature review in the research being critiqued does not necessarily only include published research studies. It also may include published reports about issues related to practice or a description of a theory. A theory is a written description of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Web Development for Information Management Coursework

Web Development for Information Management - Coursework Example System†,â€Å"Boston Pizza†, â€Å"Zuppler Online Ordering Menus†, â€Å"Funny Cow Fast Food†, â€Å"Hoagies & Wings, LA†), it was observed that there is an underlying trend that is generally followed while designing food delivery websites. Usually, a food provider hosts a website with a URL that depicts the food company’s name or some memorable association to it; a name that the customers can easily remember. On the homepage of the website is displayed the logo of the company, contact details and a detailed menu of the company’s food items with pricing, the delivery time, availability and cost for all the items. The customer is given the option to select food items from the menu displayed on the homepage. Whatever item the customer selects, it is added to an item’s cart that displays the total accumulated billing of the order so far along with the items selected. Once the customer is done selecting the items, he/she selects the check-out option from menu. In case, the customer is new, he/she provides some personal information (i.e. contact detail and delivery address) to register to the site and place the order. This information is stored within a database maintained by the food providers. In case, the customer is not new, he/she can use the login details from the past orders. The personal information will be retrieved automatically based on these details and the order will be placed automatically. The payment is done either online by provide credit card details or by hand on delivery. Once the order is placed, a notification is sent to the food provider regarding the placement of an order. This could be through sms, fax or a notification on the system running at the provider’s work area. The orders can be grouped into ‘completed’, ‘active’ and ‘pending’. Once the provider accepts an order, a confirmation is sent to the customer, either through an email or sms. The staff starts preparing the ordered food. Once the food is prepared, it is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Employee Communications (just Paraphrase) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Employee Communications (just Paraphrase) - Essay Example We feel that you should not allow them to pressure you into signing those authorization cards. We hope you understand that Fruit Corner is not trying to suppress your rights to self-organization but we honestly believe that our company does not need any union because we have a very good management-employee relationship. The existence of a union might just hamper the otherwise peaceful rapport that we already enjoy. In view of the above considerations, we encourage you to think twice before signing the authorization cards. We believe in your good judgment. We know that you are in agreement with us that it is for the good of all that our employees remain un-unionized. If there are any issues or misunderstandings between management and you, our employees, we are always ready to discuss things with you and settle the issues amicably. We believe that a union is not the sole solution to management-employee misunderstandings. Fruit Corner’s management and employees stand to gain more benefits without a union than having one. You can be assured that we always put your best interests in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Cost Control Methods of a Food Service Restaurant Research Paper

Cost Control Methods of a Food Service Restaurant - Research Paper Example When one enters the premises, one is likely to get impressed by its tropical outlook as well as the way the tables are arranged. The restaurant prides itself in the cocktails it serves as these come in large quantities and often cause visitors to try out the establishment in the first place. It also serves traditional dishes like the paella, which has shrimp, clams and mussels; the Cuban sandwich is also another star item on their menu. These food items have not garnered raving reviews from patrons as some feel that the drinks are watered-down and the sandwiches are highly defective (Doss 2). However, what is clear is that most of the clients value the convenience of the location as many of them are new to South Beach and would not wish to look around for other eateries. The Daily Meal classifies this business as the worst restaurant in America and several customers agree with the assessment as seen through their Yelp reviews. Most of the competitors are located along the same area; that is, Ocean Drive with Las Olas Cafà © being one of the more formidable players in the business. They also sell Cuban sandwiches like Colony Cafà © but make them in the proper way thus earning a steady stream of clients in the Miami Beach area. However, other restaurants in Ocean Drive have relatively poor customer reviews; Van Dyke’s Cafe and Dà ©jà   Vu restaurant are all within the same vicinity but are guilty of low-quality service as well. In fact, many reviewers claim that the entire Ocean Drive area is an amalgam of poorly-management restaurants. The area has lowered the bar for fine restaurant dining, and left many clients yearning for more; some believe that they have to visit neighboring Puerto Sagua to find decent food establishments. Colony Cafà © suffers from a serious publicity problem; being branded as America’s worst restaurant is the last thing a business owner wants. The most commonly identified issue among customers is exorbitant pricing;

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Consultant Recommendations World Cup Brazil 2014 Essay Example for Free

Consultant Recommendations World Cup Brazil 2014 Essay Introduction: Sport tourism is a significant part of the tourism industry, which has a remarkable impact on many aspects to the hosting region of the event. The Olympic games and the world cup have a long history since the Roman Empire, however; those mega events have established new developments in which they have improved the tourism industry depending on their geography. This paper will analyze the World Cup event that will be held in Brazil this year and will illustrate it’s Strength, weaknesses, Opportunities, and threats in order to conclude a beneficial recommendations that can make the country having a successful event. Overview: Brazil is the largest country in South America; the population is approximately 200,000,000 people with a tropical climate. The country is culturally rich and well known of their passion to Football as thy won the World Cup 5 times in their history. Strengths: Brazil’s economy is booming and the money that is been generated is being invested in infrastructure and projects for the future. Airports are being improved, roads are being built and public transportation expanded. New hotels are being constructed and more and more people are being employed and trained to handle the influx of tourists in the coming years. Moreover, beside the wealth in culture Brazil can offer to its tourist a magnificent natural beauty starting from the Amazon jungle, Amazon River, and many other tropical rainforests, which exposes a variety of animal species. Moreover, it also offers white sand beaches and bays that line the cost. As a result, tourists who will visit the region to watch the  World Cup will have the opportunity to explore the other aspects of the country that will enhance their experience and promote the destination even after the sport events. Weaknesses: According to FIFA president Sepp Blatter, the country was provided with 7 years preparation for the World Cup, which considered the longest period provided to a country to prepare for the event. Yet, it also considered the poorest preparation according to Sepp. (Rumsby, B. 2014). He views the preparation as less efficient than the South Africa preparation in 2010 that made their revenues from scratch. The infrastructure and the public transport system in the country are not in a high standard in most areas. Another major concern to the government of Brazil and the tourist around the world, who want to attend the events, is the high crime rate in the category of robbery, rape, fraud, and residential thefts. â€Å"There is significant and sustained organized criminal activity throughout Brazil, especially in major cities†(Brazil Crime and Safety Report, 2013). Poverty also is a major derive for crime and the increase of drug addicts in Brazil. The weaknesses could be summarized into the slow preparation (building stadiums), infrastructure, crime rate, and poverty. Opportunities: Besides the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Brazil will also host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. These sport events will bring countless tourism opportunities to Brazil. According to Whether it be a construction project for the Olympic facilities, or a business that benefits indirectly, such as a hotel or a property located nearby, these major sport events will offer opportunities for almost every type of entrepreneur and investor to make a healthy return (Brazil. Land of the Future, Para 2). Brazil will spend money to developing infrastructure, health centers, transportation facilities and other aspects of hospitality. An increasing number of tourists will be attracted by the World Cup and come to Brazil to travel. Therefore, the World Cup in Brazil is creating a huge number of jobs in the tourism industry, because it requires a large number of volunteers and workers to help the World cup succeed. More tourists also can develop  the economic of Brazil and increase the income for workers. The World Cup can attract much investment to Brazil that can help the business opportunities. â€Å"It is estimated that the world cup in 2014 will generate more than R$ 140bi to the Brazilian economy, between direct and indirect investments. (Global Intelligence Alliance, Para 4). That means these investments from foreign investors can help the economic growth of Brazil. Threats: In Brazil people demonstrated their anger by having a mass protest in different cities complaining about the high cost of living, low quality of education, and the high-cost of transportation (CNN, 2013, para.8). Riots in Brazil raises fear of transporting the event to the United Stated for security manner. There are many Brazilian supporters to the event to be established in their country. On the other hand, some opposition arises and took the world media coverage as an advantage to raise their concerns about the million of dollars being spent on the cup instead of investing it on health, education, transportation, and housing. According to BBC news there was 2,500 people in Sao Paulo who went to the streets and complained about the cost of staging the World Cup in Brazil (BBC NEWS, 2014). Recommendation: In conclusion, tourism industry during sports events is mainly shaped by economic, infrastructure, mega-structure, and political components. They could have either positive and/or negative outcomes contingent on the location. Tourism illiteracy should be eradicated by raising awareness of the benefits of the revenue of tourism. It may take time and effort to educate the people about the tourism impact on their daily life, but the success of delivering the message is worthy due to its future benefits. Brazil is not the first country who had riots before a sport event, it happened before in London before the Olympics games, and the managed to have a successful event(Duarte, F. 2013). We highly recommend the authority and people in Brazil to move forward with their event hosting plan and not stop in the halfway of making an event that will print a positive impact about Brazil to the rest of the world. References Montague, J. (Jul19, 2013). CNN. World Cup only benefits outsiders, say Brazil protesters, Retrieved from: http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/18/world/americas/brazil-protests-montague/index.html Rumsby, B. (Jan 06, 2014). World Cup 2014: No country has ever been so far behind in preparations as Brazil, says Sepp Blatter. Retrieved from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/world-cup/10553002/World-Cup-2014-No-country-has-ever-been-so-far-behind-in-preparations-as-Brazil-says-Sepp-Blatter.html Ford, P. D. (2014). OSAC. Brazil 2013 Crime and Safety Report: Rio de Janeiro. Retrieved from: https://www.osac.gov/pages/ContentReportDetails.aspx?cid=13966 Whibley, J. (August 13, 2013). Brazil Expects World Cup to Bring R$25b. Retrieved from: http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-business/brazil-expects-world-cup-to-bring-r25-billion/# Duarte, F. (Jul 04, 2013). Futebol Brasil. Deal with it: Brazil will host the World Cup. Retrieved from: http://espnfc.com/blog/_/name/futebolbrasil/id/317?c c=5901 Brazil. Land of the Future, 2014. Retrieved from: http://www.brazil-future.com/home/2014-brazil-fifa-world-cup-and-the-2016-rio- olympic-games/ Global Intelligence Alliance. 2014 World Cup Opportunities Beckon Foreign Investors to Brazil, 2014. Retrieved from: http://www.globalintelligence.com/ insights/all/2014-world-cup-opportunities-beck on-foreign-investors-to-brazil

