Wednesday, November 27, 2019
All About New Hampshire Colony
All About New Hampshire Colony New Hampshire was one of the 13 original colonies of the United States and was founded in 1623. The land in the New World was granted to Captain John Mason, who named the new settlement after his homeland in Hampshire County, England. Mason sent settlers to the new territory to create a fishing colony. However, he died before seeing the place where he had spent a considerable amount of money building towns and defenses. Fast Facts: New Hampshire Colony Also Known As: Royal Province of New Hampshire, Upper Province of MassachusettsNamed After: Hampshire, EnglandFounding Year: 1623Founding Country: EnglandFirst Known European Settlement: David Thomson, 1623; William and Edward Hilton, 1623Residential Native Communities: Pennacook and Abenaki (Algonkian)Founders: John Mason, Ferdinando Gorges, David ThomsonImportant People: Benning Wentworth First Continental Congressmen: Nathaniel Folsom; John SullivanSigners of the Declaration: Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton New England New Hampshire was one of the four New England Colonies, along with Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, and Rhone Island colonies. The New England colonies were one of three groups comprising the 13 original colonies. The other two groups were the Middle Colonies and the Southern Colonies. Settlers of the New England Colonies enjoyed mild summers but endured very harsh long winters. One advantage of the cold was that it helped to limit the spread of disease, a considerable problem in the warmer climates of the Southern Colonies. Early Settlement Under the direction of Captain John Mason and his short-lived Laconia Company, two groups of settlers arrived at the mouth of the Piscataqua River and established two fishing communities, one at the mouth of the river and one eight miles upstream. David Thomson set sail for New England in 1623, with 10 others and his wife, and landed and established a plantation at the mouth of the Piscataqua, near what is Rye called Odiornes Point; it only lasted for a few years. About the same time, London fishmongers William and Edward Hilton set up a colony at Hiltons Point near Dover. The Hiltons obtained financial support to buy land in 1631, and by 1632, a group of 66 men and 23 women were sent out to the budding colony.  Other early settlements include Thomas Warnertons Strawberry Bank near Portsmouth and Ambrose Gibbons at Newichawannock. Fish, whales, fur, and timber were important natural resources for the New Hampshire colony. Much of the land was rocky and not flat, so agriculture was limited. For sustenance, settlers grew wheat, corn, rye, beans, and various squashes. The mighty old-growth trees of New Hampshires forests were prized by the English Crown for their use as ships masts. Many of the first settlers came to New Hampshire, not in search of religious freedom but rather to seek their fortunes through trade with England, primarily in fish, fur, and timber. Native Inhabitants The primary tribes of Native Americans living in the New Hampshire territory when the English arrived were the Pennacook and Abenaki, both Algonquin speakers. The early years of English settlement were relatively peaceful. Relations between the groups began to deteriorate in the latter half of the 1600s, largely due to leadership changes in New Hampshire and to problems in Massachusetts that led to a migration of native people into New Hampshire. The town of Dover was a focal point of struggle between the settlers and the Pennacook, where settlers built numerous garrisons for defense (giving Dover the nickname Garrison City that persists today). The Pennacook attack on June 7, 1684, is remembered as the Cochecho Massacre. New Hampshire Independence Control of the New Hampshire colony changed several times before the colony declared its independence. It was a Royal Province prior to 1641 when it was claimed by the Massachusetts Bay Colony and was dubbed the Upper Province of Massachusetts. In 1680, New Hampshire returned to its status as a Royal Province, but this lasted only until 1688 when it again became part of Massachusetts. New Hampshire regained independence- from Massachusetts, not from England- in 1741. At that time, the people elected Benning Wentworth as its own governor and remained under his leadership until 1766. New Hampshire sent two men to the First Continental Congress in 1774: Nathaniel Folsom and John Sullivan. Six months before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, New Hampshire became the first colony to declare its independence from England. Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, and Matthew Thornton signed the Declaration for New Hampshire. The colony became a state in 1788.  Sources and Further Reading Daniell, Jere R. Colonial New Hampshire: A History. University Press of New England, 1981.Morison, Elizabeth Forbes, and Elting E. Morison. New Hampshire: A Bicentennial History. New York: W. W. Norton, 1976.Whitney, D. Quincy. Hidden History of New Hampshire. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2008.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
A Conflict of Loyalties Case Study
A Conflict of Loyalties Case Study The government is mandated to implement policies that bring a greater good to the public. Government policies are implemented by people who work in the public service. These are better known as the civil servants. Public administrators have a wide scope of roles that they are supposed to execute. However, their major objective is to ensure that the government is functioning properly.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on A Conflict of Loyalties specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, most of the activities that the public administrators carry out are concerned with the management of governmental programs, making decisions on behalf of the government, as well as analysing government policies before they are implemented. Public administration faces a number of problems that affect proper functioning of the departments that public administrators head. In addressing the problems, it is important to first analyse the f actors that cause these problems. This article is an assessment of the factors that are the main source of the problems of public administration in the â€Å"conflict of loyalties†case study. The paper describes the problems faced by A.J. Stewart as a public administrator in the Department of Defence. The paper ends by recommending how issues in public administration should be resolved. Case factors The author of this case mentions about A.J. Stewart who was employed as a public servant in the Department of Defence Production and the challenges he was facing in administering his duties. Stewart was working in the electronics branch. The