Friday, September 20, 2019

Assessment of Ureteroscopy During Pregnancy

Assessment of Ureteroscopy During Pregnancy INTRODUCTION Urolithiasis during pregnancy is an infrequent condition, with an incidence of 0.026 to 0.531 percent in the medical literature (1). Renal colic is the most common presentation of urolithiasis, as well as the most common nonobstetric cause of hospitalization during pregnancy and a predetermining factor of premature labor especially if accompanied by urinary tract infection(2,3). In approximately 70 percent of the cases the stone is passed spontaneously with the use of analgesics and hydration. (4-7) In other cases the onset of infection, fever and refractory ureteral colic require a variety of endourologic actions such as stent placement treatment(8). The diagnosis of ureteral calculi in pregnant women is often difficult because of the serious risks presented by radiation exposure, especially during the first trimester. As such, the diagnosis is best based on clinical data, urinalysis and ultrasound examinations; however, ultrasound does not always provide a clear diagnostic picture, even though at times color flow Doppler ultrasound may be useful (9). Further diagnostic efforts are indicated when the patient has intractable pain or upper urinary tract infection, or if renal function is decreasing for which a more precise diagnosis aims at specific treatment. In this situation ureteroscopy was considered a useful option, since it combines the diagnostic procedure with definitive treatment(10). Because of the recent advances in the techniques and technology in the field of ureteroscopy, the new and thinner semirigid and flexible ureteroscopes have allowed easy access to the ureter without any need for dilation and with minimal manipulation. (11) Ureteroscopy can be performed successfully for ureteral calculi in pregnant women and stones can be removed with the stone basket or fragmented with ultrasonic ballistic or laser lithotriptors under sedation-analgesia (12-14). Ureteroscopy can be performed with greater care when the patient is under sedation-analgesia than if spinal or general anesthesia is used, since the patient can collaborate during the procedure. Therefore, sedation-analgesia may be preferred when ureteroscopy is performed in pregnant patients (15,16). For reasons mentioned above, we have started use of minureteroscopes for managing pregnant patients with complicated stone disease not responding to medical measures and herein we present our experience with 15 p atients. PATIENTS AND METHODS Between 2000 and 2005 we performed ureteroscopy and ureterolithotripsy on 15 pregnant patients 21 to 32 years old. All patients underwent extensive diagnostic evaluation including urinalysis, urine culture and antibiogram, complete blood picture, bleeding and coagulation times, renal and liver function tests as well as, complete abdomino-pelvic ultrasound, and an accurate obstetrical examination to evaluate the fetal condition. The women were placed on the operating table in an oblique position with the left side down when necessary to decrease the pressure of the pregnant uterus on the inferior vena cava. Sedation-analgesia with 2.5mg midazolam and 50 mg pethidine intravenously was used in the first 7 patients. In the following 8 cases 10 mg nalbuphine HCL was used in addition to midazolam. Prophylactic therapy with ampicillin/ sulbactum 1.5gm was administered before the procedure. Ureteroscopy was performed with ultrasound monitoring. The use of ionizing radiation was avoided before, during and after the procedures. Constant obstetrical monitoring was available throughout the procedures. All patients underwent ureteroscopy with thin rigid 7.0F ureteroscopes without dilation of the ureteral meatus. We used either the micro-six ACMI ureteroscope or Karl-Storz 6.9 F semirigid ureteroscope. Floppy tip guide wire 0.035 was inserted over a 6 F open tip ureteric catheter through the 22 F cystoscopy. The wire was advanced first to the collecting system where it has been fixed. In cases with difficult guide wire insertion through the cystoscope, direct ureteroscopy was then performed and a safety wire was inserted through the ureteroscope. Then the ureteroscope was advanced alongside the wire and visualization of the whole ureter was done. Once a stone is visualized a decision was made in regard to the best means of extraction. Factors, such as size, amount of speculation, degree of impaction, location within the ureter and condition of the distal ureter, were considered. Our method of choice was the use of the stone basket under direct vision. If the size of the stone preclu ded the use of the basket technique, we elected to disintegrate the stone using pneumatic intracorporeal lithotripsy. At the end of the procedure, a double pigtail ureteral stent or external ureteral catheter was placed in the ureter to avoid partial urinary obstruction and flank pain due to mucosal edema. If external stent was used, it is tied to a Foley catheter. The Foley and ureteral catheters were removed within 1 to 2 days. The operating time, hospital stay, perioperative and postoperative complications, outcome of the pregnancies and deliveries, and condition of the neonates postpartum were all recorded. All women underwent PUT and abdomino-pelvic ultrasound 6weeks after delivery. RESULTS The mean age of our patients was 25.3 years (range 21-32 years) and the mean gestation time was 28 weeks (range16-32 weeks). The main presenting symptoms and indication of surgical intervention were recurrent ureteric colic not responding to analgesics, fever, recurrent UTIs, and hematuria (table1). Urine culture was positive for ampicillin-sensitive strains of E-coli and proteus vulgaris in 3 patients. Macroscopic hematuria was found in 3 patients while microscopic hematuria was present in in 2 patients. Leukocytosis was found in 2 patients. Ultrasonography showed dilation of the renal pelvis in all cases and stones were identified in 8 cases. Upper ureteral stones were found in 3 patients while lower ureteric stones were diagnosed in 5 patients. The mean stone size diagnosed with ultrasound was 0.6cm (range from 0.5-1.2 cm). Ureteroscopy was done for all cases with the entire ureter examined without the need for ureteric orifice dilatation. Stones were extracted from the lower ureter by Dormia basket in 7 patients. Stone fragmentation with the pneumatic lithotriptor was used for stones above the iliac vessels in 6 cases and no stones have been found in 2 patients (table 2). A double pigtail ureteral catheter was inserted in 8 cases (6 patients with fragmented calculi and the 2 cases with no confirmed stone) and ensured to be in the proper position by watching its distal end in the bladder and monitoring of the upper end curling in the renal pelvis through ultrasound examination. In the 7 patients with extracted calculi, a 6 F ureteric catheter was inserted for one or two days postoperatively. Duration of the procedure ranged from 15-30 minutes and obstetric monitoring showed no signs of fetal distress or pre-term delivery. No complications encountered and convalescence was uneventful. Patients who had pain were improved remarkably and fever disappeared within the next 24 hours after the procedure. Patients were discharged home 72 days after the procedure and the external ureteric catheter was removed. Patients with double J stenting had their stent removed after labor in the two patients with negative ureteroscopic finding while patients underwent stone fragmentation had stent withdrawal after 3 weeks. All pregnancies progressed to full term delivery. Five patients had an elective Cesarean section as they had a history of previous section and no fetal abnormalities were detected. The follow up PUT and U/S performed 6 weeks postpartum revealed disappearance of renal pelvis dilatation and no calculi were found in all patients. DISCUSSION The first publications on ureteroscopic diagnosis and management of ureteral calculi during pregnancy appeared in 1988.12 The differential diagnosis of ureteral calculi versus physiological dilatation in pregnancy was rendered possible by this procedure with great assistance in management. Using ureteroscopy and stent placement, under ultrasound monitoring, was an important step forward in stone manipulation during pregnancy (12,13). It was supposed that anatomic distortions caused by the fetal presence would not allow the introduction of the rigid ureteroscope and this procedure could be of high risk to the pregnancy. However, it was proved that the natural ureteral dilation in pregnancy facilitates the introduction of the ureteroscope and the procedure could be performed easily by following the usual rules, except for the use of fluoroscopy (17). The diagnosis of ureteral calculi in pregnant women is often difficult because of the serious risks presented by radiation exposure, especially during the first trimester(9). Several investigators have highlighted the problems related to the exposure of the pregnant patients to x-rays in regard to the incidence of tumors in children who were irradiated during fetal life(9,18). Therefore, the use of x-ray for the diagnosis or management of stones during pregnancy remains controversial (19). Ultrasonography is the main diagnostic method in these cases, because besides its non-invasive nature, it does not use radiation, and is universally available (3,8). However, Ultrasound does not always provide a clear diagnostic picture, even though at times color flow Doppler ultrasound by using resistive indices may be useful (10). In our study, we avoided the use of x-ray for the diagnosis of stones during pregnancy and we depend mainly on clinical diagnosis and ultrasound examination. Renal pelvic dilatation alone or combined with calyceal dilatation was diagnosed by U/S in our patients and ureteral stones were found in 8 (61.5%) out of 13 ureteroscopically confirmed stones. Although U/S is safe under all circumstances of pregnancy, its utilization in diagnosing obstruction is of limited value owing to its sub-optimal view of the ureter and presence of hydroureteronephrosis as a physiologic concomitant of pregnancy. Hematuria, both macro and microscopic, is a frequent sign, but is not specific (4, 8, 20) while urinary tract infection is present in 20 to 45% of the cases of calculus during pregnancy (1,21-22). Among our patients, hematuria was present in 5 (33.3%) patients and asymptomatic bacteriuria was detected in 4 (26.7%) patients while pyelonephritis complicated 2 (13.3%) pregnant women. In the early protocols for stone management in pregnant patients, the double pigtail catheters were used to treat renal dilatation and in cases of failure, an ultrasound guided nephrostomy was preferred over the risks inherent with ureteroscopy (19). Stents and drains may have many disadvantages including accidental dislodgment, obstruction or bladder irritability and unpleasant symptoms (1). In addition, incrustation on double pigtail stents with resultant obstruction is frequent in pregnant women and it is advised that stents should be changed every few weeks during pregnancy. The repeated insertions of tubes and stents may have potential risks that may be comparable to the risk associated with ureteroscopy performed as a single procedure. (11-14). In the present series, we have used the 7F semirigid ureteroscope, without need of dilating the ureteral meatus in any of the cases. In fact, this procedure is simpler than it was supposed in the past. It was suggested that pregnant patients with ureteral calculus and fever should be treated with antibiotics and drainage by a double-J catheter. The advantage of this method is that it is an efficient and less invasive method. Ureteroscopy was not advised in these patients because ureteral manipulation and liquid injection under pressure in the excretory system may lead to bacteruria and dissemination of the infection (23). However, stent should be left until the end of pregnancy, which can be a predisposing factor to infections and may cause vesical discomfort in most patients. We have used ureteroscopy in 2 pregnant patients with pyelonephritis and obstructing ureteral calculi and stones were removed and double J stents were inserted for 3 weeks without complications. Those patients were given antibiotics according to culture and sensitivity test prior to the procedure and during ureteroscopy fluid pressure was kept at minimum and non-refluxing double J stents were used. A further advantage of ureteroscopy as a diagnostic and therapeutic option is that general anesthesia can be avoided during pregnancy. With the application of mini-ureteroscopes and small instruments, general anesthesia was replaced by sedation analgesia among our patients. This aspect has already been highlighted by others who reported on flexible ureteroscopy (12). In conclusion, ureteroscopy during pregnancy can be performed safely under sedation analgesia for diagnosis and removal of ureteral calculi in cases of failure of conservative management in experienced centers with the use of miniureteroscopes and without using fluoroscopy.

Single Gender Classes Essay -- Education, Single Sex Classrooms

When girls are asked to express their feelings, or if they feel stressed they can share this information with their teachers and friends. They can also provide details and they will look you in the eye when they are explaining their problem. Boys find it very difficult to talk about their feelings and will not give details unless they are asked specific questions. Even then they will give very little information because they do not know how to communicate what their feelings are. Boys deal with moderate stress well and may actually do better because of it. They also feel excited when faced with threat and confrontation. In school they will thrive if a teacher presents a challenge or competition within a lesson and if they do become stressed they will want to be alone when they are trying to deal with it and they will not show any emotion, so teacher may not be able to tell when boys are stressed. When girls are separated in single sex classrooms, they had a positive attitude, they are very focused on learning, and their behavior is not a problem. However, when researchers looked at the behavioral patterns of boys, they had more fights when girls were not present. They were louder, and more boys were cheating on tests. In addition, the larger boys tended to bully the smaller boys, and the classroom was aggressive and competitive (Jackson, 2002; Gray & Wilson, 2006). Teachers in single gender classes need to enforce strict classroom rules and follow them. Successful studies with single gender boys’ classes have clear, concise, rules and there are consequences for those that chose not to follow the rules. Rewards for appropriate behavior motivated boys and it presented them with the challenge that they thrive on. Developm... ... each lesson. The test scores will be compared between the co-educational and single gender groups. If the test scores are higher on the assessments then a final assessment will be given to confirm the findings. A bar graph is developed for each student (Appendix C) to show the progress of each individual boy in each group. The progress monitoring results will show if the math intervention was successful in the single gender group. Each member of the math department will analyze the survey questions and answers. The survey will show if each boy enjoyed the study and the single gender classroom setting. Each parent will be given a survey (Appendix D). It would be important to the study to see if the parents had any positive or negative influence on their sons. The bar graph and student survey results will be shared with the parents at the student conferences.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Comparing John Smith’s A Description of New England and William Bradfor