Department of Supply and Services was later established within the larger department where Stewart worked. Stewart was the head of the Union in 1975. The department had up to 8,100 members. It is indicated that the Union did not have any certification to work as a bargaining agent on behalf of the Purchasing and Supply Group. Public Service A lliance of Canada (PSAC) was the certified agent for the group. This Union was, however, a founding member of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, which Stewart was a member, and the Civil Services Association of Canada. Stewart constantly complained about the state of affairs in the Department of Supply and Services. The management of the department did not consult with the Union to restore order. This led to further problems that greatly affected the performance of the department negatively.Advertising Looking for case study on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The efforts by Stewart to meet the President to resolve the problems were all in vain. He made efforts to reorganize the department, but nothing fruitful came out of his efforts. This made him frustrated, especially with the management that was supposed to attend to his concerns. From the case, it is observed that one of the major fact ors that lead to the problems in public administration is poor communication because communication is very important in any setup. It facilitates success and has a positive effect on job performance and execution of activities. The poor communication system in the department deterred any efforts by Stewart. He wrote letters to the concerned parties, but they were all ignored. It is difficult to solve any problem without dialogue. On the other hand, identification of problems that affect an organisation is always easier when there is effective communication. In addition, it is easier to make decisions because all the concerned parties are involved in the process. Policies are not implemented effectively when there is poor communication. Therefore, it is the obligation of all the concerned parties within the Department of Supply and Services to improve the current level of communication so that the current problems can be addressed comprehensively. There is an extent to which the gove rnment employees are expected to express views publicly. There is information that public servants are not supposed to release because it can expose the government and may affect its functioning and effectiveness in serving the public. The public service union should make it clear to the employees the information that they are not supposed to release to the public. It is also the role of the Union to inform the employees which information is safe for release to the public. Stewart expressed his views publicly through the newspaper called, â€Å"The Citizen†when he realised the issues that were affecting the public service union. This was a move that could greatly affect the reputation of the Union. Therefore, Stewart should have found other ways of trying to find a solution to the problem. For instance, he should have identified the employees of the Union who would support his idea and engage them in the process. He would have communicated with these individuals about the po ssible solutions to the problems affecting the Union at the time.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on A Conflict of Loyalties specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Since the top management seemed not to listen to him, he would then use his supporters to exert pressure on the top officials and influence other employees. In the long run, someone would have listened to him and his grievances would have been taken into consideration. Bureaucracy is the other factor that is leading to problems in the Department of Supply and Services. The purchasing process is slow due to the many protocols that are put in place. In the past, it has been observed that the department has no intentions of speeding up the process. The purchase costs have also increased rapidly. Every additional senior management post is accompanied by an additional staff. The cost of maintaining these workers is added to the purchases, further making operations of the department more expensive. Doing away with the Department of Supply and Services could be an option, but this will only affect the lower staff members who are likely to lose their jobs. The rest of the senior members have the power and the ability to quickly create another department, meaning that scrapping the Department of Supply and Services would hurt them less. The complex bureaucracy could affect the flow of information. The minister should open consultations with the Department of Supply and Services to address the bureaucracy issue, but he has failed to do so. This has led to the persistence of the same problem. Unfortunately, the problem is escalating as a solution continues to delay. Stewart took it upon himself to expose the issues in his department through an article in the newspaper. This was a move that put him in trouble. He was summoned by the Deputy Minister and ordered to take corrective measures for breaching the loyalty and discretion required to be exhib ited by a public officer. Mr. Roches, the Deputy Minister, was right about the issue. However, the right decision was not to seek for a suitable problem resolution technique that would engage Stewart in a respectable and non-threatening manner. He was not supposed to threaten Stewart by stating that he would likely lose his job position. Instead, he would have called Stewart in private and discuss the issue with the aim of coming up with an amicable solution.Advertising Looking for case study on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More He would have asked Stewart to express his mind to him while listening attentively to identify the problem and the cause of the problem. This would build a platform where both of them would agree to find a solution to the problems affecting the Department of Supply and Services. Mr Stewart has the option of making an apology to the public or privately apologizing to the board as stipulated under the Public Service Staff Relation Act. Otherwise, the board has the powers to check whether he failed to carry out his obligations and take action against him. The action taken should be guided by the need to restore discipline when communicating departmental issues to the public. Recommendation It is normal for organisations or departments to experience issues that are likely to affect performance. How the problems are resolved is what matters for such organisations. One of the major factors that should be considered in such cases is communication. The employees should have a clear line thr ough which they communicate their issues to the top management. On the other hand, the top management and officials should be ready and willing to listen to the employees. In a public service union, it is against the regulation to express views to the public without consulting. Any employee who does that should face the right actions against him. However, the actions should be justified and not seen to be discriminatory. The aim of taking any action should be restoring sanity of public service administration and not cowing public servants.