Comparing John Smith’s A Description of New England and William Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation When the first American settlement on Roanoke Island was established in 1585 it’s primary force, Sir Walter Raleigh, had no idea that this â€Å"New World† would evolve into one of the most powerful voices in the modern world. But before it developed it would have to shaped by it’s founders from the Western world. Two of the largest voices in America’s early development are John Smith, who with a group of English merchants, hoped to get rich in this new land, and William Bradford, a puritan farmer who was one of the most influential men involved with the Mayflower compact. In their two pieces they both convey America as a place to escape but fail to reach many other similar conclusions on what America was like at this time. In John Smith’s A Description of New England he portrays early American life as a place for great opportunities to start over, live easily, and to turn small fortunes into a great wealth. Smith earned credibility for making these statements by leading many expeditions in America such as Jamestown. An example of Smith attempting to persuade the reader into believing that America was a place for rebirth he stated â€Å"What please could be more than recreate themselves before their own doors.† Smith obviously believes that the potential settlers would find it easy to drastically adjust their lifestyle in this new world. Another common theme in Smith’s piece is that he states America is an easy place to live. â€Å"... is it no pretty sport to pull up two pence, six pence, and twelve pence as fast as you can haul and veer a line?† Smith stated when describing how easy it would be to take in money by being an angler in this ... ...criptions of the new world that is caused by Smith hoping to convince settlers to move to the â€Å"New World† and Bradford describes it as a savage place that only the strong will survive. William Bradford and John Smith’s two pieces both convey America as a place to escape the European world but completely fail to contain congruency on what early America was like in this time period. Sources Bradford, William, Of Plymouth Plantation:1620-1647, ed. by Samuel E. Morison (1952); A Description of New England: or The Observations, and Discoveries, of Captain John Smith (Admiral of that Country), in the North of America, in the year of our Lord, 1614; London, 1616. Reprinted in: Dow, George Francis (1921). Two Centuries of Travel in Essex County Massachusetts: A Collection of Narratives and Observations Made by Travelers 1605-1799. The Perkins Press, Topsfield.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Copper as a Valuable Resource Essay examples -- Essays Papers

Copper as a Valuable Resource Introduction: Copper is a valuable resource whose intricate steps from initially a raw product to ultimately the final product may be traced. The life of copper can be followed from its extraction, processing, and disposal. All of these steps, including the wastes produced, have an impact on human life and the environment. The developments of resources, such as copper, have helped change history. The environmental impacts of these changes may also be felt. Thus, it is important to understand the in’s and out’s of the process. By doing this, it is possible to see what resources and what waste products come out of this resource. Only then, can proper methods be taken to manage this resource properly. Resource Source: Copper is an important mineral resource used in many different areas. Its properties of high ductility, malleability, and thermal and electrical conductivity, as well as its resistance to corrosion, make copper very useful as a major industrial metal (http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/commodity/copper). Copper can be refined from metal ores or scrap copper so it can be used as a powder in automotive, aerospace, electrical equipment, in –fouling compounds, and various chemicals and medical processes. Compounds of copper can be found in fungicides, wood preservatives, copper plating, pigments, electronic applications, and specialized chemicals. It can be produced either as a primary product or as a co-product of gold, lead, zinc, or silver (http://nuclear.hazard.uiuc.edu/packets/primmetals/chapter5.htm). Following after steel and aluminum, copper is ranked third in world metal consumption. In 1990, the major copper-consuming nations we... .../how/howdo3.htm). Introduction to the Hydrometallurgical Process. Retrieved (1/29/02), (http://teach.eac.cc.az.us/pmcbride/HTML%20Presentation%20folder). Mining Technology-WMC Copper- Uranium Mine- Olympic Dam- South Australia. Retrieved 2/11/02 from the World Wide Web: http://www.mining-technology. Com/projects/Olympic/. National Slag Association: Iron and Steel Slag Uses. Retrieved 3/5/02 from the World Wide Web: http://www.nationalslagassoc.org/uses.html. Newly Mined Copper: Why Do We Need It? Retrieved 3/5/02 from the World Wide Web: http://innovations.copper.org/199810/virgincopper.html. Production, Import, Use, and Disposal. Retrieved 3/5/02 from the World Wide Web: http://www.astdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp132-c4.pdf. TVA: Copper Basin Reclamation. Retrieved 2/11/02 from the World Wide Web: http://www.tva.gov/environment/land/coppper.htm.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cardiovascular Disease in Firefighters

Informational Research Essay Research & Writing Health Sciences ENG 1121 Cardiovascular Disease in Firefighters Firefighting uses techniques and equipment to extinguish fires, protect and limit damages to valuables, assist in other emergencies and ultimately save lives. The main basis in firefighting is to extinguish the fire by removing one or more of the three components that causes combustion, which are: heat, oxygen or fuel. The modernization of industrialized life has required firefighters to become more trained and physically fit to operate existing technologies and protection against prominent health hazards.In this essay, I will be discussing the three long term health risks of Firefighters: high-stress, cardiovascular risks, and cardiovascular disease associated with firefighting. There are many factors that contribute to the risk of cardiovascular disease in firefighters. â€Å"The trend over the last 20 years for percent of deaths due to some form of cardiovascular diseas e has ranged from approximately 35% to 53% of all deaths†, (Pendergast, 2004, p. 6) in firefighter fatalities. CVD affects the cardiovascular system; hindering the normal functions of the heart, brain and other vital organs.In most instances, ischemia and hypoxemia are the main causes of CVD. Ischemia is the insufficient blood flow in providing adequate oxygenation to vital organs, thus, in turn, causes hypoxemia (low blood oxygen) and tissue hypoxia. When tissue hypoxia occurs in the heart, arrhythmia (fibrillation of the heart) is likely to occur, followed by a myocardial infraction. In some cases, ischemia does not need to be a contributing factor for CVD, for example, anemia (lack of healthy red blood cells) may be more prevalent than ischemia.Due to the amount of risk factors researched, risk factors were categorized into three parts; Personal (advancing age, gender, underlying health conditions, hypertension, smoking, sleep disorders, obesity and lack of exercise), workp lace factors (exposure to toxic emissions, heat stress, physical exertion and noise exposure), and Physical & Psychological stressors (work environment factors, environmental hazards and psychological stress). Out of all the personal factors listed, smoking, obesity and lack of exercise seem to be the more prevalent factors to increase firefighter’s susceptibility to CVD.Smoking in general has always been used by the public as a way to cope with stress. Being that firefighting is one of the most stressful jobs in North America, smoking is likely to be a coping mechanism for firefighters, thus, adding the CVD risk by twofold. â€Å"Smokers have been shown to have elevated carbon monoxide levels in their blood and this is known to lead to chronic artery obstruction. † (Pendergast, 2004, p. 23) Additional factors are, obesity and a lack of exercise. â€Å"The prevalence of obesity and high total cholesterol levels were higher in firefighters, relative to the general popu lation. (Byczek, 2004, p. 67) The physical and hazardous demands for firefighting requires a high level of physical fitness, as well as physical strength and agility. Furthermore, they must wear heavy personal protective equipment and carry tools through intense heat. At any scene, there’s always a level of danger that the firefighters keep in mind. Dangers include the possibility of exposure to toxic materials and gases. â€Å"Self-contained breathing apparatus use has reduced, but not eliminated chemical exposures including carbon monoxide, particulates and other toxicants. (Kales, 2004, p 68) Exposure to high levels of carbon monoxide reduces oxygen delivery to the heart. When attacking a fire, heat stress and physical exertion are two of the most common factors that contribute to CVD risk. â€Å"Heat stress and fluid losses can result in decrease in the cardiac output despite sustained tachycardia. † (Kales, 2003) Blood flow decreases as the body attempts to cool down by expanding the capillaries, allowing more blood to surface to the dermis. This action cause low pressure, while the heart struggles to compensate by beating rapidly. Firefighters are stressed by their own station environment, their protective gear, their officers and leaders, current management style, coworkers, and the stress of leaving their family and loved ones during natural and manmade disasters. † (Shantz, 2002 p3) Stress plays a crucial CVD risk factor, yet, there are two distinct types of stress that affects firefighters. Work environment factors affect firefighters psychologically; whereas environmental hazards cause physical stress. Traumatic events of critical incidents are experienced by everyone at least one time in their lives.After an incident, people may experience strong emotional and physical reactions. These reactions are quite common and may take weeks or months to recover. But with firefighters, traumatic events are more common, and emotional after shocks tend to build up overtime without given time to â€Å"rest up†. When left untreated, it cause post-traumatic disorder, which can play a significant role in the risk of CVD. Environmental hazards are the hazards that affect firefighters physically by situations on the fire ground.Hazards include heat stress and intense physical exertion. A combination of heat stress amd excessive physical strain causes an inadequate oxygenation of the blood, the body releases erythropoietin to create more red blood cells, in turn, counteracts the inadequacy of oxygen in the blood. This homeostasis reaction cause polycythemia when the firefighter is at rest. Polycythemia is a blood disorder that causes blood flow to decrease due to an increase of red cell production. Symptoms include weakness, fatigue, headache, itching, joint pain and dizziness.The prevalence of high stress in firefighters has been found to be directly co-related to the cardiovascular risks that are prominent in firefig hting activities. Men and woman in firehouses across North America; paid, on-call and career, endure many different forms of occupational stress. Yet, the lack of physical fitness among firefighters is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease. References Byczek, L. , Walton, S. , Conrad, K. , Reichelt, P. , & Samo, D. (2004). Cardiovascular risks in firefighters: implications for occupational health nurse practice. AAOHN Journal, 52(2), 66-76. Kale, S. N. Soteriades, E. S. , Christoudias, S. G. , & Christiani, D. C. (2003, September). Firefighters and on-duty deaths from coronary heart disease: a case control study. Boston, MA: The Cambridge Health Alliance. Retrived, March 28, 2013 from http://www. ehjournal. net/content/2/1/14 Pendergast, D. A. (2004). The leading cause of death of American firefighters in the 21st century: a study of the impact of occupational stress on cardiovascular disease. East Derry Fire Department. Shantz, M. C. (2002). Effect of work related stress on f irefighter/paramedic. Eastern Michigan University School of Fire Staff and Command.Retrived, March 28, 2013 from http:// http://www. emich. edu/cerns/downloads/papers/FireStaff/Stress,%20Fitness,%20Wellness/Effect%20of%20Work%20Related%20Stress%20on%20the%20Firefighter%20Paramedic. pdf Staley, J. A. , Weiner, B. , & Linnan, L. (2011). Firefighter fitness, coronary heart disease, and sudden cardiac death risk. American Journal Of Health Behavior, 35(5), 603-617. Sweeney, P. (2012). Firefighters at risk ~ The negative effects of stress and trauma on the human spirit. The Sweeney Alliance, 19. Retrived from http://sweeneyalliance. org/grievingbhindthebadge/firefighters-at-risk/

Monday, September 16, 2019

Key Elements of Communication Essay

By Barbara Bulleit, Global Knowledge Instructor Communication We communicate all the time, every day. Sometimes we’re even aware of it! We communicate through gesture, body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice as well as through the words we speak. These variables can be joined in a variety of ways in our communication. Add to this mix: language; cultural and social differences; educational background; physical proximity; and individual fears, insecurities, strengths, and weaknesses. No wonder communication is complex! There is a huge amount of information on communication and different methodologies for improvement. The following offers one perspective on communication. First of all, being successful in business requires effective communication. This paper focuses on effective business communication, although the information can be applied generally. To untangle the mix described above and to improve communication, we can focus on several key elements: Purpose Style Listening Purpose In business, when we communicate we usually have a purpose. Sometimes we have not considered that purpose sufficiently before beginning the dialogue, which can lead to confusion and mixed messages. So, first we must clarify our purpose. What do I want as a result of this communication? What would be a successful outcome? As an example, let’s consider dialogue with an employee regarding a new assignment. Initially, we may look at the assignment and consider that its successful completion is the purpose. But let’s break this process further down into smaller steps, with handing off the assignment being the first step. Our desired outcome FOR THE MEETING to hand off the assignment might be: Employee fully understands the assignment Responds to questions to ensure understanding Is able to paraphrase assignment requirements Is aware of consequences of completing or not completing assignment Employee has an idea of how to proceed Articulates next steps Identifies problems, etc Or we and employee discuss together Employee knows resources available Employee knows where to go for help We and employee agree on a follow-up status check meeting If we have been successful in this first communication regarding the assignment, we have already established a paradigm for communication during the assignment work, including follow-ups to check status, make corrections, and to compliment upon completion. Clarity in the initial communication makes a huge difference. And to back up one step, clarifying our purpose before starting the communication can separate effective communication from that which is unclear, does not have sufficient detail, leaves no room for questions or advice, or does not ensure the employee can gain access to sufficient resources. A clearly identified purpose can mean the difference between success or failure, and while thinking through a purpose may take time initially, we will eventually form a consistent habit of clarifying desired outcome – which usually leads to better results. Style Style has to do with who we are and how who we are affects our communication. We may engage in dialogue with little knowledge of the impact of individual differences. Some of us may have a higher awareness of style differences and still not use this awareness when communicating. Others of us become aware of stylistic differences only when having a problem communicating. Let’s stop for a moment and further define â€Å"style.† Style is influenced by many factors, some of which were defined at the beginning of this article. A longer list might include culture, upbringing, religion, gender, age, education, language, race, politics – and this is not a total list. Some of the influences of our early years are mitigated or enhanced during our growth and experience. In all, we become who we are, and who we are influences our communication. Let’s stay at this level of detail and agree that generally at work we do not sit down and tick off this list every time we communicate with someone! Then how do we overcome some of our differences in order to communicate effectively? We consider style: mine and theirs. Some of us tend to be more direct and/or assertive, or even aggressive. Some of us tend toward being indirect and/or passive. Here are some characteristics of each type. Direct and Assertive/Aggressive â€Å"Take charge† attitude; may have aggressive tendencies May interrupt or tend to dominate the dialogue Passive and Indirect More laid back tendency May hesitate, wait to speak up, or have to be drawn out Lack of response does not necessarily Does not always seek dialogue; instead indicate agreement or approval; has to â€Å"tells† a lot be probed Does not always see the other person’s Sometimes prefers for others to make side; may be perceived as closedecisions minded May assume that passivity indicates agreement Passive style may not indicate true feelings and attitudes Non-verbal clues follow passive Non-verbal clues easier to detect since characteristics and require more careful they are more openly expressed attention Tends to decide or answer quickly May need time rather than having to respond immediately This simple table provides a general understanding of two basic styles. It’s easy to see how communication may break down between these two types. Most of us do not easily fall into these simple categories but may have characteristics of each, which may change or vary on different days. All of this adds to the complexity of communications. Having some knowledge of a person’s style can help us. To try to break down the complexity we can use the elements in the table to formulate helpful questions, such as the following. Generally, what is his attitude: take charge or laid back? Does she comfortably engage in dialogue with others? Does he add comments and ask questions? Is it necessary to draw her out, to solicit her opinions? Does she listen to others or have a tendency to interrupt? We can see how to use this style information to gain a better understanding of the person with whom we want to communicate. For example, if Sally’s style is to be assertive or aggressive, she might have to work hard to hold back some of that take charge mentality and her tendency to speak up, dominate, and not read non-verbal clues. If Sally’s style is passive and indirect she might have to make more effort to participate in a discussion, to voice her opinions or misgivings, and to ask questions. It’s easy to see how we can use this same information to gain more insight about our own style. After all, it takes at least two people to communicate and we are part of that formula. So we have to apply these questions to ourselves as well. Am I more aggressive or laid back? Do I ask questions of others? Is my tendency to accept in the moment then voice my opinions later? Do I consider other people’s opinions, do I ignore their input, or do I just withdraw? Once we’ve determined our style and the style of the other person, we have to consider the dynamic of the two. Two aggressive people may have to each work harder at allowing the other to talk and voice opinions. Two passive people may tend to come to conclusions too quickly, or may not uncover issues or differences. One of each will have to be very aware of the other’s differences and make the effort required to accommodate those differences. Taking the time to think about our own style, then to consider the style of the other person, generates huge returns in communication. These returns include: Increased ability of the passive/indirect person to express Increased ability of the aggressive/direct person to listen Ability to allow and work out differences Realization that we each offer strengths as well as weaknesses Achieving more together than possible as individuals Recognizing style or personal characteristics is key to successful business communications. Listening Active listening takes energy; it’s work. To actively listen to someone means the following: Focus eyes and mind on the person speaking Indicate listening through eye contact, note taking, and body language Respond appropriately with comments, questions, or paraphrasing The first step is the most difficult: focusing solely on the person speaking versus thinking of what we want to say next, beginning to analyze, or even coming up with a solution! We can minimize these tendencies by making good eye contact with the person speaking so that our focus is only on that person. Quelling the desire to analyze, problem solve, etc. means we have to WORK hard. It takes a strong effort to halt or slow down these urges. If we don’t stop them, then our focus is not on the person but is on our own words and thoughts, and we are not getting all of the information they are telling us. Short circuiting active listening means we short circuit them and ourselves. When this does happen and we’re aware of it, we can stop the person and ask him or her to repeat what they said. We might say, â€Å"Would you please repeat that so I will have a full understanding,† to cover our embarrassment for not listening! Making eye contact with a person may depend upon style or culture. Some cultures prefer not to have direct eye contact. Our style assessment will help us to determine whether or not that is true for the person with whom we are dealing. Our assessment will also help us to establish which other mechanisms to use to indicate we are truly focused on what the person is saying. Responding appropriately is a real indication of active listening. When we talk with teenagers we might ask them to repeat what we just said. If they repeat verbatim we know they heard us and can â€Å"parrot.† If they paraphrase or explain what we said in their own words, we know they really listened and understood. The ability to paraphrase is a powerful tool to use with our fellow employees. If we have any doubt of their understanding, having them paraphrase is a good way to check it out. Another appropriate response is to ask questions. If we are listening to the person, asking appropriate questions helps that person to know we are really listening. It works the other way as well. If an employee or colleague does not ask us questions or does not respond appropriately, we know we need to review again, repeat using different words, draw a diagram, or whatever else we need to do to help that person understand. Active listening is not something we need to do all the time; in fact, we could not. What’s important is to determine when to use active listening. A good measurement is to say that we should actively listen anytime not listening could result in damaging or hurtful consequences. Summary Behind our communication is a purpose. That purpose may be assigning a new task, asking an employee to solve a problem, or providing feedback on performance. Our next step is to understand style: that of the employee and our own, which helps us to modify our own style and better understand how to work with the employee’s style. As we talk with the employee we can use active listening to ensure that we are getting complete information and to ensure the employee is listening to us.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Case Study Illy Cafe