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Mechanical Science Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Mechanical Science - Coursework Example The meter consists of a close end tube in which the water is collected. One orifice or more than one orifice at the bottom of the meter can be provided (for the purpose of changing diameter of the pipe). As the head h inside the orifice meter increases the flow rate through an orifice increases. When the flow rate out of the orifice is equal to the flow rate into the meter the head will be established at the fixed value. Now the flow rate is related to the head h and diameter of the orifice. The pin jointed frame work help us to build up frameworks base on 30, 45 and 60 angles. To measure the force in the members of a pin jointed frame work, we can use such an apparatus in which each of the members has a force sensor bended to the surface. The sensors that are used to measure the forces in member are staring gauges. Strain gauges are such sensors that under goes a change in electrical resistance when they stretch or compress. Now this change in resistance can be show in terms of displacement (Strain). Where F is the force exerted by the water jet on the flat plate, à is the density of the water (i.e. 1000 kg/m3), Q is the volumetric flow rate and ∆V is the change in velocity of the water just after and before impact. Now in order to experimentally calculate this force, we need such an apparatus in which there is water coming from a nozzle and impacting on a plate. Further an arrangement is provided to measure the volumetric flow rate and velocity before impact. Velocity of jet after impact can be taken as zero. For measuring the velocity before impact we should know the velocity at the nozzle. The velocity at nozzle can be measured by dividing the volumetric flow rate by area of nozzle (For area of nozzle the diameter of nozzle should be known). F is the force, m is the mass of an object, a is the acceleration. Force is the cause of the acceleration, and mass is a measure of the tendency of an object to resist a change in its linear translational
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Federalists Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Federalists Paper - Essay Example These three founding fathers of the United States Constitution use the pseudonym Publius in order for them not to hide their identity but to honor the name of the Roman consul Publius Valerius Publicola. The Revolution and Reconstruction of America and its Constitution are owed to several founding fathers of the United States of America which consists of statesmen, politicians, and federalists etcetera. It takes place when in the midst of a controversy in the American government with the discussion on the Constitutional Convention, a certain Alexander Hamilton courageously write and publish for public reviews on October 27, 1787 the Federalist #1, an introductory essay serves as the instigation and initiative suggestion and later called the General Introduction of the Federalist Paper series. The essay is done and is composed mostly to persuade people to support the Constitution. Moreover, his two colleagues write the supporting essays in the Federalist Papers which gives Hamilton the motivation to continue writing. Hamilton's Federalist #6, which the argument continued to Federalist #7, concerns about the Dangers from Dissensions Between the States while Federalist #8 argues about the Consequences of Hostilities Between the States. Federalist #9 is the first half of the argument about the Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Factions and Insurrections. Federalist #11 to 13 states the Utility of the Union in Respect to Commercial Relations and a Navy; Utility of the Union in Respect to Revenue; and the Advantage of the Union in Respect to Economy in Government, in that order, while Federalist #15 to 17 argues with similar issue of an Insufficiency of the Present Confederation to Preserve the Union. Other essays authored by Hamilton are as follows: Federalist #21 to 22 - Other Defects of the Present Confederation Federalist #23 - The Necessity of a Government as Energetic as the One Proposed to thePreservation of the Union Federalist #24 to 25 - The Powers Necessary to the Common Defense Further Considered Federalist #26 to 28 - The Idea of Restraining the Legislative Authority in Regard to the Common Defense Considered Federalist #29 - Concerning the Militia Federalist #30 to 36 - Concerning the General Power of Taxation Federalist #59 to 61 - Concerning the Power of Congress to Regulate the Election of Members It is also Alexander Hamilton who continually wrote the Federalist #65 to Federalist #85 alone which the later published on August 13 and 16, 1788 as the Concluding Remarks. Topics discussed in these texts are: Federalist #65 & 67 - The Powers of the Senate (as initiated in Federalist #64 by Jay) Federalist #66 - Objections to the Power of the Senate to Set as a Court for Impeachments Further Considered Federalist #68 - The Mode of Electing the President Federalist #69 - The Real Character
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economics - Assignment Example However, these appreciations were very minimal, but the depreciation against the Peso was substantial. Part (d) On a broader scale, depreciation in the US Dollar will make its exports appear cheaper as the country trading with the USA can get more dollars for their respective currency in 2003 as compared to 2002. On the split side, the USA importers will have to pay more dollars to obtain the required Foreign Exchange for their imports, and hence imports will become more costly. In a nut shell, the exports will get a boost and the imports will be hindered by a depreciating US Dollar. However, if we look on an individual scale, the Yen, Yuan and Canadian dollar all depreciated against the US Dollar, and hence USA’s export to these countries might marginally reduce and imports may marginally rise. In Mexico’s case, exports will strongly boost and imports will decline. Problem 2 Part (a) There are two ways an investor can take advantage of this arbitrage. In the first alte rnative, he can buy Euros in the New York FX Market at a rate of $1.25/Euro and then sell these Euros in the Tokyo FX Market at a rate of $1.27/Euro to make a clean spread of 2 cents on each Euro he sells.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Unemployment Rates in Albania: An Analysis