About Illy Company background and description The history of illycaffe is linked to the lives of the company's founder, Francesco Illy, and his family. Francesco in 1933 set up a business in the cocoa and coffee sector, and then decided to concentrate exclusively on coffee. Nowadays the illy group is made up of several companies located in North America, France, Germany, Spain and Benelux. Product Illy serves coffee to its customers. They insist on the fact that there are not selling basic coffees but the one which is a result of Scientifics’ research.They want to serve the best coffee due to a result of a long experience, knowledge of coffee biology and chemistry, very good skill at roasting, enabling technologies, and also a family’s entrepreneurial passion. They are also selling products which fit to the coffee world like, machines, capsules and also accessories. Revenue In 2007 turnover amounted to $221. 000. 000. In 2011 the turnover was $342. 000. 000. There is a real increase over the years. Customers 70% of its sales circuit cafes, hotels and restaurants, 20% for individuals and 10% in companies, these are illy’s customers.Illy has developed solutions for small restaurants, small hotels, cafes and other places of conviviality where coffee consumption is low but still want a perfect coffee. The company offers machines meeting the needs of its business customers. To match with its image of unique coffee Illy is increasing partnerships with the biggest names in tourism Meridien and Hyatt. The company also Illy customers offices, employees may have during their break espresso from the brand. To do this, Illy provides the I-Espresso and offers a complete range.Also Illy own its own bars called â€Å"Illy bar†, so the customer can go there and have a coffee in the company’s atmosphere. It is also possible to buy coffee brand for personal use at home. The website offers the purchase of cafe, cafe machine but also derivatives (eg cups). Most of its customers are the professionals (served in more than 50,000 public places) but Illy is developing the â€Å"Illy’s bar† to create an atmosphere for the company. Location Illycaffe was founded in Trieste in Italy. Nowadays the Illy group is a multinational organization that operates in more than 140 countries across the 5 continents.The main markets for Illy are US, Europe and Japan. Employees The company has about 700 employees. Industry With a turnover of â‚ ¬ 695 million and a growth of over 30% per year since 2001, the European leader in espresso is Nespresso. The level of competition that Illy faces differs according to the sectors, for example in the Hotel, Restaurant and Cafe sector the main competitors are Starbucks and Lavazza. Whilst in the coffee machines and coffee capsule systems the main competitor is Nespresso from Nestle group. The competition in both sectors is quite intense with Starbucks and Nestle having global reach.The adv antages these companies have over Illy are their vast economies of scale, stronger brands and higher customer reach. Mission and vision The mission: produce and deliver the best coffee that nature can offer for connoisseurs and those who will appreciate it with a special attention to methods of growing and processing the most suitable and sustainable. They want to create an emotional experience through the degustation of their coffee. The vision: being an innovative company, proud of its history rooted in the contemporary and future-oriented.Combine art, science and experience to offer the best products. They have for vision to be recognized as a world reference for coffee culture and excellence, ti be the first choice of professionals. The values: passion for excellence, the pursuit of perfection and ethics, the valuation of individual talent and teamwork. The desire to improve the lives of all those involved in the coffee chain. Attention to people and the environment. Illy Coffee : Alternatives Selection 1)Problem definition – how to become more responsible (=sustainable) coffee producer without losing the revenues/customers/quality.The original goal of Illy was to provide best coffee to customers, but the good quality coffee does not necessarily mean responsibly produced coffee. So many coffee growing countries use unethical growing practices which reduces the price of 1 kg of coffee from the farmer, but jeopardizes the company? s ethical image. Thus now Illy needs to balance three aspects – quality, profitability and ethical aspect, which is a difficult problem, since it involves the whole supply chain and for the company of such scale of operation to solve this problem will be extremely difficult (140 countries on 5 continents).Plus this challenge is also industry driven – all big coffee companies are moving towards sustainability of supply chain, and greater awareness of the customers about these issues nowadays can give a coffee com pany additional competitive advantage. 2)First of all before we outline alternatives and solutions, we need to clarify, what responsible coffee business means. Although â€Å"sustainability† has been defined in a variety of ways over the past several decades, the Brundtland Report (1987) has provided the most widely-accepted and enduring definition at the international level.According to the Brundtland report: â€Å"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.. In relation to coffee business Acting Responsibly involves a complex activity spread over whole supply chain: -Environmentally related: bear in mind environmental impacts of coffee production (â€Å"technified† or mono-culture growing practices impact, rain forests, pesticides, waste water and etc. -Social aspects: well-being of farmers and their families (minimum fair price limits, no price dumping, ch ild labor prevention) -Business-wise: when all actions and decisions taken are analyzed in terms of long-term goals of the company, current and future benefits for stakeholders and preserving viability of the company. With responsible business and supply chain model in mind a multinational like Illy might choose one of few alternative pathways: – -Marketing based approach – market the idea under a good â€Å"sauce† to your customers.Might involve working with few sustainable/ organic pilot farms and making public aware of this, or introducing your own quality standard, like own CAFE standard of Starbucks. This alternative does not involve additional costs, or reengineering of supply chain, it is more like exploitation of Responsible practices idea. But it might create additional revenues due to the fact that company can sell â€Å"responsible† coffee with even bigger price margin. Time wise this idea might be implemented quite quickly. -Supplier related a pproach.This involves responsible purchasing strategy – control and assessment on the level of bigger supply chain units – cooperatives/processing plants/exporters. Does not require complete reengineering of whole supply chain or additional costs related to separate farmers support/educational programs. More time consuming – selection, assessment of existing and new suppliers might take time. Does not really fit with Illy, since its strategy has always been close work with separate farmers. -From bottom to top strategy – every level of supply chain needs to be re-thought.Company needs to realize the importance of each individual farmer (f. ex through payment of Fair trade or responsible farming bonuses to ensure the sustainable existence of farmer communities), not only use quality control (Illy is already working with ISO quality control standards) but rather keep an eye on whole production and processing process. Moreowever, the efficiency of packing, l ogistics and transportation should be analyzed and improved – which will result in eliminating or reducing the costly, non-environmentally-friendly steps.But doing this Illy might incur additional costs (because now it will have to pay more for raw material), which can however be offset not at the expense of the â€Å"responsible† customer (who is ready to pay more for responsibly produced coffee), but rather through improving the efficiency of the whole supply chain, which will reduce the average COGS. This strategy involves extensive cooperation with all other stakeholders in coffee business – working on and adhering to commonly accepted quality and sustainability standards (like Fair Trade label, Utz coffee, RA and etc. , cooperation with local research institutes to introduce better and more sustainable farming practices for growers, or even bringing together all main players like Sara Lee, Nestle and the European branch of Kraft did in 2002 by creating of t he Common Code for the Coffee Community, a multi-stakeholder initiative aimed at increasing sustainability and responsibility awareness in the coffee sector. 3)While choosing the alternative, we have been guided by Illy? s strategy, code of conduct and long-term benefits of the decision to the company.We do not want any satisficing decision, we want to optimize the whole system – company has a lot of strengths, we can use them to build up more powerful structure. We want our customers to get only the best coffee, but we also want to do it responsibly. If there is any decision to be taken, which will involve not only additional costs or revenue growth, but also extensive long-run improvement of the whole business model, we will chose this decision. Meaning, that we will opt for alternative number 3. 4)Implementing the decision.Improve the technology and introduce Integrated Process management to cut production and logistics costs and reduce business complexity to offset the co sts of high quality coffee. The company buys coffee beans directly from farmers that reduce the higher prices in the spot market. The shipping and the supply of coffee beans from farmers to the company is carried out by company under strict supervision and inspections. This shows that the bargaining power of suppliers is low with company’s commitments to provide higher quality coffee to the customers.There is a need to create a strategy for the developing economies especially the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) which will in future become key markets. A safe bet would be to create an alliance with a local partner who has expertise in the local markets, cultures and politics for example in India and China which are very big geographically, population-wise and culture-wise the local partner will add immense value in launching and growing the Illy products in a way that best suits that particular market. 5)Results Evaluation – might be performed in several steps.O n one hand, we will analyse the actual performance – if the revenue and market share is growing, if COGS are decreasing due to better efficiency, this means the strategy has been chosen and implemented right. On the other hand we need to understand the degree of customer awareness of our strategy – that means answering the question: did all these changes happen because we turned to more responsible business, or it was just due to other favourable factors†¦In this case customer opinion must be collected and analysed.Competitors’ reaction and Illy’s response: What can the competitors do? There is a wide variety of ways – from fair competition by improving the quality or reducing the price to unfair battle, consisting for example of running a systematic smear and defamatory campaign against a competitor, both directly and indirectly (on the internet and through certain machine distributors), designed to put consumers off buying Illy? s coffee.Som e competitors try to do their own investigation to uncover the unsustainable practices within supply chain (sometimes a company itself has no idea what sub-sub-suppliers are doing) and make sure that it leaks to social networks. Illy should in its turn double-check the standards and practices within its supply chain to avoid bad rumor spread, and be proactive – have active campaign in social media to create awareness of its brand and customers’ loyalty. SWOT Tangible Product: The product which is coffee is very fine.So the foundation of the brand which is the basic product is solid Basic Brand: Illy brand is is a red background with white lettering. You will also find Illy in plain bold red lettering. I believe is to attract the attention of the people. This logo has been used since (1980). The core elements for Illy are a strong brand name, high quality, attractive packaging and design The Augmented brand: Illy has added value to their brand by selling fresh beans in sealed cans, also giving the consumer the option to have it grind whether they want it bold, decaffeinated, caffeinated. hey also have tablet which goes inside espresso machines sold in any illy location. . The main factor is that along with high quality the brand is also associated with high price and hence is getting restricted to a niche market only The Potential Brand: When consumers only rely their morning coffee on the Illy brand than Illy has made their mark, even though in many other key markets like Italy it has been a major success, but it still needs to win other important key market like Japan and China.There are in all six products that will be analysed here, premium coffee, coffee pods for machines, ready to drink canned coffee, Agrimontana, the confectionary products, Domori the chocolate business and Dammann Feres the tea brand. Leader: Coffee Try Harder: All the small brands come under this sector but mainly the pods of coffee business Double or Quit: Coke has partn er up with the Illy brand to make up a canned coffee business in which the coffee will be sold to the consumer.Custodial: Is similar to the cash cow concept in BCG, this would be the chocolate business Cash Generator: this is undoubtedly the premium coffee business Phased withdrawal: this is a difficult one to point but it seems the confectionary business is the most likely candidate as it is not generating as much growth or profits as it should Divest: Again a difficult one but once again the wine or confectionary products in the Illy portfolioKey Points Analysis â€Å"Illy has a strong brand and is associated with high quality and premium pricing! † The company has shown impressive growth despite recession The key strategic partnerships like the one with Coca Cola company for canned coffee are proving to be the real winners The group needs to focus its attention on the sister brands and needs to extend the well-established Illy rand image to these sister concerns There is a n urgent need to improve the sales and awareness of the sister companies The company applies to its R, supply chain and marketing expertise to grow its coffee products like coffee pods and machines There is a need to create a strategy for the developing economies especially the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) which will in future become key markets The company needs to constantly re-invent the ways to sustain customer interest in its brand and its products, just like the Universita del caffe. † Strenghts: Strong retail store operations:50,000+: events in which illy is involved annually worldwide and more than 6 million cups are consumed each day. -Wide geographic presence: 140: countries where illy is available -Top-quality final product: 4: major certifications for quality and sustainability, 4: company-founded research facilities, 4 of 8: major worldwide coffee industry innovations, This is a known and appreciated throughout the world for high quality and unique tast e. The company has followed a strategy, which has a high focus on quality and consistency of their products -Experience: created in 1933 Innovation : The first,pressurized packaging, came in 1934, just one year after the company’s founding. By adding inert nitrogen gas under pressure, an oxygen-free environment forms as illy cans are sealed, preserving essential aromas and promoting mingling of coffee’s naturally occurring oils. Result: coffee that not only stays fresher longer than under any other packaging method, but whose flavor is actually enhanced over time by its surroundings. The second, came just one year later, in 1935: the Illetta, precursor of the modern espresso machine that, for the first time, separated pressure and heating elements.Result: espresso that is consistently round, rich and balanced, not bitter or burnt-tasting. 1974 saw illy’s third revolutionary invention: pre-tamped, pre-dosed, expertly ground espresso in single serve paper pods. Re sult: delightful espresso in reach of anyone, anywhere – at home, at the office, or at a favorite cafe or restaurant. The system, called ESE (Easy Serving Espresso) became an industry standard. – Another strength is the strong supply chain right from the coffee bean farmers to the suppliers, Illy has maintained strict quality control and good relations creating value for everyone involved.Weaknesses: sluggish growth rate / Investments needed (coffee machines that support the proprietary Opportunities: -Business expansions: Gruppo illy includes: †¢Domori – premium chocolate (acquired July 2006) †¢Dammann Freres – the legendary French purveyor of tea (March 2007) †¢Mastrojanni – critically lauded winery in Montalcino, Italy – (September 2008) †¢Agrimontana – high- quality jams and marron glace (stake acquired December, 2005) -Rising hotel and food service industry in Italy : Rising trends in coffee exports : 56%: sha re of illy coffee enjoyed outside of Italy, 200+: espressamente illy coffee bar locations worldwide -10% rate growth market -Been recognized from the market as the dominating market -Scientific research : genetics, agronomy, botany, physics, mathematics, chemistry, biochemistry, biology, engineering, physiology and psychology. All areas explored in the four laboratories illy. -Quality and sustainability : Sustainability has three-fold implicationsat illy: economic, social and environmental. Ready to drink coffee business partnering with Coca Cola will attract global customers and create newer segments for the company's products -There is a need to create a strategy for the developing economies especially the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) which will in future become key markets. Threats : -Highly competitive market : Key competitors : Caffee Negro Group, Luigi Lavazza, Segafredo Zanetti, Starbucks Corporation -Risk of battle in dominating the market by multinationals : Nesp resso -Economic crisis : Most of the global markets including nearly all the major markets that Illy perates in have suffered from recent credit crisis and economic downturn -While expanding globally the major risk involved is the supply of high quality premium coffee beans -The inconsistency in the growth of the sister brands and their chare in the portfolio creates a real threat of losing these brands at some point if they get totally overshadowed by the coffee business. At this point, Illy needs to consider the growth rate and growing strategies of these newly acquired brands to keep them profitable.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Revenge in Romeo and Juliet Essay