Unemployment Rates in Albania: An Analysis INTRODUCTION Albania is one of the economically last developed countries in Europe. After the collapse of the communist regime, Albania achieved an economical growth, but poverty level is still high. There is a strong link between poverty and unemployment because the lack of employment is one of the main determinants of poverty. Albania is considered as a poor country, thats why a high level of unemployment exists. This is a phenomenon that disquiets the Albanias society, so it is important to discus about this topic. This paper gives the unemployment level and its changing during years in Albania. The period of time that we have taken into account is 1995-2009. In this paper we are going to talk about the unemployments concept at the beginning and then its effects on the economy and society in chapter 5. We are going to give the unemployment rate of Albania, during this period according to age, gender and education and its values in different cities in chapter 3. Another point that will be shown in this paper is of course the precautions taken by the government to reduce the unemployment rate given in chapter 6. And finally we are going to show the conclusions of our work. GENERAL OVERVIEW ABOUT UNEMPLOYMENT 2.1. UNEMPLOYMENTS CONCEPT Unemployment is the time period when a person isnt actually working, but available for work and currently looking for work. The working age population includes people from 16 years old to 65 years old for men and 60 for women. It consists of two groups: active population (labor force) and inactive population. Labor force includes employed and those in search of employment (the unemployment people). In this assessment should be taken into account the difference between: -Individuals currently working, considered those who accomplish a payable work of residence, even if temporally absent from work. The unemployed, those considered not at work, but actively seeking employment or waiting to return to work. Outside the labor force are classified people that are in working age but they arent currently working or they dont want to. This group consists of students, the invalids, students of working age, those who perform military service, and persons not currently looking for work. The flow of movement between these categories can be expressed with the Fig.2, where: 1 shows the flow of people who change job. 2 show the flow of people who lose their job. 3 show the flow of people from the ranks of unemployed who find a job. 4 show the emergence of the unemployed out of the labor force (as unemployed who do not require work anymore). 5 show the entry or the reentry in labor force, but first as unemployed. 6 show entry or reentry in labor force, but now as busy at work. 7 show the loss of employment and the exit out of the labor force (such as pensioners, or people returning to school). The total number of losing jobs is given by the amount of movement 1, 2 and 7. The total number of finding jobs is given by the amount of movement is 1, 3 and 6. The difference between the losing jobs and the finding jobs shows the difference in employment. Changes in unemployment are given by the difference (5+2) (3+4). Changes in unemployment measured by the unemployment rate, which represents the percentage ratio of the number of unemployed and the labor force: Unemployment rate= (unemployed workers / total labor force) ÃÆ'- 100%.1 TYPES OF UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment is an inevitable process for each country, so that we can find it among each person in different kinds. The most kind of unemployment we can find in Albania are: Frictional unemployment, which is created as a result of continued movement of workers from one job in search of another job, which is better than the first. This kind of unemployment is inevitable and economically justifiable, as leading to more efficient redistribute of labor resources. In this group are also included students who have just been graduated and are looking for a job, or women that have been away for a while from the labor market. These people are considered as volunteers unemployed.1 Structural unemployment, that occurs due to changes in demand and the supply to work as a result of fundamental changes occurring in the basic branches of economy. If an economy suffers from long-lasting low aggregate demand, it means that many of the unemployed become disheartened, while their skills (including job-searching skills) become rusty and obsolete. This means that they may not fit the job vacancies that are created when the economy recovers. This kind of unemployment can also be caused by technological progresses, since it means that fewer workers are needed to produce the same level of output every year.1 Cyclical unemployment is associated with declining demand for certain goods and services, especially at the stage of economic downturn, which leads to the decline in demand for manpower in the factories that manufacture these products or services. This is caused by a business cycle recession and wages not falling to meet the equilibrium level.1 Seasonal unemployment, which is related to seasonal nature of the product or service, for example in the branches of the construction industry, tourism, etc. It is linked to certain kind of jobs.1 Voluntary unemployment includes that group of people who choose not to work for different reasons, such as economical/financial reasons or any other.1 Hidden unemployment is the unemployment that does not appear in government statistics, due to the way the statistics are collected. Only those who have no work but are actively looking for work are counted as unemployed. Those who have given up looking, those who are working less than they would like or those who work at jobs in which their skills are underutilized are not officially counted as unemployed, though in a sense they are.1 UNEMPLOYMANT RATE IN ALBANIA The lowest rate of unemployment of these years is 12.3% in 1996, while the highest is 18.4% in 1999. From 1995 until 1999 we have successive ups and downs of the unemployment rate. This is due of the transition that in these years has been higher. While from 1999 with unemployment rate 18.4%, the unemployment rate has been decreasing gradually, reaching its lowest level in 2008 with unemployment rate 13%. However these digits are still high. Our country suffers from the phenomenon of unemployment. According to the report of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 3 official unemployment rate is rather deformed three times lower than the real rate of unemployment. There are at least three reasons that make the data on unemployment rate not to be real. The main reason is informality, which is the number of employees who arent declared from the employer. ____________________________ 1scribd: MAKROEKONOMI-Inflacioni-Dhe-Papunesia. Url: 2 INSTAT see Instituti I Statistikes 3 CIA (2010): library/publications/the-world-factbook/Albania. Url: Also, there are the unemployed who do not plead their self as unemployed. In this case they do not appear in official records as unemployed. This is a problem associated with lack of functionality and efficiency of office work. In the calculation of the unemployment rate also isnt disregarded unemployment in agriculture. Rural areas, in which lies the main map of poverty in the country, are supposed with full employment, since no one is registered as unemployed. According to the report, having such a large labor force in agriculture, when this sector provides 21.7% of Gross Domestic Product and almost zero unemployment rate, its explained why according the official methodology, the unemployment rate is only 12.5%. So, these are some of the reasons that make the unemployment rate not to be real. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE according to gender Throughout the years the percentage of unemployed females in Albania has been higher than the percentage of males, this for some reasons. In Albania are developed more activities oriented towards the employment of males. Specifically, trade, construction or development of hotels and restaurants, where dominate male employees. Also these years were closed enough industrial activities, in which there were employed a significant number of females. While the rural-urban movement does not give females many opportunities coming from rural areas to enter in the job market. Also females being most charged with house works and take care of everything, no firm has no interest to employ them before a male, because they often can take permissions, will require maternity leave etc. These can be some of the reasons why the level of unemployed females is higher than the unemployed males. The year 1999, in which the unemployment rate is the highest, marks the greatest number of unemployed males and females, respectively 16.4% of males and 21.4% of females in Albania were recorded as unemployed. While the lowest number of unemployed males registered in 1996, where 11.4% of males are registered as unemployed and the lowest number of unemployed females registered in 2007 where 12.2% of females are registered as unemployed. The number of unemployed people observed that has ups and downs, both in females and males until 2000, while after 2000 till 2007 is observed a general reduction of unemployed males and females. In 2008 is noticed an increase in the number of unemployed females from 12.2% to 13.5%. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE according to age Unemployment also varies according to age groups population. Three main age groups are: 15-19 years old, 20-34 years old and over 34 years old. Unemployment appears in higher rates for the first age group because young people are less able to adapt to the labor market. These rates have been high till 2001 and after this period dominates 20-34 year old age group as unemployed. Whereas all persons over 34 years old represent lower values in the unemployment rate since the majority of them are busy to work. This rate has been higher in the period 1998-2001 and since then has maintained a constant level. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE according to education According to the education level of unemployment, the major part of unemployment rate consists of people who have octennial and high-school education. This may come from different reasons such as the low level of intelligence, or any other. The difference rate between unemployed people with octennial and high-school education is low. In the period of time 1998-2000 there were more unemployed people who had high school education than with octennial education, but since 2001 this ratio has changed. From 2001-2009 there are more unemployed people with octennial education. Whereas people with university education have fewer chances to be unemployed since they have more opportunity to find o job. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE in different districts Unemployment rate varies in different districts of Albania. During 2008 this rate was different in different districts. Its values are shown in Fig 6, which represents the ratio of unemployment to the all districts of Albania. According to the data set, the highest rate for the unemployment this year has been in Kukà «s with a value of 30.9%, a high value compared to the other districts. It is followed by the district of Shkodra with 24.2%, then Lezha with 22.1% and 17.7% in Vlora. The lowest rate is given for the district of Tirana, around 7.3%. It probably comes from the fact that, Tirana is the capital and so on is a developed city, where employment opportunities for citizens are higher. Therefore this rate is lower in this city. As for other districts this rate varies with small values. CONSEQUENCES OF UNEMPLOYMENT IN ALBANIA Unemployment causes a lot of individual and social costs. A long period of unemployment reduces the human capital value and increases to malnutrition, illness, mental stress, and loss of self-esteem, leading to depression. Also another consequence of unemployment is that the unemployed people may lose their skills. At another point when a person is unemployed, he has lack of income. This causes less leisure. As some other serious consequences of unemployment we can mention the increasing number of divorces, crime and greater alcohol abuse. So the unemployment influences in the every-day life of the unemployed people. Unemployment causes reduction of incomes level and this brings the reduction of the countrys economic growth. The GDP is lower than it could be if the unemployed people were employed. As a result the whole economy and society suffer from people being unemployed. Also high levels of unemployment bring consequences at the level of taxes and government borrowing, and at the expenditure of government. Because of the existence of a high level of unemployment, the income that could be taken from taxes will fall. While unemployed people do not work, do not earn, and thus they do not pay taxes. This affects in the decrease of the level of income that the government collects. On the other hand, the government should help the unemployed by giving them economic assistance.4 In Fig 7 is presented the number of families receiving economic aid versus the total number of households in all districts of Albania. It is noted that the highest percentage of the families that profit economic aid is in Kukà «s. As we said before, the unemployment rate in this district is also the highest of all districts in Albania. Dibra, Shkodra and Lezha have also high percentages of families with economic aid and the levels of unemployment in