The want for revenge leads many of the characters in Romeo and Juliet into murderous acts which eventually leads to severe punishments and a further need for revenge. The everlasting revenge in Romeo and Juliet is first born from ancient grudge between the Capulets and the Montagues, which is ultimately settled with the tragic, abrupt unifying factor of both Romeo and Juliet’s death. Several instances within the interactions of the characters suggests that vengeance is driving force of the plot, and that consequently, there must ultimately be an end to the feuding and recoil, due to the fact that there must be a resolution after the thrilling climax.. The first factor causing revenge springs from the ancient grudge between the Capulets and the Montagues, which curiously was never fully explained in the play. This ancient grudge is the initial justification that accounts for the two family’s first dispute in the streets of Verona. Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. (Prologue) However, after the first civil brawl, Romeo and Mercutio decide to intrude on the Capulet’s masked party. Consequently, they eventually become discovered by Tybalt due to Romeo’s easily distinguishable voice, yet Capulet discourages and scolds him from confronting Romeo and ruining the party. This humiliates Tybalt, and draws him into wanting to take the present matters into his own hands, dealing with Romeo and Mercutio some other time while his anger gradually builds. Tybalt This, by his voice, should be a Montague. Fetch me my rapier, boy. Capulet Am I the master here, or you? go to. You’ll not endure him! God shall mend my soul!†¦ Well said, my hearts! You are a princox; go: Be quiet, or–More light, more light! For shame! I’ll make you quiet. What, cheerly, my hearts! (1.5) After the Montague’s intrusion on the masked party and the first civil brawl, the want for repercussion further increases within each character, especially Tybalt, eventually leading to the untimely death of Mercutio, with his last few breaths plotting revenge on both families. Why the devil came you between us? I was hurt under your arm†¦ Help me into some house, Benvolio, Or I shall faint. A plague o’ both your houses! They have made worms’ meat of me: I have it, And soundly too: your houses! (3.1) Mercutio does get his revenge on both families, since Romeo is soon banished after the slaying of Mercutio, Tybalt is slain, and accordingly, a series of adverse experiences occurs within the lives of both families. To seek revenge for his friend Mercutio’s death, Romeo murders Tybalt, who now is  his own kinsman. Now, Tybalt, take the villain back again, That late thou gavest me; for Mercutio’s soul Is but a little way above our heads, Staying for thine to keep him company: Either thou, or I, or both, must go with him. (3.1) After Tybalt is eradicated by Romeo, the citizens of Verona try to step in and get their own revenge for the Montague’s and Capulet’s fighting in the fair streets of Verona because they are disturbing the peace. Which way ran he that kill’d Mercutio? Tybalt, that murderer, which way ran he? (3.1) Benvolio replies to the citizens statement by announcing that Tybalt made threats and killed Mercutio first, and from that, Romeo received a newly contrived revenge. An envious thrust from Tybalt hit the life Of stout Mercutio, and then Tybalt fled; But by and by comes back to Romeo, Who had but newly entertain’d revenge, And to ‘t they go like lightning, for, ere I Could draw to part them, was stout Tybalt slain. And, as he fell, did Romeo turn and fly. This is the truth, or let Benvolio die. (3.1) Lady Capulet soon afterwards gets her revenge for Romeo killing her kinsman. She pleads to the Prince to put Romeo at fault, since he killed Tybalt, believes that Romeo is telling a lie, and also because of her ancient grudge against the Montagues. He is a kinsman to the Montague; Affection makes him false; he speaks not true: Some twenty of them fought in this black strife, And all those twenty could but kill one life. I beg for justice, which thou, prince, must give; Romeo slew Tybalt, Romeo must not live. (3.1) Because of this second quarrel, which the Prince has strictly forbidden, the Prince decides to set punishments for this pointless fighting, and decides to set forth his vengeance upon Romeo for quarreling in Verona again and disturbing the tranquility. And for that offence Immediately we do exile him hence. I have an interest in your hate’s proceeding, My blood for your rude brawls doth lie a-bleeding; But I’ll amerce you with so strong a fine That you shall all repent the loss of mine. (3.1) In response to his exile, Romeo threatens to commit suicide in Friar Lawrence’s cell. Friar Lawrence then attempts to calm Romeo down, eventually leading into a humiliating conversation for Romeo as the Friar gets his revenge for Romeo’s threats and groans about the banishment. Art thou a man? Thy form cries out thou art. Thy tears are womanish; thy wild acts denote The unreasonable fury of a beast. Unseemly woman in a seeming man. (3.3) After hearing about Romeo’s banishment, Juliet becomes distressed, and locks herself in her room. Old Capulet converses with Paris about her change in heart, and converses with him about the details of the wedding. However, once Capulet tells Juliet about the upcoming wedding, Juliet refuses to marry Paris, causing Capulet to erupt in a rage, and in revenge, cursing and threatening Juliet for not accepting the marriage to Paris. Hang thee, young baggage! disobedient wretch! I tell thee what: get thee to church o’ Thursday, Or never after look me in the face: Speak not, reply not, do not answer me; My fingers itch. Wife, we scarce thought us blest That God had lent us but this only child; But now I see this one is one too much, And that we have a curse in having her: Out on her, hilding! (3.5) This is Capulet’s revenge for Juliet’s refusal to marry Paris, and putting all the effort that he put into the wedding to waste. This incident springs into yet another reprisal. Juliet asks the once faithful nurse to help put off the wedding, however, she surprisingly suggests that Juliet marry Paris, since she considers him a more fit husband over Romeo. Juliet doesn’t want to be an unfaithful bride to Romeo, and in revenge, scorns the nurse in retaliation for her suggestion to marry Paris and unwillingness to aid her in the postponing of the wedding. Ancient damnation! O most wicked fiend! Is it more sin to wish me thus forsworn, Or to dispraise my lord with that same tongue Which she hath praised him with above compare So many thousand times? Go, counsellor; Thou and my bosom henceforth shall be twain. I’ll to the friar, to know his remedy: If all else fail, myself have power to die. (3.5) The final predominant act of revenge in Romeo and Juliet occurs in response to Juliet’s refusal to marry Paris. She fabricates death, so that she will be able to sneak to Mantua with Romeo. Her death is her revenge for  Capulet’s forcing her to marry Paris and threatening her with banishment. O, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris, From off the battlements of yonder tower; Or walk in thievish ways; or bid me lurk Where serpents are; chain me with roaring bears†¦ And I will do it without fear or doubt, To live an unstain’d wife to my sweet love. (4.3) Thus, with her death, her parents become dismayed, and won’t be able to experience the joys that they were hoping for in marriage, as expressed in the last scenes of the play. The Prince then dictates to both families about the consequences of their wearisome hate, and the extensive sequence of vengeance is finally ends, with the Prince carrying out the final act of revenge by punishing both families for the death Mercutio and all the grievances that have been endured.. Where be these enemies?-Capulet, Montague, See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love, And I, for winking at your discords too, Have lost a brace of kinsmen. All are punished. (5.3) Revenge is the key to the advancement of the complex plot in Romeo and Juliet. It causes events to happen that would never have happened otherwise, and creates a suspenseful mood as well as several other themes and morals to  be incorporated into the play. However, this ageless vengeance can only be stopped by the deaths of both family’s children, and in the process of that, several others suffered the vile consequences of revenge. The definitive central idea of Romeo and Juliet characterizes how malevolence can eventually lead to drastic encounters, and that they can overshadow several other important occurrences in the lives of those affected by the discord. In Romeo and Juliet, this disarray and the portentous threats were resolved too late, and only occurred with the devastating unifying influence of the loss of each family’s child.