these districts are high. Durrà «s, Fier, Tirana and Vlora have the lowest level of families in economic aid. But we have seen that Vlora had a high level of unemployment, although the percentage of families in economic aid is in lower levels. So the government loses as a result of the decline in tax collection and higher spending on families who have unemployed members. As a result the budget deficit may be increased, which increases and the risk of the government. These are some reasons that the level of government borrowing may increase. So we can say that all the society and the economy suffer from high levels of unemployment. PRECAUTIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT The government has to interfere continually to reduce the unemployment rate. The Albanias government has taken some precautions to low-down the level of unemployment. We can mention the opening of new workplaces, such as in infrastructure. The last years the government has realized a lot of projects in infrastructure and in this way, there are opened new workplaces. Also the government has practiced training and program applications to boost employment. As we have said in Albania the number of unemployed females is greater than unemployed males, and so the government has practiced free vocational training for women heads, victims of trafficking and roma women. Reforms in the fiscal system, in the improvement of the business environment by lowering taxes significantly, investments in infrastructure and the attracting of foreign investors to invest in Albania, encouraging investors to employ staff from Albania are the main factors that has contributed to the economic growth and, consequently, to the creation of new workplaces. So these are the main precautions that our government has taken to prevent and reduce the unemployment in Albania.5 CONCLUSION Unemployment is an inevitable process that happens in every country. It is found in different types such as frictional, structural, cyclical, seasonal, voluntary and hidden unemployment. This phenomenon is visible in every society, but it appears in different values. __________________________ 5 Ministry of Social Work and Issue and Equal Opportunity (2007): Strategji-Standarte/Strategjia e Punesimit. Url: Although Albanias recent economic growth has reduced poverty level, it is still a country with a higher rate of unemployment. This rate has been changing over years. It has been in its lowest levels in 1996 with 12.3%. The highest rate has been in 1999 with a value of 18.4% and from then it has been reducing continually. In 2008 this rate was 13%. Its not a low level, but anyway is the lowest level Albania has ever had in the last 10 years. According to gender the percentage of unemployed females in Albania has been higher than the percentage of males. According to age, the level of unemployment has been higher for the age group 15-19 years old till 2001, and since then it has been higher for the age group 20-34 years old. Whereas the age group over 34 years old is always characterized of lower levels of unemployment according to the other age groups. Unemployment rate according to education has been higher for people with high school education till 2001, and from then it has been hi gher for people with octennial education. Whereas people with university education are characterized of lower levels of unemployment. In different districts are recorded different values. Its value is higher in Kukà «s and lower in Tirana. The unemployment brings a lot of affects in the society and the whole economy. It reduces the human capital value and increases to malnutrition, illness, mental stress, and loss of self-esteem, leading to depression. It increases the number of divorces, crime and the level alcohol abuse. The unemployment brings the reduction of the countrys economic growth. It reduces the level of the incomes that could be taken from taxes and increases the expenditure for economic aid given by the government for the unemployed people. The government has taken some precautions to reduce the level of unemployment; such are the reforms in the fiscal system or by opening new workplaces. It has practiced training and program applications to boost employment. The percentage of unemployed females is in high levels, so the government has practiced free vocational training for women. Also it has taken reforms in the fiscal system, in the improvement of the business environment by lowering taxes significantly, investments in infrastructure and the attracting of foreign investors to invest in Albania, encouraging investors to employ staff from Albania.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Delay in Hamlet’s Revenge Essay example -- Revenge and Vengeance i
The Delay in Hamlet’s Revenge      Hamlet's first thoughts after learning of his father's murder are of an immediate, violent revenge upon Claudius. However, his subsequent actions do not live up to these resolutions. Over four acts he takes little deliberate action against his uncle, although the ghost explicitly demands a swift revenge. In S. T. Coleridge's words, Hamlet's central weakness is that he is "continually resolving to do, yet doing nothing but resolve". Hamlet's first soliloquy, following a hostile conversation with Claudius and Gertrude, shows him grief-stricken, bitter and despairing. The source of Hamlet's melancholy is "his father's death" and the "o'er-hasty marriage" of his mother and uncle. He feels he has to do something, but he does not know precisely what. He expresses his disgust at his mother's inconstancy and incestuous remarriage, but is bound to suffer in silence: he must "hold [his] tongue" for reasons of diplomacy. The world seems empty, and he uses imagery of corruption, darkness, disease and imprisonment to reveal his state of mind. At the beginning of the play, all Hamlet sees is a terrible situation which he has no power to change. The ghost's command therefore gives Hamlet purpose; a reason to live. Its instruction is unmistakable: "if thou didst ever thy dear father love...revenge his foul and most unnatural murder." The apparition, armed "from head to foot", then relates the story of Claudius' treachery in graphic and horrible detail. It is now apparent to Hamlet what is "rotten in the state of Denmark". Shakespeare makes it very clear what Hamlet's duty is and who his enemy is. Hamlet is charged to avenge his father's murder and free Denmark from the shadow of the king's fr... ...e. N.p.: Princeton University Press, 1972.  Pitt, Angela. â€Å"Women in Shakespeare’s Tragedies.†Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Shakespeare’s Women. N.p.: n.p., 1981.  Rosenberg, Marvin. â€Å"Laertes: An Impulsive but Earnest Young Aristocrat.†Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Masks of Hamlet. Newark, NJ: Univ. of Delaware P., 1992.  Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.  West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.†Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957.  Â
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Dale Neumann March 10, 2013 ENC1101-16 Division or Analysis Essay During the Great Depression, America has faced many challenges which shook its very foundations. Out of pure creativeness Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created Superman A. K. A. Clark Kent, a superhero who was a sole survivor of the planet Krypton. Furthermore Clark Kent grew up with normal parents who found him during a meteor shower. As he grew older, his body started to experience superhuman strengths which lead to him defending the world from criminals.As a cultural phenomenon superman influenced the world with his heroism and all American attitude which created a sense of good in a world of misfortune and struggle. To begin with, Superman’s role in society is to defend the world from criminals and hide his identity by working at the daily planet. As Clark Kent, he falls in love with Lana Lang but she is in love with Superman. No matter how much he wants to tell her the truth about him being the infamous supe rhero, he wont jeopardize his identity for the greater good of mankind.However superman is always battling villains and is saving any citizen that are in need of rescue, no matter how hard it is . To conclude, superman’s true calling in life is to live normal and marry the woman of his dreams, but with the unnatural powers he possesses he feels obligated to protect the world instead. In addition, superman faces many obstacles and his greatest adversary is Lex Luthor. The famous villain is the only person who can defeat superman and has access to the deadly radiation called kryptonite, which can kill him in minutes.Another obstacle he faces is the vow to not kill any human again, so defeating enemy’s is that much harder. In summary, superman’s biggest obstacle in saving the planet is defeating Lex Luthor and not killing anybody no matter how hard it is. Finally, in the last episode Superman was able to accomplish his true calling and confess his love to the woman of his dreams. Superman’s true calling was to protect the World from danger, a vow he made after killing three enemy’s from his native planet kryptonite.Also he finally confessed his love to Lana Lang, something he always wanted to do since child hood. In conclusion, Superman was a symbolic figure who inspired millions, during the Great Depression. In addition, Superman gave hope to our society that there is good in this world and evil doesn’t always prevail. In the end, superman lived out his fairytale ending by confessing his love to Lana Lang and defeating his arch rival Lex Luthor, an American tale that has been repeated in so many different ways through out history.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Fedralist 51 essays
Fedralist 51 essays James Madison wrote Federalist 51 because he wanted to make sure that the government of the United Stated has some kind of checks and balances for all branches. He wants to make sure that all the different departments have another department the checks them. If this was not in place today then our government could have many problems in their department by just making mistakes. Madisons words Ambition must be made to counteract ambition... fit right into the constitution because we need more than one branch so they can check each other. Madison wrote to inform people that we need checks and balances so no one branch could get too much power. Today, we have legislative, executive, and judicial branches, which fit right into the constitutional system and do not focus on just one idea. The separation of power in the government allows the different branches, such as the congress and the president, compromise their idea and come up with a resolution that benefits the majority. The separation of power also allows the pass through more than one department so there is nothing being passed that should not be. Madisons words are very important to the society today because our society has many ideas that the government just cannot pass. We need the checks and balances so that what is passed is checked more than once and corrected. If there were only one branch then they would only pass the laws, which were most appealing to that branch would be passed and not the others no matter which is important. Now if there is a law or an idea, it has to go through the congress, representatives, and the president who mostly makes the final decision. And if president does not like it he can veto it or the congress can take it out by number of votes. Our government and our people are fortunate because we dont have only one person making all of our decision for us but allow t ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Writing Effective School Policy and Procedures
Writing Effective School Policy and Procedures Writing policy and procedures for schools is a part of an administrators job. School policies and procedures are essentially the governing documents by which your school district and school buildings are operated. It is essential that your policies and procedures be current and up-to-date. These should be reviewed and revised as necessary, and new policies and procedures should be written as needed. The following guidelines are tips and suggestions to consider when you are evaluating old policy and procedures or writing new ones. Why Is the Evaluation of School Policies and Procedures Important? Every school has a student handbook, support staff handbook, and certified staff handbook which are loaded with policies and procedures. These are vital pieces of each school because they govern the day-to-day occurrences that happen in your buildings. They are valuable because they offer the guidelines for how the administration and school board believe their school should be run. These policies come into play every single day. They are a set of expectations that all constituents within the school are held accountable by. How Do You Write Targeted Policy? Policies and procedures typically are written with a specific target audience in mind, This includes students, teachers, administrators, support staff, and even parents. Policies and procedures should be written so that the target audience understands what is being asked or directed of them. For example, a policy written for a middle school student handbook should be written at a middle school grade level and with terminology that the average middle school student will understand. What Makes a Policy Clear? A quality policy is both informative and direct meaning that the information is not ambiguous, and it is always straight to the point. It is also clear and concise. A well-written policy will not create confusion. A good policy is also up-to-date. For example, policies dealing with technology probably need frequently updated due to the rapid evolution of the technology industry itself. A clear policy is easy to understand. The readers of the policy should not only understand the meaning of the policy but understand the tone and the underlying reason the policy was written. When Do You Add New Policies or Revise Old Ones? Policies should be written and/or revised as needed. Student handbooks and such should be reviewed on a yearly basis. Administrators should be encouraged to keep documentation of all policies and procedures that they feel need to be added or revised as the school year moves along. There are times to put a piece of new or revised policy in effect immediately within a school year, but the majority of the time, the new or revised policy should go into effect the following school year. What Are Good Procedures for Adding or Revising Policies? The majority of policy should go through several channels before it is included within your proper district’s policy book. The first thing that has to happen is that a rough draft of the policy has to be written. This is usually done by a principal or other school administrator. Once the administrator is happy with the policy, then it is an excellent idea to form a review committee made up of the administrator, teachers, students, and parents. During the review committee, the administrator explains the policy and its purpose, the committee discusses the policy, makes any recommendations for revision, and decides whether it should be submitted to the superintendent for review. The superintendent then reviews the policy and may seek legal counsel to make sure the policy is legally viable. The superintendent may kick the policy back down to the review committee to make changes, may kick out the policy completely, or may send it on to the school board for them to review. The school board can vote to reject the policy, accept the policy, or may ask that a part be revised within the policy before they accept it. Once it is approved by the school board, then it becomes official school policy and is added to the appropriate district handbook.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The use of the Alternative voting system in parliamentary elections Essay
The use of the Alternative voting system in parliamentary elections would improve democracy in the united kingdom - Essay Example These reforms are sometimes evolutionary in nature and take place gradually over a long time-period; sometimes are revolutionary in nature and takes place at the spur of a moment; while at other times are deliberately brought in through changes in the legislation. UK has seen in many such reforms that have made it a modern democracy with elected representatives, from being a monarchic state (Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor, 2007, 9). My article will examine the current electoral changes that have been proposed, which signal the ushering in of the Alternative Voting system (AVs). This topic has been in debate in the UK parliament for quite some years, and is currently under review, in the House of Lords and the Parliament. My article will explore to find out whether the changes in the electoral processes that will bring in use of the Alternative Voting System or AVs in parliamentary elections, would actually work towards improving democracy in United Kingdom. Discus sion What is AV: â€Å"AV represents a very simple change to our current First-Past-the-Post (FPTP) voting system. The principle behind AV is a no-brainer: the winner in an election should need the support of a majority of the people. AV makes this happen with ‘preference voting’. ... In the present electoral process that is known as the First-Past-the–Post or FPTP, Candidate ‘A’ has garnered the maximum number of votes, and is the clearly the winner, though he hasn’t received even 50% of the total vote share, that is, majority of the voters are not backing him, yet under the present legislation, yet he must be declared the winner, thus casting aspirations on the true nature of UK democracy. However, under AV we find there are certain changes in the whole process that are certainly more democratic in nature. â€Å"With AV voters’ ‘first preferences’ are counted as before. As no candidate has 50% support the last placed candidate, ‘D’, is eliminated, and her supporters’ second preferences are transferred to the others. Still no candidate has 50% support, so candidate ‘C’ drops out and his voters’ second choices are transferred. ‘B’ emerges with majority support. She wins!†(Ibid.) Is AV more democratic in nature? A basic problem of the FPTP system that undermines the very meaning of the word democracy is that, often under this process the candidate who does not have the support of the majority of the voters, emerge as the winner. AV addresses this fundamental problem, and ensures that the winner is the person who genuinely enjoys the support of the maximum number of the voters in UK. Thus, we find we find that this system represents a more fair form of the electoral procedure, which brings forth the person who is the actual choice of the majority. The FPTPs that is in use in present day UK general elections and also used for local councils in England and Wales, is an ancient and rather outdated process, which started during the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Project Management - Communication Plan Assignment
Project Management - Communication Plan - Assignment Example The estimated price for the infrastructure needed for the ten floor building is highly fluctuating, thus we cannot put a solid price tag. As the project manager, I have seen it necessary to have the Complete Streets framework inclusive. This will set an idea that can be backed by the whole community where the building will be located. This sets a structure that can create support for ABC Tech employees and all who want safe, livable urban environments (Barnlund, 2008). Value message: The building will function effectively for all involved users – ABC Technology, Inc. technical employees, their families and clients. However, some roadways throughout the surrounding will have to be worked on to ensure that they are safe. The Ask: Coming up with a clear design and implementation procedures in place so as to ensure that all the building procedure and the necessary tools, equipments and personnel are at a position of offering quality service. Vision message: Once I manage to do this as the project manager, the ABC Technology, Inc. building will be one of its kind, as it would be both a business and residential hub offering comfort and luxury for both the families of the technical employees and the ABC Technology, Inc. clients they will be
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